Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Price of Revelation - 10. Chapter 10
The Price of Revelation
by Tiffani Chin
Chapter 10
West clenched his fists around the blender handle, staring at the table directly in front of him. Sean was smiling and blushing, his fingers resting on his laptop, a smoothie cup resting behind his hand.
West listened to the conversation, glaring at the tall lanky blond that had just walked into the store. He recognized the guy. Chris was in the same year as him at school. He was also openly gay and flirted with any guy, gay or straight. West could care less if the anorexic blond hit on every guy out there, just not his Sean!
“So are you going to call me, cutie?” Chris asked charmingly, slipping a napkin into Sean’s hands, touching Sean’s fingers briefly.
West was about the break the blender in his hands.
Sean turned a darker shade of red. “I, um. Well, I’m uh, kind of seeing someone right now.”
“Are you guys serious?” Chris asked raising one perfectly waxed eyebrow.
“Umm,” Sean scratched his head, ducking slightly, risking a glance at West.
Chris laughed and ran his hand along Sean’s freshly buzzed hair. “That’s a no, I’m assuming. Call me and I’ll show you around. We’ll have a good time, I promise.” He winked. He casually turned and walked out the door breezily, without a care in the world.
Sean fiddled with the napkin, looking at it. West yanked Beth away from the cash register, handing her the clean blender, and walked around the counter until he was in front of Sean. He snatched the napkin out of Sean’s hand.
“You won’t be needing this,” West said firmly, rolling the napkin into a ball and aiming for the garbage. He threw it, his fingertips stretched. He and Sean watched as the napkin sailed directly in.
Sean looked at West questioningly. “Why did you do that?” he asked in a neutral tone.
“Like I said, you won’t need it,” West repeated himself. When Sean continued to stare up at him, West started explaining. “You’re with me. End of story.”
A red flush made its way to Sean’s face. “Do I get a say in this?”
“Nope,” West answered. “I know we agreed that this wouldn’t be a serious thing since you’d be leaving at the end of August, but that doesn’t mean I want you going out with other guys,” he huffed out. “Especially right in front of me! For the rest of the summer, you’re mine.” West knew he sounded immature and petty, but he couldn’t help it. If he had to see Sean kissing other guys, West was afraid he might not be able to control his temper.
Sean stared up at him. West waited for his reaction. “Come here,” Sean said.
West frowned. “What?”
“Come here,” Sean insisted motioning with his hand.
Still frowning, West bent down, moving his face closer to Sean.
“Closer,” Sean said.
Finally West’s face was within inches of Sean’s. His eyes widened in surprise when Sean’s hand wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling him forward.
Sean’s lips were soft and warm, his tongue flickered teasingly. The kiss was gentle and brief, but their lips lingered. West forgot where he was for a moment. Sean laughed quietly, putting his hand on West’s chest and nudging him backwards.
Sean grabbed West’s chin. “If I can’t see anyone else, neither can you. Guy or girl. For the rest of the summer, you’re mine too.”
West smiled, pinching Sean’s nose. Sean made a face and slapped West’s hand away.
“You got yourself a deal, darling,” West smirked.
“Get out of my face,” Sean shot back, shoving West with more force. West laughed, barely moving backwards. “You’re such a fucking asshole,” Sean muttered. “I don’t know why I even bother with you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” West rolled his eyes, running his fingers along Sean’s cheek, loving the smooth feel of Sean’s skin. He smiled when Sean shivered. “You still like me anyway, if last night was any indication,” West said in a low voice.
Sean felt his face heat up, recalling their night together at the closed smoothie shop.
They had initially started out talking, with West admitting he had felt an attraction towards Sean from the moment they had met. His feelings for Sean had grown and his odd behavior for the past week was due to him sorting everything out.
“Is everything sorted out?” Sean had asked raising his brow. “You decided you like me and now what? You’re just okay with liking guys? That fast?” He had appeared skeptical.
“Not guys,” West had corrected him. “Just you, you little shit. You’ve been driving me crazy all this time! And no, I’m not okay with it. I still don’t know what to make of it. But I know that I like you and I just want you,” West had groaned, biting his lip. “I’m hoping we can spend time together and I’ll figure this out as I go along.”
That’s when they had stopped talking and moved onto other things. They didn’t do much more than kiss and rub against each other, but the memory of it was enough to cause Sean’s pants to grow tight.
Sean’s breathing grew ragged, remembering the feel of West’s hands on him, remembering how West had pushed him onto a table, flat on his back, and kissed him with such hunger. Sean could feel the heat of West’s body, even now.
He was thankful he was sitting in a booth and that West was blocking him from others. He shifted uncomfortably.
West smiled, no doubt knowing the reason behind Sean’s sudden discomfort.
“Just get out of here,” Sean hissed.
West laughed. “I’ll make you something to eat to go along with your smoothie.” With one last glance he disappeared.
Sean sighed and willed his erection to go down. He stared at the laptop screen, trying to get his mind to focus on something other than West and the feel of his kisses.
West walked into the back and was putting together a sandwich for Sean, when Beth grabbed his arm.
“Did I just see you kiss a guy?” she asked in disbelief, her brown eyes wide.
Beth had worked in his parent’s smoothie shop since high school. He had known her for many years and although they weren’t close friends, they always enjoyed working together.
West shrugged. “Yeah.”
Beth appeared stunned. “You mean you’re…” she sputtered. “Really?”
“Why, what’s the big deal?” West snapped.
She took a step back. “Nothing,” she stammered. “But I’ve worked here since I was sixteen. In those five years I never knew you were into guys.”
West’s shoulders sagged at her apologetic tone. “Sorry. This is all new to me. That guy out there, I met him about a month ago. He’s been messing with my mind ever since. He’s the first guy, no person, who has made me feel this way. I don’t know what to do about it. You know how I hate stressing about anything. This is too much for me to even think about.”
“Are you guys dating?”
“More like spending our summer together,” West answered. “He doesn’t live in California. He lives in Jersey and is going to Princeton in September. He’s just staying with his uncles for the summer,” West explained. “There’s no point in having anything serious with him.”
“Do you want to?” Beth asked frowning, detecting the subtle note of regret in West’s voice.
West shook his head. “No, of course not,” he answered quickly. “No. I mean, it would be useless. No. He doesn’t want that either. No. No, of course not. That would be silly. Nope.”
Beth studied him for a few seconds. “Well, nothing wrong with liking guys. I like guys, too,” she said with a straight face. “Nothing to be ashamed of, West.”
West burst out laughing. “Thanks for cheering me up, Beth.”
Beth sighed. “It is a damn waste though, for us ladies. I always thought you were hot.” Her eyes ran up and down his body appreciatively. “The only reason why I never had a crush on you was because you could be so obnoxious. But you’re still hot.”
“I still like girls, I just like Sean better,” West said, realizing the truth of that statement.
“Is he that guy in the corner?” Beth asked. “He’s cute.” She learned forward and stared at West expectantly.
“What?” he asked.
“Aren’t you going to tell me in great detail why you like him and how you made the moves on him? That was a nice kiss back there,” she snickered. “Don’t hold out, girlfriend,” she drawled.
“Get back to work!” West ordered his face red.
Beth’s loud giggles filled his ears after she moved back to the front. He shook his head and when he stepped out with the sandwich, he saw Beth standing beside Sean’s table, introducing herself. Sean smiled at her, shaking her hand. A few seconds later, both Beth and Sean looked over at West.
“Oh, shit,” West mumbled as he hurried over wondering what she was saying to Sean.
“Hold on,” Storm said stepping outside. “The house gets shitty reception.” The humid air hit him and Storm grimaced. “Sky? Can you hear me?”
“Yeah, much better,” Skyler answered. “What were you saying before? You were breaking up so much I didn’t catch any of it.”
“Remember how I sent Rachel and Sammy to Hela and Bryce’s?” Storm began. “It turns out Ethan, that crazy fucker, has been stalking all of us! Rachel was buying groceries with Sammy in another town, and he showed up.”
“Really?” Skyler sounded shocked. “What did he do?”
“He didn’t do anything but talk to her, but he really scared her. The fact that he was there freaked her out. It’s freaking me out! He acted like it was completely normal. Sky, he’s a fucking loon!” Storm exclaimed. “My son sure knows how to pick them.”
Skyler snorted.
“Are you laughing?” Storm demanded. “This is no laughing matter, Skyler.”
“No,” Skyler said coughing. He cleared his throat. “Of course not. That’s not funny. Not funny at all.”
“He said he’s coming for Sean,” Storm said, worry eating his insides. “I don’t know what his plans are. Sometimes I think he’s just fucking with us, but then other times I wonder if all this is leading up to something much worse. I can’t worry about Sean, and Rachel and Sammy. I sent them to Florida.”
“With Hiro and Crew?”
“They’ll be safer there. Hopefully.” Storm bit his lip. “Ethan can’t stalk them, me, and Sean all at once, right?”
“Right,” Skyler agreed.
“I even filed a restraining order against Ethan, but I doubt that will stop him. Ethan doesn’t seem like the type to follow the law or get scared easily. Every time I spoke to the police, they said they couldn’t help me because Ethan wasn’t technically doing anything wrong other than being in the same place. There’s no real proof that it was anything other than a coincidence. The police won’t watch him since his record is clean,” Storm sighed, rubbing his tired eyes. “What am I going to do?” he muttered to himself.
They were both silent for a bit. Then Storm sighed again. “How’s Sean doing?”
“Really well,” Skyler answered. “He’s definitely liking it here.”
Storm smiled genuinely. “That’s good to hear. What’s he been doing?”
“You could always talk to him yourself,” Skyler pointed out. “Let him know how things are going on your end. He should know about Ethan’s stalking.”
“No, I don’t want him to worry. I want him to enjoy his summer. Besides, I think he’s still mad at me,” Storm said.
“He’s in a much better mood these days. He’ll definitely come around,” Skyler said. “Kids don’t hold grudges forever. They’re emotionally fickle beings. Dangle something shiny in front of them and they’ll be happy again. Try your car keys. Wait, he has his own car keys. Car keys won’t work.”
Storm burst into laughter, some of his tension dissipating.
“Anyway,” Skyler continued. “Sean has a summer fling.”
“Summer fling?” Storm repeated dumbly. “What does that mean?”
“Sean met a guy. He’s barely ever around anymore. I guess he doesn’t want to hang around his boring old uncles,” Skyler joked.
“Who’s this guy?”
“He’s a good kid. A friend of my neighbor’s kid. He’s 21, going to be a senior, works at his parent’s smoothie shop.”
“You met him?” Storm pressed.
Skyler rolled his eyes. “Stop worrying. Yes, I have. They hang out over here sometimes, playing videogames. And he doesn’t give me the creeps, so he’s a good guy. I can spot those creeps.”
“Takes one to know one, huh?” Storm laughed.
“Ha, ha,” Skyler said sarcastically. “Remember who is watching your son for the entire summer. I love my nephews, but there is a reason why I don’t have kids of my own. Too much drama. Why are they so damn moody?”
“Thanks Sky.” Storm chuckled. “Sean’s happy?”
“Yeah, I think this guy is good for him. They’re cute together. It’s definitely a reciprocal relationship. Ethan treated Sean like an object. I didn’t like that at all,” Skyler said. “With the new guy, Sean says they’re not serious, but I don’t know about that. You remember how Crew and Hiro acted when they first started dating?”
“Uh-huh,” Storm said curiously. “Sickeningly cute.”
“Sean and West kind of act like them,” Skyler laughed. “Sean has lovesick eyes and West watches over Sean in that quiet, brooding way. Sound familiar?”
“Sean is only there for another month. What’s going to happen?” Storm asked.
“They’ll end things,” Skyler said shrugging. “That’s the game plan. But be prepared to deal with a moody Sean, because there’s no way he won’t be missing West.”
“Great,” Storm said sarcastically. “Like Sean hasn’t been giving me enough shit lately.”
“Maybe you should stalk Ethan,” Skyler suggested. “Since Rachel and Sammy are away, it looks like you have some free time on your hands. Give that bastard a taste of his own medicine, so to speak.”
“What?” Storm exclaimed.
“I’m serious. I wish I was there with you. We could dress in black and go to his house, slash his tires, super glue his front door shut. Cut the wires. I miss my unruly ways,” Skyler sighed dramatically. “I have always wondered what a ninja’s life would be like. Doing stuff and not getting caught because you’re practically invisible and skilled in every martial arts form. Hot shit. Not to mention I still kept our old light sabers,” he snickered. “Zeke and I whip it out sometimes just for shits and giggles. Fuck yeah, good times, bro.”
Storm blew out a breath and couldn’t contain the laughter in his throat. “I wouldn’t take you with me, Sky. Ethan would catch us. You’re so clumsy and awkward. You’d trip on a patch of dirt and then laugh really, really loudly. You’d laugh even if you were at gunpoint because the situation would amuse you or the gun would look cool.”
“I wouldn’t!” Skyler sputtered indignantly, but Storm could hear his twin smiling through the phone.
“You can play sports really well, but walking on your feet, forget it; you’re a lost cause,” Storm added smiling.
“You’re such a dick, Storm,” Skyler huffed. “That’s the biggest insult ever. I walk like a fucking runway model. I’m the epitome of grace. You’re just fucking jealous.”
They laughed together and Storm felt a small sliver of hope that things would be okay, that things would go back to normal. Skyler’s casual nature always had that affect on him. He was glad he had called his brother.
But there was still one thing bothering him.
“Yeah?” Skyler caught the serious tone in Storm’s voice.
“Ethan said he was coming for Sean,” Storm said hesitantly. “After I sent Rachel and Sammy to Florida, I haven’t heard anything from him. I know he’s playing games with us, but I worry…”
“That Ethan will live up to his word?” Skyler finished.
“I have a bad feeling, Sky. Things are too quiet around here. I don’t know where Ethan is or what he’s doing. Can you just…”
“Keep an eye on Sean,” Skyler completed his brother’s sentence. “Definitely. I got your back, bro.”
“Thanks, Skyler.”
“How much have you done?” West asked as he and Sean took a break from kissing and dry humping each other. He stared at Sean’s mouth, which was now raw and red. West slowly ran his thumb along Sean’s bottom lip.
Sean took a moment to catch his breath. “What?” he asked still dazed from their very intense make out session.
West smiled and pulled Sean close. Sean snuggled against West’s firm chest, feeling his warmth and heart beat. Sean sighed. He could really get used to this. West brushed his lips against Sean’s forehead gently, and they rested in silence. They had the house to themselves; Sean’s uncles had gone out to dinner with their friends and wouldn’t be back until much later.
“Sean, are you going to answer me?” West asked with amusement in his voice.
“Sorry,” Sean breathed, grazing his lips against West’s neck. West shivered slightly and felt his cock twitch. “I just got so comfortable,” he murmured against West’s throat.
West smiled. “I’m comfortable too, but don’t fall asleep on me!” he teased kissing Sean’s temple.
Sean laughed and shifted, moving on top of West. “I won’t fall asleep on you, hot stuff. Trust me.” He trailed his finger down West’s abdomen slowly, teasingly.
West felt a flush come over him and he grabbed Sean’s hand before he created an accident in his pants. “Sean, you know I’m new to this…”
“Gay sex thing?” Sean finished. He raised his brow when West blushed.
“Uh, yeah,” West muttered. “I had to get used to touching another dick other than my own. I’m not going to be a pro at gay sex overnight.”
“I can teach you,” Sean giggled burying his face in the crook of West’s neck. He inhaled deeply.
“Which brings me to my previous question: how much have you done?” he asked.
“Everything,” Sean answered. “You knew that. I told you about me and Ethan and my first time with him.” He looked down at his hands, not wanting to bring that memory to the forefront, when he was having such a good time with West.
West nodded. “You did tell me about that,” he said quietly. “I guess I should rephrase my question,” he said. “How long did you wait before you did it with him?”
Sean sat up straighter and looked away from West. “When he and I did it, I wasn’t ready. I actually wanted to wait longer because something didn’t feel right. But I was horny,” he blushed. “He kept touching me and it felt good. Before I knew it…it was too late,” he trailed off.
West bit back an angry retort. He grabbed Sean’s chin and forced the smaller boy to look at him. “Listen to me, Sean. You know that I would never hurt you, right?” he practically demanded. “No always means no, no matter what. I don’t care if we’re in the middle of sex; if you say no, I stop, understand?”
Sean nodded his eyes wide with shock.
West leaned forward, their noses practically touching. “Lately things have been getting hot and heavy between us…”
Sean chuckled.
“Do you want to do more?” West asked. All they had done so far was rub up against one another and hand jobs. Sean had gone down on him several times, but West was still building up the courage to do the same. He just had to get past his mental block.
Sean looked confused. “Don’t you want to do more?”
“Yeah, but do you want to go all the way or something?” West asked. “Because I have to tell you, I’m not ready for that. What do you call it, bottoming? I don’t know if I could ever do that,” West rambled. “Not that I’m saying I would never do it, but right now…”
Sean smiled. “What if you could top? Which means you stick this,” he grabbed West’s crotch through his jeans. “In me?” He licked his lips suggestively.
West groaned and grabbed Sean’s hand. “I don’t know about that, Sean.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” West admitted, his face heating up. “Doesn’t it hurt? You said it hurt last time. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t think I can do that, Sean,” West said seriously. “I’ll work on sucking you, but…”
“West, you have to stop worrying so much,” Sean said feeling touched by West’s concern for him. He smiled. “I trust you. You know that, right?”
West let out a breath. “I know you do. But this is moving fast. A month ago I never thought about another guy sexually.”
“We can take our time,” Sean said lying back down on West’s chest, getting comfortable once again.
West hugged Sean tighter, but couldn’t help thinking that they didn’t have that much time left together.
West rolled on top of Sean, supporting his weight with his arms. “We can take our time, yes, but I also want to make the most of it.”
Sean smiled, his eyes sparkling in the dim light of his room. “I think that’s a good idea.” He reached up, wrapping his arms around West’s neck. “Give me a kiss,” Sean ordered playfully.
West laughed. “Yes, sir.” Lowering his lips, he instantly slipped his tongue deep inside Sean’s mouth, hearing him moan. West slid his tongue along Sean’s gums, rolling around his tongue, battling, fighting for dominance as their passion grew. Sean whimpered as West gently bit his lip.
Shifting his lower body closer to Sean’s, he felt their hardness pressing together. He automatically started grinding his hips. Sean breathed faster through his nostrils and he made squeaking noises inside West’s mouth. West groaned and broke away, taking in short, fast gasps of air.
Sean grabbed West’s jeans, his fingers working the button and zipper. Their eyes were glued to one another’s as Sean started tugging West’s jeans past his hips. A silent message transpired between them. There was definitely no turning back for West. He was going to take this a step further.
“Take off your jeans,” Sean whispered.
West nodded and rolled onto his back, lying beside Sean. He shimmied out of his jeans.
“Boxers, too,” Sean murmured, his fingers curling at the hem of West’s shirt.
West kicked off his boxers, and watched as they joined his jeans on the floor. Sean was already pulling West’s shirt towards his head. He raised his arms and soon he was completely naked. He looked away briefly, feeling a little weird since Sean was dressed. They had seen each other naked before, but watching Sean’s eyes roam appreciatively over him still made him blush.
“Your turn,” West said his throat dry.
“Help me,” Sean said as he sat up and pushed his shirt over his head while West quickly undid Sean’s jeans. With one forceful yank, Sean’s boxers and jeans slipped past his slender hips, and down his knees, where West carefully eased them around his ankles.
West let out a soft moan, staring at Sean spread out on the comforter. He stared at his hand, his skin contrasting sharply with Sean’s pale complexion. His hand wrapped entirely around Sean’s ankle, slowly sliding up his calf, to his thigh, his thumb caressing the dark hairs surrounding Sean’s hard member.
Sean hissed and bit his lip. His eyes were squeezed shut and he raised his hips slightly. Sean’s face was flushed and his nipples were erect. West moved up Sean’s chest, kissing gently, his tongue flicking over the hard nubs. Sean let out a small cry and arched his back. West kissed a trail of butterfly kisses down Sean’s abdomen, feeling it rise and fall rapidly as Sean’s breathing grew ragged.
He came face to face with Sean’s cock, the tip an angry shade of purple, pre cum forming in the slit. West licked his lips, placing his hands on Sean’s hips, holding him down. Slowly he learned forward with his mouth open. He felt the heat emanating off Sean’s engorged cock. Quickly, he lapped at the white fluid, deciding it was easier to just do it rather than think about it.
Sean gasped and tensed. West let the taste roll around his tongue before he decided it wasn’t bad at all. He didn’t know what to do exactly, so he focused on the head, running his tongue all over as if kissing someone.
“Fuck, West!” Sean cried out shrilly. West pulled off, looking at Sean’s face which was contorted in an almost painful expression. “West, don’t stop!” Sean growled. “Fuck!”
West smiled, realizing Sean had been enjoying his tongue ministrations. Feeling a little more confident, he plunged his mouth onto Sean’s cock, taking in three inches before his gag reflex kicked in. He pulled off slightly where it was comfortable and started sucking, sliding his tongue everywhere.
Sean groaned and whimpered, bucking his hips. West held Sean down more firmly before Sean choked him. West was surprised at the feel of a penis in his mouth. It was thick and hard, hot and throbbing, smooth and velvety. West could feel his own erection aching with desire as he pleasured Sean. He never would have expected that he would actually enjoy blowing another guy.
A tremor passed through Sean’s body. West knew what was coming; he could feel it.
“West, I’m gonna cum,” Sean warned, his voice sounding strangled. “You gotta pull off…soon. I’m so close. Oh, fuck, it feels so good…”
West sucked a little harder and was rewarded when Sean let out a loud cry. “West! Please, I’m gonna…can’t hold…oh please, I can’t…” Sean’s fingers grabbed at West’s head in an effort to pull him off.
West hadn’t decided if he was going to swallow or not, but figured that if Sean had swallowed his load in the past and lived to tell about it, it couldn’t be that bad. West could at least try it once.
Sean started bucking and shaking. Then West felt the explosion erupting in his mouth. His eyes widened in surprise at the force of it. He didn’t know what to expect at first. Sean’s cum shot onto his tongue, automatically spilling down his throat. It was hot, thick, and creamy, with a hint of a salty taste. Sean groaned loudly, his body tense, his muscles straining. He turned his head to the side, panting heavily as his cock softened.
West licked at the dribbles of cum and then pulled off with a quiet popping sound.
He couldn’t help smiling at Sean, who looked exhausted and sated, his eyelids half-closed. “Why do you look so tired?” West smirked. “I did all the work.”
Sean laughed weakly and lifted his head up slightly. His face was sweaty and flushed. “But you did damn good work. Wore me out.”
West grinned and stretched out beside Sean, kissing him softly. Sean’s knee rubbed against West’s cock. A jolt of electricity tore through him. He cursed against Sean’s lips.
Sean wrapped his hand around him, squeezing firmly. West gasped and involuntarily bucked. “I want you,” Sean mumbled in a breathy voice.
Thanks to Frances for editing! And a special thanks to Pete and Mike for beta-reading and giving me feedback and encouragement.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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