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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Malcolm and the Rent Boy - 6. Chapter 6 'An Odd Couple'

The sauna takes its toll and Malcolm ends up leaving under difficult circumstances. He exchanges confidences with Colin and leaves the boy more anxious than ever. Why can't old people be trusted?

Malcolm ‘An Odd Couple’

Rupert had never felt anything like it. His only previous sexual experiences comprised knocking as much seed out of himself as he could, as often as possible. This usually had the effect of a quick hit and a mildly sore shaft. Now he was feeling altogether different. The bare wooden slats of the bench pressed on an area between his anus and scrotum that he’d completely overlooked. It was now buzzing, contracting, swamping him with delicious sensations as Colin steadily stimulated him. He was in no doubt about the orgasm he’d have, he just couldn’t believe where it was starting out from; the volcano was well and truly on the move.

But where was Malcolm during all this?

Well, after he’d wandered around the sauna for ages, he’d returned to the lockers to dump his steamed-up spectacles without which he was virtually blind. He then went off to see if he could find anybody, and finally he came to a room where he could hear men. It was the ‘treatment room’

Gently easing open the door Malcolm was struck by a bizarre sight. His friend Dave was face down on a bench and groaning wildly. Straddling him, and thrusting urgently downwards, was the massive frame of Calvin.

‘My God’ thought Malcolm ‘why don’t things like that happen to me?’

Malcolm blinked and rubbed his eyes. If only he had his specs. Neither Dave nor Calvin was aware the ancient train spotter had entered the room.

‘Harder, harder!’ gasped Dave Heinz. ‘Don’t spare me. I can take all you have to give and more’

Malcolm, now convinced that he was the uninvited voyeur of a rabid sex session between Dave and Calvin, decided that he might as well be a partaker rather than viewer. In a moment of madness the timid pensioner reached over to Calvin, grabbed hold of the doorman’s towel and pulled it off.

Regrettably, Calvin was a traditional kind of bouncer; one who acts first. Swinging round he launched at Malcolm’s head with his left hook. The old man was knocked flat, blood pouring from his nose.

‘You saw that?’ screamed the bouncer.

Dave Heinz was utterly unconcerned, he yawned,

‘Yeah. He shouldn’t have pulled your towel off. But he’ll be OK, it’s just a nose bleed.’

Malcolm got to his feet and staggered out. Down the corridor he went, clutching at the wall, leaving red hand prints. He was injured, blind and lost. But wait! He could hear voices in the steam room. He stopped at the door, peering into the foggy interior. There were moans.

‘God, don’t stop, please don’t stop. I’m almost....’

Colin had no intention of stopping, except that someone had opened the door and was suspended there like Frankenstein’s monster.

‘Help, someone, my dose is broken’ whimpered the figure at the entrance.

The open door allowed the steam to escape and second by second the apparition became clearer. Rupert looked down at Colin, who’d paused, and whispered,

‘Oh God I can’t believe it, it’s that ancient troll I told you about from the club, in the dark room, you know? Please tell me this isn’t happening’

The pathetic figure, sensing no reply teetered off down the corridor.

‘I’ve got to go after him’ said Colin, jumping up and replacing his towel.

‘For God’s sake, no! He’s an idiot, leave him.’

But Colin had already darted from the room in pursuit of Malcolm.

Rupert laid back and fondled himself. He could hear vague noises upstairs as Colin and Lorimar did what they could for the aged train spotter, bandaging his nose, dressing him and calling a cab. But at no point was Rupert bothered enough to go and see if he could help.

Finally, boredom overcame the young aristocrat and he got up, wrapped the towel around his waist and went to explore. And it wasn’t long before he discovered Dave Heinz in the treatment room. His ‘massage’ was complete and Calvin had returned to the reception to see what all the noise was about. Dave chose to remain on the slab and bask in the afterglow, a towel draped over his head. The afternoon had gone well for him, but it was about to get even better. Though he could scarcely believe it there was a young man standing in the doorway wearing a towel that appeared to be held in place by an erection.

As far Rupert was concerned he saw only the relatively fit figure of the elderly Mr Heinz lying there. But when Dave removed his towel, and raised himself up on his elbows the young man had to work hard to stifle his nausea.

‘My God, it’s Skeletor!’ though Rupert as he stared at that crinkled cranium. And his own towel dropped to the floor, despite his penis acting rather like a coat peg.

Now, in a rational world Dave Heinz would have realised that, whatever it was that was stimulating Rupert’s groin, it was not he. But this is not a rational world, it’s often an opportunist one, and nobody was better suited to seizing the moment that Dave. He jumped off the bench and, kneeling in front of the naked Rupert said,

‘If I’m not mistaken I believe there’s something I can do for you’

Rupert was learning fast. Without saying a word, he held down the old man’s head and took control. He’d just discovered the best aphrodisiac in the world, power. What a day this was turning out to be!

Upstairs Lorimar and Calvin stood at the window, watching as Colin helped Malcolm into the waiting cab, and got in alongside. Calvin turned to the attendant,

‘It looks like he’s going to the hospital with the old guy. Nice kid that Colin. Everyone at the club thinks the world of him’

Lorimar said nothing. His feelings for Colin ran stronger than words. It was bad enough to see the object of his fantasies arrive with another boy, but now he had to stand and watch as he left with a bleeding geriatric.


The cab pulled up at the hospital and Colin helped Malcolm out.

‘I’ll get the fare’ said Colin, handing the cab driver a £20 note.

Malcolm had lost blood but the sight of money going to a cab driver made him feel even fainter.

The cabbie performed that half-hearted rummage for change that they do, indicating they’d rather like you to leave it as a tip.

‘Keep the change’ added Colin, sizing up the situation.

The ‘change’ came to £4 and would have kept Malcolm in baked beans for a year. Colin, taking the injured man’s arm, steered him towards the Accident and Emergency. The waiting area was full, as both had feared and, after registering, they were invited to take a seat and wait.

‘Would you like some water?’ Colin asked.

‘Yes, that’s kind of you’

It was kind. Malcolm now had had enough time to reflect on how much he owed the young man. He watched as Colin went to the drinking fountain and filled a plastic cup, a simple enough act in itself, but one that drew the eyes of almost everyone in the foyer. Colin was strikingly handsome and, dressed even in the most casual of gear as he was, people were drawn to him. He returned with the water.

‘I feel such a fool’ Malcolm began. ‘I mean, what was I thinking? I shouldn’t be going to saunas at my age, or clubs for that matter’

Colin couldn’t disagree but was too kind to say anything.

‘What will you tell the nurse?’ he asked

‘Oh, that I slipped on the floor or something’

‘Yeah, like they’ll have never heard that one’ added Colin laughing.

Then he took out his mobile.

‘I’m just gonna ring Mum, OK? She starts work soon’

He made the call and gave her a pretty full account of what had happened though he was careful to edit the goings on in the sauna and he didn’t mention Malcolm’s name, even though he’d discovered it when they checked in.

‘Where does your Mum work’ asked Malcolm rather seriously.

‘In the cafeteria in the city railway station’ was the reply.

The two men looked at each other, both sensing déjà vu. Colin was first to break the silence.

‘I remember. You’re the guy who likes trains. I called on you once but, erm, we didn’t really get round to anything. You remember?’

Malcolm did, but he was stony faced. Ordinarily a man who wouldn’t use one word if he could use ten, he was now consciously choosing each word very carefully.

‘You are Colin Blenkinsop. Your mother is Julie Blenkinsop and your uncle is also called Colin, like you’

Colin watched, but said nothing.

‘The time’s right to tell you something’

Again, silence.

‘I used to teach at Edenfields Comp. Your mother and uncle both attended. I never actually taught Julie, but I did teach young Colin. He was in 1c and I was form master.’

Still silence

‘Your Mum left school at fifteen. She was pregnant with you. Did you know that?’

‘Yeah, of course. Me, Mum and Uncle Colin, we all lived with my Nan’

‘Did any of them ever talk about me’

‘About you?


‘No, far as I know. I mean, how would I know? I didn’t know your name’

‘And your uncle said nothing?’

But Colin was now just staring.

Malcolm took another sip of water then began, lapsing into his Yorkshire dialect,

‘About the time your mother was pregnant I got in a spot of bother. It were nowt, or at least, it should’ve been nowt. But you know folks, and their gossip. I were sorry when Julie got knocked up. She wouldn’t tell anybody who the father were, she wouldn’t accept any help....’

Colin dropped his head and covered his eyes with his hand.

‘After you were born we all knew at school that you and your mother were living with your Nan. That’s when I first thought I could ‘elp’

The waiting area was now humming with activity, announcements and noise but the two men had slipped into a world of their own.

‘Your uncle were a super, little kid, bright too. He were interested in trains. I suggested he might like to start up a railway club at school but the other lads took Mickey out of him. That’s when I suggested he come wi’ me. You know, nothing special. Just little runs out to see trains. I packed some lunch, an’ that. And when he got properly interested I’d buy him a few books to write the train numbers in, you know...

Colin kept his head down.

‘But one day I got called in to see Headmaster. There’d been a complaint. Not your folks, mind, but someone, anonymous. They’d accused me of....

Here he paused,

... of improper conduct. Said police should be called’

‘And were they’ asked Colin, finally raising his head.

‘No. There were no need. Nowt happened. But it were enough to put an end to my career’

‘I’m sorry about that, but, like you say nobody in our family accused you. That’s something isn’t it? ’

‘Well, yes and no’ Malcolm continued irritatingly.

‘You see - and no disrespect to your mother - she’s had a hard time of it, but she were protecting somebody and I had to pay the price. You see, she would never tell anybody who...


The announcement came again.

‘Malcolm Tripp, to treatment room 8’.

Malcolm got to his feet

‘Who, who was what? What?’ Colin was on his feet too.

‘Look, I’ve got to get this seen to now. I think I’ve said too much already anyway. I’m a bit upset today’

‘Yeah, well I’m upset now, as well. Come on. Just give me another minute. What were you gonna tell me?’

‘No, I’ve said enough’

And he turned his back on the young man who’d done so much for him that day and walked down the corridor and out of sight.

Colin grabbed a cup of water and sat back down. Why did his life take him two steps forward then three back? He just didn’t know. He always did what he felt was right, like his mother had taught him.


Checking that he had enough cash for the bus home, Colin left the hospital and was just about to cross the car park when a new, silver Range Rover tore up and braked sharply. The driver’s window came down and a pale face crowned with orange curls popped out. Rupert always looked like he was wearing a Trick or Treat wig.

‘That kid in the sauna told me where the hospital was. I’ve been waiting for you. Jump in. I’ve got a surprise for you’

Colin was through with surprises for one day but he appreciated the lift and jumped in. Who likes buses? Rupert was upbeat,

‘That old guy sorted now?’

‘No. He was in seeing the nurse when I left’

‘He’ll be disappointed when he comes out and finds you gone’

‘Yeah, well that’s tough. I did what I could. I think I’m through with him’

Rupert looked a bit surprised, this was not like Colin.

‘Well, we’re going back to my place and I’m going to give you some TLC’

‘Sorry, Rupert, but I’m working tonight’

‘Oh that’s sorted. I rang the club and told them you wouldn’t be in’

‘You WHAT?!’


They’d reached lights and were held in traffic. Rupert put his hand on Colin’s leg and soothed him,

‘Look, just come back to my place for a beer and a bit of a break. And If you still want to work tonight, we’ll call them and I’ll bring you into town. Sound OK?’

Colin shrugged a sort of ‘Whatever’ then resumed looking out of the window. He said nothing. The car left the city and made its way up the dale to Rupert’s place. The scenery changed, suburbs gave place to countryside, leafy lanes turned to bleak moors. Colin finally broke the silence,

‘You live in some sort of castle, don’t you?’

‘No’, laughed Rupert, ‘just a manor house, Baggett Manor, and here it is, just coming up’

They’d arrived. The electric gates swung silently open and admitted them to a long drive at the end of which was the creepiest house Colin had ever seen. Not only that, but he was overcome by a feeling that he knew this place. His stomach was churning. As an escort he’d been in loads of odd situations but he’d never felt out of his depth. Now he felt he was drowning.

Creepy Baggett Manor: is Colin doing the right thing? And what secrets does Rupert hide in his closet?
Dave McGee writing as Sendraguy 2009
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