Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Price of Revelation - 13. Chapter 13
The Price of Revelation
by Tiffani Chin
Chapter 13
Hopelessness pulled at Storm’s insides.
The police had caused quite a stir when they showed up at Target, questioning all the customers and employees. Some had seen Sean running around the place. Supposedly he had run outside to the parking lot and that’s when he disappeared. After that, no one saw him.
Once the initial questioning was over, a squad car had escorted Rachel and Sammy home, while Storm had rushed from work.
Now it was another round of questioning and possible leads to find out where Ethan might have taken Sean; if Ethan had taken Sean at all. There was no proof. Ethan was a ghost, no one ever saw him. But Storm was convinced it was Ethan and the officer decided any lead was better than no lead at all.
“Why did you place a restraining order against Ethan?”
“He wouldn’t leave us alone. He came into my house and left a picture on Sean’s bed! He followed Rachel across town to the supermarket. He practically kidnapped my younger son at the amusement park! He was stalking our family,” Storm answered heatedly.
“Did it work?”
“Of course not. The man is fucking crazy! The court marshal couldn’t even find him to give him the papers. No matter how many times I tried to get help, no one seemed to take me seriously. By that point, it was too late. He was already planning his next move,” Storm sighed rubbing his tired eyes. He looked at the officer, his eyes pleading, his eyes glistening. “Now he has Sean. I know he does. I just know it.” His voice fell to a whisper.
The detective looked at Storm sympathetically, knowing how torn up he would be if his own children disappeared. “Storm, Rachel, we will do everything we can to find Sean. He has to be missing for twenty-four hours before we can issue anything. In the meantime, we will search Ethan’s cell phone bill, credit cards, and anything else we can find.”
“So, Ethan Montgomery is his real name?” Rachel asked skeptically, gnawing on her bottom lip.
“It might not be, but as long as he used the same name for everything, the records will be there”
“But what if that’s not his real name? What if he used other names? What then?” Storm asked his hands becoming cold.
Detective Johnson cleared his throat and bowed his head. “We’ll do everything we can to find your son.”
Sean floated in and out of consciousness, not sure if it was all a dream. He saw glimpses of the sky. It was so blue and cloudless. Then the shades grew darker, to a deep blue with hints of violet that made Sean think of summer nights. He swore he saw stars.
His head felt heavy and his eyes hurt, so he never kept them open for too long. Sleep kept calling out to him. He snuggled onto the hard surface, feeling a steady, gentle motion beneath him.
He briefly wondered where he was, but felt so warm and tired that he allowed his question to go unanswered as he slipped back into oblivion.
Every once in awhile a hand would brush his forehead and something wet would be clamped over his mouth and nose. He’d panic momentarily before his eyelids would flutter and the sweet scent filled his nostrils, calming him down, soothing his fighting reflex.
Then it was back to sleep, back to the steady movement, back to the comfort and the murky unknown.
Ethan’s eyes narrowed as he spotted Sean’s cell phone dangling out of the boy’s jean pocket. He grabbed the small device and flipped it open.
Sean murmured and stirred, but didn’t wake up. It had been a long drive and Ethan had to make sure Sean didn’t wake up randomly. Therefore, Sean had been sleeping nonstop for about six or so hours. They were very close to their destination.
Ethan was a bit tired from driving; they stopped for the night in a motel. He bought some food from a small mini-mart and forced Sean to eat in his semi-conscious state. Now Sean was back to sleep, tucked under the covers.
Ethan smiled at the sight before returning his attention to the phone in his hand. There were endless calls and voicemails from various people. Sean’s mother, father, uncles, and several text messages from two people he couldn’t place a face to the name: Charlotte and West.
The message from West was most disturbing to Ethan: ‘How does it feel to be home? I miss you a lot. You better be missing me! If you have time, go on AIM tonight and we can talk. I’ll reply to your email tomorrow night. Later, cutie’.
Ethan frowned. The message sounded a little too friendly. He had spotted Sean at the boardwalk with Kessler and another guy. Was that guy West? Was this message from that same guy?
Grinding his teeth, he deleted the message. Then he angrily deleted the rest of them. Finally, he shut the phone off and tossed it in the garbage. Sean wouldn’t need his cell phone anymore. Sean wouldn’t be seeing any of those people ever again.
Walking over to Sean, Ethan started to undress. Glancing down at Sean’s peaceful expression, he smiled. Gently he caressed Sean’s smooth forehead. “You look so happy,” he murmured. “See, baby? I knew you would be happy with me.”
Sean snuggled further under the covers and mumbled something incoherent.
“Just a few more hours of driving, Sean, and we can rest for awhile. I love this place. It’s really quiet and peaceful. Not many people around. We’ll be left alone. I came here a long time ago on vacation with my parents when I was younger. I hated the company, but the place was great. So isolated,” Ethan said with a smile. “It will just be the two of us. Perfect, huh?”
“Rest up,” Ethan whispered. “We must get up early tomorrow. No time to waste. I’m sure your father is looking for you. Desperately looking for you.” He chuckled lightly. “You’re Daddy’s little boy.”
Dropping his clothes onto the floor, he wrapped Sean in his arms, feeling Sean’s soft, bare skin. As he swept his hand up and down Sean’s silky stomach, he felt himself harden. But he resisted any temptation, knowing he needed to sleep.
“Tomorrow, baby. Tomorrow we’ll reconnect. For now, I need some sleep,” Ethan yawned. He stroked Sean’s hip, down to his thigh, before wrapping his hand around Sean’s soft cock.
Ethan kissed the back of Sean’s neck and hummed in content.
Detective Johnson shook his head sadly. “It was empty. The cabin was empty,” he explained. “No sign of life. I don’t think Ethan even stepped foot inside.”
“When did he rent the cabin?” Storm asked curiously.
“About two weeks ago,” Johnson replied.
Storm looked deep in thought and paced the living room.
“Since it was perfect timing, I thought Ethan would have brought Sean there…” Johnson trailed off. “He rented the cabin and then Sean goes missing two days ago.”
A thought occurred to Rachel. She licked her lips. “What if he never had any intention of using that cabin?”
Storm and Johnson looked at her.
“What if he just wanted to rent it because it would lead a trail in a different direction? While you were investigating upstate New York for some random cabin, maybe Ethan was driving somewhere West or South all along, knowing you would be in the opposite direction.”
Storm’s eyes widened in horror. “No,” he breathed. “No.”
Johnson frowned in realization. “You may be right,” he murmured.
Storm bit his lip. “We’re back at square one?”
Johnson nodded reluctantly. “There is nothing out of the ordinary with Ethan. He’s one of those guys that keeps it really simple, really lays low. I was sorting through some paperwork. Apparently Ethan had been questioned after your complaints, but our officers were not able to detect anything suspicious or dangerous about him.” Johnson snorted. “In fact, they said he seemed like a good guy.”
“We’re never going to find Sean, is that what you’re saying?” Storm’s voice became shrill, a look of despair in his eyes. “We should just consider Sean lost forever, is that it?”
“No, I’m not saying that,” Johnson said firmly. “We’re going to keep trying. We’re going to keep looking. We’re not going to give up. I give you my word.”
Storm clenched his jaw. “Your word doesn’t really mean anything though. And you know it!” With a low growl, he slammed his fist into the table. Then he went upstairs.
Seconds later, Rachel and Johnson heard the door slam. They looked at one another, neither willing to break the fragile silence.
A splash of cold water hit Sean’s face. He groaned and blinked, his eyelids heavy, his limbs feeling clumsy and detached.
“Huh? What?” he breathed trying to wake himself up. He looked at his surroundings. There was a large bed, a small kitchen, a small desk, and a TV. He looked further, through the sliding doors and saw that it must be the late afternoon judging by the angle of the sunlight.
Sean met Ethan’s blue eyes. He instantly recoiled in fear, the recent events coming back to him full speed. “You,” he breathed. “Oh, God.”
He remembered shopping with Rachel and Sammy. They were about to eat but Sean had run off, chasing Ethan. Then he ended up in the parking lot. After that, Sean had no recollection. He was clearly away from home, and with Ethan! Sean blinked rapidly, willing the tears to recede. Ethan frowned and reached out to touch Sean’s face.
Sean moved his face away. “Don’t touch me,” he hissed.
“What’s wrong, Sean?” Ethan asked, genuinely appearing confused.
Sean stared at him incredulously. “Are you serious?”
Ethan’s frown deepened. “What do you mean?”
“Where are we?” Sean went on, his voice ragged. “Where have you taken me?”
“Sean, don’t be that way,” Ethan said in a calming voice. “We’re finally together.”
Sean staggered backwards, hoping to put more distance between them. He shook his head. “No. No, I don’t want us to be together. I don’t want anything to do with you!” His eyes darted to the door. Sean lunged for it, wrapping his hand around the knob.
He let out a cry when he was roughly yanked away from the door. Then he was slammed into the door, pinned there by his shoulders. Ethan’s face was inches from his.
“What’s your problem, Sean? I went to all this trouble for you! And now you’re acting this way? Why? Why are you doing this to me?”
Sean held his breath and felt tears forming again. “Listen, Ethan. I just want to go home.”
“Your home is with me now,” Ethan said. “Forget those other people. They tried to keep us apart. They were making you unhappy.” His thumb brushed against Sean’s bottom lip tenderly. “I will make you happy. I promise.”
“You’re fucking crazy,” Sean spat. “I’ve moved on. There is no us. It’s me and my family. Me and my friends. Me and West.”
Ethan’s face grew red. “West!” he snarled. “Who is West? Is he the one you were cheating on me with?” he demanded. “You weren’t supposed to cheat on me! That isn’t like you! You love me! I know that you do!”
“There wasn’t any cheating involved because we weren’t together!” Sean cringed when Ethan slammed him into the door again. He winced from the pain. His eyes widened when Ethan pressed his lips tightly onto Sean’s mouth, forcing his tongue in.
Sean squirmed and tried to push Ethan away.
“We’re together now. We will be from now on,” Ethan said licking Sean’s lips. His eyes darkened. “I missed you, Sean. So much, you have no idea. I know you aren’t like the others. Deep down you aren’t. You’re sweet and caring. You were a good boyfriend, never giving me shit, at least until your family got in the way. They brainwashed you. That’s how I know that you care,” Ethan breathed softly. “You care so much, don’t you, baby?”
Sean tried to pull away when he felt Ethan’s hardness pressing into his stomach.
“Feel that, baby? That’s for you. I’ve wanted you for so long. I think it’s time we show our love to one another,” Ethan murmured into Sean’s ear. “Don’t you agree, baby?”
Sean’s stomach tightened with fear. He dragged his feet as he was pulled toward the bed. “No! No, please!”
Ethan hushed him and shoved him backwards. Sean fell onto the soft mattress. He tried to back away and was stopped midway when Ethan climbed on top of him, pinning him down with his weight.
“Ethan, stop! No!”
Ethan continued undressing, his shirt flying off, his pants and boxers pushed down onto the floor. Sean gripped Ethan’s hand when the larger man tried to pull his jeans down. He wiggled and moved around, hoping to make it harder for Ethan.
“Stop moving!” Ethan hissed, backhanding Sean sharply. Tears sprang to Sean’s eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you, but you’re not being very grateful.”
Sean held his stinging cheek, tasting blood in his mouth. Cool air swept over his legs as his jeans were finally pulled off. Ethan’s warms hands gripped Sean’s thighs as he tugged at the last thin barrier of clothing between them.
The fight was quickly fading from Sean, knowing there was no way out of this situation. It was inevitable. Sean’s shirt was ripped away. He felt extremely vulnerable and alone.
Ethan was already sweating as he rubbed against Sean. “It’s been too long, Sean. Way too long.” Ethan reached into the small bag on the nightstand beside the bed. He produced a condom and lube.
Sean struggled again, but didn’t make any headway with Ethan’s weight bearing down on him. The crinkling of the condom wrapper stabbed Sean’s heart with dread. He couldn’t help it. He started crying. “Ethan, please don’t do this. I don’t want this. Please. No.”
Ethan stared into his eyes. “Sean, you’re feeling a little homesick. Just relax. We can enjoy being together if you just relax.”
Sean whimpered and looked away in shame. His legs were thrown apart, his knees bent roughly. Then the cold lube and hot arousal were pressing at his hole. He bit his lip and took a breath, his nails grating the bed frame. Sean’s heart raced. And he waited.
Pain, there was intense pain. Sean knew it was useless to beg. Ethan was too far gone to reason with. Sean’s mouth hung open emitting silent screams. He sniffled, his vision blurry with tears, his eyelashes laced with teardrops. Ethan was thrusting vigorously and grunting, his sweat dripping onto Sean’s chest.
The bed shook rhythmically, until the very end when Ethan started pounding forcefully. Sean gripped the blankets, willing them to give him strength as Ethan ruthlessly tore into him.
A long groan from Ethan cut through the heavy thickness in the room.
Sean cried as quietly as possible, the hot tears trailing inside his open mouth.
Storm flipped through the photo album, staring at Sean’s smiling face. He was bent over the kitchen table, sipping coffee, looking at his oldest son’s happy moments.
Rachel was leaning against the countertop, watching quietly.
This was the waiting game. The police had put up fliers with Ethan and Sean’s picture, letting it circulate. The news station even reported Sean missing. It was a brief announcement, but still better than nothing. Other precincts were aware of Sean missing, so if they spotted Sean in their state, they would know to help him.
However, they still had to wait. Sean was nowhere to be found.
Rachel knew that was killing Storm. It was killing her too, but Storm seemed to have died a little, moping around the house, his eyes blank.
“How do you prepare for this?”
Rachel was startled by Storm’s question, but didn’t interrupt.
“You do the best you can raising your kids, but then one day a fucking psycho swoops in and destroys your family. There’s no way to prevent this, is there? Kids go missing. Some are found; some aren’t. Some are dead; some are alive. How can this happen? Why does this happen?” Storm went on his voice thick. “How does God allow this? Why? Why?”
Rachel walked up to her husband and gently laid her hand on his trembling shoulder. She bit her lip, not knowing what to say. In reality there was nothing she could say. Storm needed to say his piece.
“Did you know when Sean was around six or seven I dropped him off to school early because I had to go to work? It was the first day of school, I think. No other students were there, not even his teacher. It was quiet and kind of dark. I left him outside the classroom door. As I was about to leave, he grabbed my hand and said, ‘Don’t leave me, Daddy. Please don’t leave me here’. Those words broke my heart, but I also knew it was natural separation anxiety that most, if not all, kids go through,” Storm said softly.
“But it didn’t make it any easier to leave Sean behind, even for school. I had a hard time concentrating at work that day. I kept thinking about Sean, about my little baby. He was just a baby,” Storm said his eyes holding a faraway look. “It got easier with each day, and eventually, Sean didn’t miss me anymore.”
Storm turned to face Rachel. “Do you know what Sean told me? When he was older?”
Rachel shook her head, intrigued with the story.
“Sean said that after I left him there, he cried to himself.” Storm’s eyes were full of emotion. “He cried there, sitting all alone, until his teacher arrived.”
Rachel’s eyes began to fill with tears, seeing the pain in Storm’s eyes.
“Do you think he’s crying now?” Storm asked the agony evident in his voice. “Do you think Sean’s crying for me now?” The question was unbearable for him to think, let alone ask aloud, but he did anyway.
Storm pressed his finger against the picture of him and his son. Sean was smiling widely, no more than eight years old, and he was holding a large stuffed bear. Storm was carrying Sean in his arms, and while Sean was grinning directly at the camera, hugging the stuffed bear to his chest, Storm’s gaze was on Sean. He had the most loving expression on his face.
“Oh God, Rachel, what if Sean’s crying at this very moment? What if he’s crying for me? There’s nothing I can do to help him. I’m supposed to help him; I’m his fucking father!”
“What if he’s crying?” Storm murmured. “No, no, no, please, don’t cry. No, Sean, don’t cry. Please,” he begged. “I’m sorry I’m not there. I’m so sorry. Forgive me, Sean.”
Rachel watched her husband break down into sobs.
She prayed for Sean’s return.
Thanks to Frances for editing! And a special thanks to Pete and Mike for beta-reading and giving me feedback and encouragement.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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