Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Malcolm and the Rent Boy - 12. Chapter 12 'Bloodbrothers'
With less than an hour to go before the raid, Police HQ was buzzing. The various commands, gold, silver and bronze held mini briefings, officers tested their equipment, and everywhere bundles of maps and instructions lay scattered. But Malcolm felt rather out of it; yes, he who’d brought all this about! Without his artful mind they could never have figured out what the crooked magistrate had been up to; without his foresight in copying her records they’d have no evidence. But it was a mistake to keep Malcolm out of things! Slyly, he scanned the room to ensure that no-one was looking, and slipped a map of Baggett manor estate into his pocket, then he made his exit.
Colin, once he was equipped and properly dressed was bundled out of the building by the special officers. His two helpers were men of few words. They introduced themselves as John and Ray and that was that. And the journey to Baggett manor was carried out in silence as the three of them crouched in the back of a dog handler’s van. Overshooting the estate by about two hundred yards, the driver pulled up and his passengers jumped out. The van drove off into the evening mist. Baggett manor had extensive grounds but the perimeter walls and fences were ancient and broken down in many places. Close to the main gate, there was a small plantation of fir trees. Here, the men chose to enter, climbing the wall then shepherding Colin through the dark canopy till they approached the estate road leading to the house.
Crops officer John raised his eyebrows as if to say ‘You OK now?’
Colin smiled weakly and walked over to a narrow asphalt road that led to the manor. As he walked towards the gloomy Jacobean mansion he could feel his legs weakening under him. To his left was open farmland, his right the fir forest. He could hear the dull moan of the wind as it rustled through the trees, but of the crops officers he could see and hear nothing. Then his thigh started to talk,
‘John, John, Colin. Do you receive?’
Colin reached for the button at his sleeve,
‘Colin, yes, five and clear’
‘OK, we’re with you at eleven o’clock left hand side and three, right. Radio silence now’
Suddenly the boy felt horribly alone. The light was fading, and the moonless sky an implacable grey. Ahead he could see the courtyard of the house and the silver Range Rover parked in the corner. A few lights could be seen on the ground floor. She was at home!
Walking through the archway, he made straight for the main entrance, thankful his trainers made no noise on the cobbles. The dark mullioned windows of the house seemed to leer at him, like the eyeless sockets of an ancient skull. The lintel above the door read ‘Josiah Baget 1678’ Colin shuddered, how many horrible things had gone on in this house over the ages? And would tonight add another chapter to that ghastly tally?
But there was nothing for it; Colin rapped confidently on the door, belying how he actually felt. After a very short time he could hear footsteps, then a bolt being withdrawn. The door swung back and there she stood.
‘Come in, I’ve been expecting you’
Colin followed Felicity Scrope into the kitchen. He noticed at once the security system monitor in the corner of the room. He knew he had to position himself so that she could see only him and not that screen.
Without warning she turned, making the boy stop.
‘I knew you were trouble the first time I set eyes on you. It was so like Rupert to get mixed up with a piece of work like you’
‘Mixed up? He was the one who contacted me!’
‘I’m well aware of that, and where he met you, you filthy little toilet trader’
‘Yeah, but I’ve got news for you, I bet you....
‘NEWS! Please! You mean all that crap about you being brothers? I’ve known for, oh let me see.....yes, eighteen years!’
Colin was shaken, and, casting his eye ever so slightly to the corner of the room, he saw the monitor go blank. His stomach flipped. The police had cut the power and were in. He now needed to keep her focussed.
‘OK, so I didn’t know we were brothers, but, now I do I’m going to look out for Rupert, see he’s not made to do what he doesn’t want to’
It worked. Her eyes were now spitting fire,
‘You nasty, low bred, little charver, you’ve interfered with my plans for the last time. Since you like him so much, you can spend a bit of time with him’
She walked briskly to the unlocked gun cupboard and took out her shotgun. Colin felt sick, but he kept cool,
‘I can’t believe Rupert’s related to a monster like you’
Felicity Scrope’s face contorted with hatred,
‘Related, did you say? Of course I’m not related to him or any of that sad, sick crowd of inbreeds’
Colin edged further to his left, taking her line of vision from the monitor. He only needed to keep her attention for about forty seconds, that’s how long the police had assured him they’d take to get there. Colin persevered,
‘What do you mean? I thought you were his aunt’
‘His aunt? I am nothing to do with this family. I was adopted by Rupert’s grandparents. His grandmother couldn’t have children, or so they said, then after twelve years of marriage, she had a daughter, Clarissa. Everything changed after that and I ceased to exist’
‘Right, and when that daughter, Rupert’s mother, got married and gave birth to him, that pushed you even further down the pecking order’
Colin was now shaking visibly. Where were the police? For Christ’s sake, hurry up. And his last comment had struck a raw nerve with the demented woman.
‘This estate is mine by right. I’ve run it successfully all these years and I’m not letting it slip into the hands of some wimpy, anaemic, little prat; never, do you hear, as long as my name’s.....
‘Mavis Dixon’
The magistrate froze on the spot.
‘Yes, Mavis Dixon, that’s your real name, isn’t it?’
Malcolm had entered the kitchen from the adjoining dining room and was standing behind Felicity Scrope. The magistrate, still facing Colin, and without moving an inch, narrowed her eyes,
‘We have a visitor. I don’t know how he got in but he’ll tell me’
Malcolm walked over and joined Colin.
‘I know all about you, Mavis, where you came from, how you hatched that plan to take the estate away from Rupert; oh yes, and all the money laundering you’re involved in’
Felicity Scrope raised the firearm, pointing now at Malcolm.
‘And I know who you are! You’re that disgusting old sodomite’
‘Sodomite? How dare you! That was just the once, Canal Street 1966, I’ve been consistently catamite ever since!’
‘Sodomite, catamite, you’ll all burn! Sometimes I think this country will sink under the weight of faggots! And you humiliated me at the tribunal, standing there as I was with your filthy porn in my hands, ‘College boys take it up the...
‘Frat Boys like It Hot and Hard’ I think you mean, and...
‘SILENCE’ she shrieked, eyes now bulging,
‘You don’t frighten me’ lied Malcolm, ‘That’s not loaded’
But Felicity Scrope’s wild eyes had just caught sight of the blank monitor; she immediately realised what was going on.
and she fired at the screen shattering everything in the corner of the room. The crazed creature got ready to reload.
Malcolm glanced at Colin who appeared hypnotised. Then the old trains freak took off his floor length Mack and, holding it open, threw it over the magistrate’s arms and gun. As she flailed about trying to free herself from the sordid garment Colin leapt across and wrestled her to the ground, holding her face down.
The gunshot had provoked reaction. The courtyard was now flooded with dragon lights and the voice of Detective Inspector Jameson echoed around,
‘Felicity Scrope, Mavis Dixon, whatever you call yourself, put down your weapon and come out’
‘Bit late for that’
grinned Colin, sitting astride the fallen woman. He’d been in this position many times and had held dealt with all types of violent thrusting. She’d be no problem.
Miss Scrope had now resigned herself to her fate and completely quietened down. As the room filled with police, DI Jameson cautioned her and she sat up,
‘I’ll come quietly, no need for the lawyer or the handcuffs. But for God’s sake get this filthy coat off me, it’s got stale cream and something indescribable in the pockets!
The uproar had alerted Rupert, who’d started shouting and was quickly released. The police wanted to have him checked out at hospital but he insisted on finding his brother first. As he entered the kitchen he saw Colin and Malcolm sitting on the sofa, looking rather dazed.
Rupert pushed through the melee of police and flung his arms around the rent boy.
‘You have no idea how good it is to see you. I was so afraid when I heard the gunshot, are you OK?’
Colin seemed a bit distant.
‘Yeah, OK. It was Malcolm who sorted it. The police went AWOL.’
Malcolm intervened.
‘Well I was here all along. I know it was wrong of me but I took one of their maps of the estate and followed directions. The police planned to disarm the security but it misfired. When they killed the power a metal barricade on the estate road rose up and locked. They couldn’t get their vehicles past and had to move everything by hand’
‘But how did you get in the house?’ asked Rupert.
‘Well that’s the oddest thing. When I went around the front of the house, the French windows to the dining room were standing open’
Colin understood,
‘I’ve got it, those crops guys must have forced the door, but where’ve they gone?’
‘I don’t know, but I do know I need a cup of tea’
Colin leapt up,
‘I’ll help’
Malcolm turned to look at Rupert, sitting alone on the sofa. Over at the sink Malcolm took hold of Colin’s arm,
‘Look, you’ve been through a tough time here, but be kind to Rupert. We don’t know the full story yet but he’s been through hell, and even though that evil bitch is no relation to him, she’s still been part of his life for eighteen years. Think about what he’s lost’
Colin said nothing and continued to prepare the tea. Malcolm wandered off to find some police officer or other to bore. The rent boy turned to look at his half brother, sitting dazed and alone on the sofa, and his heart finally melted. He finished making the mug of tea, put a shot of whisky in it and went over to Rupert,
‘Here’s something nice and stiff. Get it inside you!’
Rupert took the mug, but didn’t giggle as once he would.
Colin put his arm around him,
‘I’m sorry. I’ve been a right twat, haven’t I? You’ve had a shit time and I thought I was the only one suffering’
He pulled Rupert close and the other felt the warmth and genuineness of the action. Rupert put his head on Colin’s chest, and looked up into those beautiful eyes, now registering real humanity for the first time.
‘I know we shouldn’t do this, so maybe just this once’
Colin smiled, then leaned over and kissed Rupert on the lips, but Rupert pulled him closer,
‘Do it like you mean it’
‘I do mean it, you daft thing. I love you, and am going to be here for you from now on. And something else, if the hospital lets you come home tonight, we’ll spend the night together and I’ll hold you all night long’
‘And promise you’ll not charge’
Colin gave him a playful thump.
Malcolm meanwhile had caught up with Ray, the crops officer and was demanding an explanation. Where had they got to? Hadn’t they spotted the danger he and Colin were in? Ray was totally unfazed,
‘We had you covered all the time, from next door. But we wanted to get some great footage of that crazy bitch with the gun. That should put her away for years. Result’
The crops officer tapped his camera with a look of satisfaction. Malcolm responded,
‘Well Ray, I must say how good you look in that camouflage. The twigs and leaves on your cap and face paint are pure genius. Perhaps you’d like me to take some footage of you. I’ve always had a thing about men in uniform. Perhaps we could start with you taking it off’
But Ray suddenly found he needed to be somewhere else urgently.
‘Oh well’ sighed Malcolm, ‘there’s always another day’ and he wandered back into the kitchen just in time to see his beloved Mack being bundled into a large plastic exhibits bag.
‘Eh up, what do you think you’re doing with that?’ he yelped,
The forensic officer held the item aloft,
‘There’s enough DNA and bacteria on this to keep us busy for the next six months’
The boys laughed,
‘And it’s like a guide to every lay by, sauna and toilet in northern England’ added Colin.
Malcolm looked offended,
‘Well I’m sorry, I’m not letting you take it away’
Colin leapt up, went over to the forensic officer and whispered in his ear. The scientist pondered a moment then turned to Malcolm,
‘We’ll have a whip round and give you twenty quid for the coat’
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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