Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Malcolm and the Rent Boy - 9. Chapter 9 'Strangers in the Night'
Rupert was stunned. The news he’d just overheard was literally incomprehensible. It was one thing to discover his father had another child, but that he, Rupert, had come to know that son - and so intimately – well, that was pretty overwhelming stuff. Three times he tried to call Colin, but without success. Finally he texted,
‘Hi Col. Are you OK? I’m so worried for you. Please get back to me’
Rupert sat down on the bed and awaited a reply, but none came. He gazed abstractedly around Malcolm’s spare bedroom. The threadbare 1930s furnishings depressed him and he sensed the place smelled of mothballs and stale urine. Finally he went downstairs hoping to make himself a drink, but navigating the kitchen at 33 Lilac Oval was not for the faint hearted, and he gave up in disgust when he discovered that even the tea had been locked away. Wandering into the living room he glanced at the TV guide and saw that Malcolm had highlighted two features for the evening’s viewing. But neither ‘A day in the life of the Silesian fruit wasp’ nor ‘Trains you have loved’ was a programme Rupert would have selected. Yes, it was going to be a long night. Just then Malcolm returned indoors from the garden. Without thinking, Rupert blurted out,
‘I heard everything you said to Colin, about his father and mine’
Malcolm did not reply, so Rupert continued,
‘I’ve tried ringing him three times but there’s no response’
‘Yes, well maybe he’s got a lot more to figure out than you’ observed the elder.
‘How come you know so much about all this?’
Malcolm took Rupert’s hand, making the young man recoil slightly,
‘Do you remember the first day we met, the day I came to the Deanery Book Shop to work?’
‘How could I forget? That’s the day you got hauled off for that parking violation. What a day! My aunt had a tax tribunal to attend and found that she’d picked up a folder that belonged to you. Inside, it had railway magazines and porn’
Malcolm continued, unabashed,
‘Yes, but more to the point, I’d taken her folder by mistake too. Fortunately, I was shrewd enough to copy the important documents before it was returned to her’
Malcolm handed Rupert a copy letter. It came from a prestigious firm of city solicitors and was addressed to his aunt Miss Felicity Scrope, JP. This is what it said:
Dear Madam,
Thank you for your recent enquiry. We have inspected the will and last testament of the late Major R Baggett, and also made enquiries at Her Majesty’s Land Registry, following which we can confirm that Rupert Bagget-Scrope esquire, on his twenty first birthday shall inherit the entire estate of his late father Major Rory Baggett; to include the dwelling known as Baggett Manor. If however the aforementioned Rupert Baggett-Scrope should marry at any point before his twenty first birthday such marriage will invalidate the inheritance, and the estate in its entirety will default to the current incumbent Miss Felicity Scrope.
Malcolm watched intently as Rupert read and re-read the letter, but the young man showed no emotion. Malcolm broke the silence,
‘Let’s go for a walk’
Together they left the house, walked along Lilac Oval, over the green and out of town. Nothing was said by either. After about half an hour they reached open countryside. Malcolm led the way down a narrow lane that terminated beside a busy railway line, there he stopped and turned to Rupert,
‘I first came here as a young lad. It was to see the trains of course. In those days this place used to be something of a Lovers’ Lane, it might still be as far as I know’
Malcolm glanced down at his feet. All around were fast food cartons, wrappers, used condoms, tissue and all the other evidences of casual sex, done in cars or al fresco.
‘And I’ve been back here many times over the years’
Just then a train roared by; Rupert stared at it apathetically. Malcolm, irritated by his inability to stimulate any sort of reaction in the young man, decided to move up a gear,
‘And this was where I first saw your father, the place where he brought Julie Blenkinsop. Aye, this is where she came as a lass and left as a mother to be, the mother of your half brother Colin’
Rupert glared at Malcolm,
‘You seem to have been in the right place at the right time rather a lot. How are you so sure that the man you saw was my father?’
‘It was his car. I’m a train spotter don’t forget. It’s all about the numbers for me. I remember it was a flashy yellow sports car’
‘And there are plenty of them’ added Rupert sharply,
‘Aye, but not with that number! It had a personal plate. ‘B-A–G-one-T’ Even then, nearly twenty years ago, I remember trying to work out what it could be. The only sensible choice was the name Baggett.
‘So you were watching my father and this woman in his car. Did you have a good view?’ Rupert sounded sarcastic. Malcolm was undeterred,
‘Yes I did. I had binoculars, helps me see the trains better’
‘Yes, and couples screwing; bit pervy if you ask me’
Rupert looked every bit as spiteful as he sounded, but Malcolm remained gracious,
‘Have you tried Colin’s number again?’
‘Yes, but there’s no reply’
‘Come on then, let’s get back. There’s a lot to do’
No part of the approaching evening at Lilac Oval appealed to Rupert, least of all the idea of sleeping there alone. He was achingly hungry but knew, despite Malcolm’s many inventive ways with baked beans and a frying pan, he’d have to decline. Colin could handle all that ‘roughing-it’ stuff but not he.
God, how he missed the young man who overnight had become his half-brother! How much more sorted and self-reliant was the kid who’d received none of the advantages he himself had. Then his thoughts turned to the intimacy they’d shared. And he felt his face colouring. Because he’d wanted Colin, he wanted Colin to be beside him, on him, in him, anything just to be with him. But where was he now? Nobody knew.
Rupert had slipped into another world as they walked up the lane. Malcolm knew he had to pull him back to the present,
‘I need you to tell me exactly what your aunt’s business was, just what she did’
Rupert was grateful for the chance to change his train of thought,
‘She‘s essentially a designer, creating decor and advising on fabrics and materials; but on a pretty big scale, you know. Nothing domestic’
‘Yes, but did you see her designing, actually working at a drawing board, or measuring, cutting out, sampling?’
‘No, never’
‘And didn’t that strike you as odd?’
‘Not especially’
Malcolm groaned, what were young people coming to? He continued,
‘Now to the other matter: do you remember the day Grassping House opened to the public for the first time?’
‘How could I forget? That was the day you blundered into the stables, spooked the horse and caused chaos’
‘And who was that girl in the stables who was helping you with your trousers?’
‘Cressida Bruhme-Handell’
‘The girl you’re going to marry’
‘What?’ Rupert stopped walking and stared at Malcolm.
‘Yes, that’s exactly what’s planned for you – and soon. And, once you’re married the estate that’s rightfully yours will go to your aunt. You’ll lose everything. Now, you might think we can fritter the night away watching railway films, my lad, but we’ve some serious work to do if your life’s not to be ruined. I’m going into town now to see the police and you’re staying here!’
Rupert had rarely felt worse
Colin collapsed onto the bed and curled into the foetal position. He didn’t know where he was and cared even less. He was only moments away from sinking into alcoholic oblivion, but, before the surfeit of vodka carried him away there was still time enough to review the pain of the day. How could his mother have kept the truth from him? What was the point? Why couldn’t she trust him? It was because of her stupidity in not confiding in him that – without realising - he’d ended up meeting the man who was his half brother. That was bad enough, but worse had followed. The guy he’d first thought of as a toffee-nosed nerd had become his friend, then more.
He cast back his mind to their time at the club, in the sauna, and most of all at Baggett Manor and he cringed. How were they ever going to put things like that straight? Then he fell into a fitful, drunken sleep.
Lorimar opened the bedroom door and stood for a few moments to check that Colin was asleep. What a night it had been! The Carnivore had asked the sauna receptionist if he could do a shift in the club to cover staff shortages and he’d reluctantly agreed. When he saw Colin there too, he assumed that it was either to work or hook up. Neither was the case; instead the rent boy remained in a corner and poured vodka after vodka down his throat. As the evening wore on Lorimar had plucked up the courage to ask Colin was what up. He could make no sense of the replies he got but when he realised that Colin needed a bed for the night it provided him with the break he needed.
So, there was Colin, lying on Lorimar’s bed, face buried in the pillow. The situation was not ideal, Lorimar would have preferred those beautiful hazel eyes sparkling with laughter and the promise of a night to remember. He wanted Colin to kiss him, hold him tight and love him. Instead, his fantasy lover was comatose with drink. But if this was all there was on offer then he’d take it. Who knew what might develop?
Lorimar sat down on the bed and took off Colin’s shoes and socks. He held one of the naked feet, stroking it gently. Even his feet were perfect. God, how one human being could be endowed with so much personal beauty was beyond him. Then he unbuttoned the jeans and tugged at them. Colin stirred a little then rolled onto his back. The boy who adored him pulled gently but firmly as the jeans slid down the bed uncovering Colin’s legs and bringing with them his trunks. Lorimar casually dropped the items on the floor then looked at the semi naked form. A frisson ran the length of his spine as his imagination kicked in, but he needed to remain focussed too. He laid the lightweight duvet over the sleeping form and went to the bathroom to shower.
When he returned Colin had still not moved and was now breathing softly and steadily. Lorimar leant over and kissed him lightly on the lips, then went to the other side of the bed and climbed in. The disturbance roused Colin who turned to lie on his left side. Perfect! Lorimar, naked and warm from the shower climbed into bed and lay on his left side close to Colin.
Good and evil angels were at combat. Lorimar knew that what he was planning was wrong and irresponsible, but he also knew that a guy like Colin would never look twice at him. Tonight, just this once, things would go his way. He gently thrust his buttocks towards Colin’s groin, and snuggled in, allowing the warmth to build between them. Slowly, but insistently Lorimar maintained subtle gyrations until the reaction he sought began.
As the minutes passed he could feel Colin’s stiffening increase and press against the small of his back. Lorimar had condoms, but none that would fit Colin and, using this shabby logic, he abandoned common sense. Reaching behind he took hold of Colin, shivering with excitement as he registered the hardness. The rent boy, still sound asleep reached over with his right arm and held the body lying beside him. Lorimar’s good angel told him to relish this moment, enjoy its intimacy and ask for no more. But when is enough ever enough?
Lorimar reached awkwardly over to the night stand and took out some lube. He poured a small amount into the palm of his hand and waited a moment to let it warm. He had earlier prepared himself after showering. Now he applied the liquid to Colin taking care not to wake him. Lorimar was now lost. Colin was rent boy and had been with many men, but none of this could overcome the urgency Lorimar felt to have the boy he adored inside him.
Just then a mobile rang. The sound came from Colin’s jacket and it grew louder with each unanswered ring.
Damn! Lorimar got up as quietly as he could and went to the door where the jacket was hanging up, but already he could see that Colin was waking. Lorimar grabbed the mobile and checked the screen,
Then, glancing over to ensure Colin wasn’t looking, he switched off the phone. Gingerly, he tiptoed back to the bed to see if he could regain the moment he’d so carefully engineered.
But it wasn’t to be. Colin had opened his eyes and was wiping them wearily.
‘Was that my phone?’ he asked.
Lorimar panicked,
‘Yeah, but I just switched it off, cos you need to sleep’
‘OK, but it might have been important’
And Colin was coming to terms with two additional facts. First, he was wearing only a T-shirt and secondly he had an erection. He blinked in confusion as he traced a sticky forefinger over himself. He was just about to demand an explanation when the doorbell rang, accompanied by an angry hammering at the door,
‘Colin, I know you’re in there. It’s Rupert. We’ve got to talk!’
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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