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The Price of Revelation - 16. Chapter 16

The Price of Revelation
by Tiffani Chin

Chapter 16


Sean sat alone in his room, the covers bunched around his waist, his mind racing. He kept hearing the gunshot over and over again. He saw the fighting, the blood on Ethan’s face, on his father’s knuckles. It happened more than a week ago, but it was still fresh in Sean’s mind.

The police had come. They saw the mess in the back of the restaurant and Storm standing with a gun in his hand, over Ethan’s body. Ethan had blood on his chest, his eyes lifeless, his mouth hanging open, as if still in shock.

Sean wasn’t aware of everything that had happened, but the police took him and his dad to the station. They were both asked a lot of questions. He heard the name Johnson. After a lot more phone calls and hours waiting around, they were allowed to go home.

Sean didn’t know what was said. He was vaguely aware that his father had been doing a lot of talking, where Ethan’s name popped up more than once. There was a mention of a restraining order. He didn’t care what was said. He was just happy to be home.

Sean closed his eyes, thinking maybe he could take a nap. It was unusually quiet in the house, especially without Sammy around. Sammy was spending the week at their grandmother’s house, so Sean could recover in peace without incessant questions by his little brother.

He sighed and snuggled, pulling the blankets to his chest. He breathed deeply for a few seconds. Then his eyes flew open when he heard voices. He froze and listened to the muffled sounds. It was his dad and stepmother talking. He could almost hear them clearly because his bedroom was directly above the living room.

Sean closed his eyes and tried to block out the voices. Finally curiosity got the best of him. Sean threw off the covers and steadily walked out of his room and into the hallway. The carpeting softened his steps. His body was tense to keep the noise minimal. He held onto the banister, walking down a few steps. Now the sound of his father’s voice was clear.

“Do you think I’m a bad person now?” Storm asked. He looked into his wife’s eyes.

Rachel cocked her head and moved closer. “No, Storm. I don’t. I doubt anyone thinks you’re a bad person now.”

“I don’t, I don’t know,” Storm stammered. “It felt right at the time. The gun was in my hand and Ethan was looking at me. I just felt this sense of power and I wanted to show him that it was over. That it would all be over! Forever! Show him that he would never get near my family ever again!”


“I didn’t want to wait for the police to come. I didn’t want them to arrest Ethan. I wanted Ethan dead. I wanted him to die. So I did it. I pulled the trigger,” Storm went on, his voice shaky. “Once I did, I felt like some monster. Everything, all the anger, just drained out of me. I killed someone, Rachel. I killed someone!” He hit his own chest for emphasis. “Me! The most violent thing I’ve ever done was a fight in the fifth grade! And that was mostly because of Skyler’s big mouth.”

Rachel didn’t know what to say. She felt useless. She couldn’t even comfort her own husband.

“Does everyone see me that way? Do they see me as a murderer? What does Sean think?” Storm murmured.

“Sean loves you, Storm,” she said softly. “He loves you no matter what.”

Sean felt sick. He heard the emotion and tears in his father’s voice. His father was upset. Sean had hurt his father. The events of the past few months came rushing back to him. He felt tears stinging his eyes. “My fault,” he whispered.

“I can’t believe it. I can’t believe what I’ve done,” Storm murmured, sniffling.

“I’m sorry, Dad,” Sean whispered, hot tears trickling down his cheeks. He couldn’t bear to listen to their conversation anymore. He couldn’t bear to hear the pain in his father’s voice. His chest and stomach ached.

He quickly made his way into the bathroom. He shut the door and locked it, sliding down onto the floor. The tiles felt cold against his butt. He covered his face with his hands. His shoulders began shaking.

“What have I done?” he sobbed. “I’m so sorry, Dad. For everything I’ve put you through. I’m so sorry. God, I’m such a bad kid. I should have listened to you. God!”

Crawling to the sink, he lifted himself up with great effort. “What have you done, Sean?” he asked his reflection. He splashed cold water onto his face. “You turned your own father into a murderer.”

He collapsed back onto the floor and continued sobbing, the emotional stress overwhelming him.

“Is it terrible, Rachel?” Storm asked after a long pause.

“What is?”

“Is it terrible that I only feel slightly guilty? Is it terrible that a bigger part of me feels happy? Happy that I won? That I got Ethan out of our lives? That he will never hurt Sean again?” Storm asked his eyes burning.

Rachel was taken aback by the fire in them. “I…” she started.

“If I had the chance, I’d do it again,” Storm said evenly. “No matter how I feel now, I’d do it all over again.” There was no regret in his voice, no remorse.

Rachel stared in shock as Storm got up and poured himself a drink. In one swift gulp, he downed it. Then he poured himself another. She wasn’t sure if Storm meant what he had said, but she was positive that Storm felt a lot more guilt than he was letting on.






Sean looked up blankly, lost in his thoughts. He blinked and shook his head. He focused on the man in front of him. He was in his mid to late forties and wore glasses, but he had kind eyes. Sean felt relaxed enough to talk.

He had talked nonstop during their weekly sessions, the sessions they had been having together for nearly three months, ever since his father shot Ethan. Sean couldn’t get over the guilt. He hadn’t shot Ethan himself, but he felt guilty for causing his father to do so, for causing his father and his family so much pain. Everything had been Sean’s fault.

“Sean, every time we talk, we always come back to this,” Dr. Milburn said in a soft voice. “You need to stop rehashing that.”

“How can I?” Sean demanded. “Life has been hell since last April when I met Ethan. It has been hell between me and my father. We wasted all that time fighting. Then Ethan was stalking my entire family while I was in California. He kidnapped and raped me over and over again! He made my dad…” Sean broke off. “None of that would have happened if I had just listened to my dad in the first place. What if I had just stopped seeing Ethan?”

“Okay,” Dr. Milburn sighed, having had this conversation before. “What if you had just stopped seeing Ethan? Do you think that none of those events would have happened? Ethan would have still come after you…only sooner.”

“I don’t know,” Sean whispered. “Maybe.”

“Exactly, Sean. You don’t know. No one knows. That’s all in the past now. Do you understand?” Dr. Milburn asked.

Sean nodded.

“You have your life back. You’re with your family. You’re all safe. Why are you agonizing over what happened when you should be enjoying your time with your family?” he asked.

“Because I feel like I lost so much of my life…”

Dr. Milburn smiled. “Sean, you’re eighteen. You can have a great future if you stopped worrying about everything!”

Sean smiled weakly.

“You’ll be starting school a semester late, but it seems you will have no problems making it up with some summer classes,” Dr. Milburn continued. “You’re even closer with your father, from what he tells me during his sessions.”

“We’re not arguing anymore over boyfriends,” Sean grinned.

Dr. Milburn laughed. “Good to hear. Speaking of boyfriends, tell me about this West Smith. Now that looks promising. You guys are still in contact in spite of the distance, correct?”

Sean looked down. “Well, he’s not exactly my boyfriend, but…” he blushed, wringing his hands.

Dr. Milburn listened patiently.




“This is my second week of winter break. I’m only visiting you for one week. I just got here yesterday and already I’m the hired help?” West asked in disbelief, his nose red, his breath white.

Sean laughed. “It’s a random snow storm. It is December after all. You can blame my dad for the huge driveway. He bought this house when he and my mom got married. We need the extra manpower. My mom is the lady of the house, and in charge of making hot food. Sammy, well,” he looked over at his little brother at the other end of the driveway.

Sammy had abandoned his child sized shovel and was busy making a poorly constructed snowman. Sammy was also laughing to himself, his hat nearly covering his eyes.

“Sammy is completely useless,” Sean finished.

West looked at Sammy and grinned. “No fair, making your guest work this hard. It’s hard physical labor, you know.”

Sean eyed West’s large, muscular frame, accentuated by the winter coat. “Not for you.”

“Are you hitting on me, you little pervert?” West mocked.

“You wish!” Sean laughed.

“Watch me shovel,” West said removing a large hunk of snow from the driveway with exaggerated movements. “Does that turn you on?”

“Shut up!” Sean giggled, returning to his own corner. A few minutes later, he felt arms wrap around his waist, then cold lips on his cheek, moving to his neck. “Shit! That’s cold!” He tried to turn away, but West only tightened his grip, snorting in amusement. West rubbed his cold lips on the top of Sean’s ear. “Stop! That’s cold!” Sean cried out.

Finally, Sean was spun around and before he could blink, West’s lips were on top of his, cold, but firm. Sean fisted the front of West’s jacket, going on his toes to return the kiss, his tongue hitting West’s. His tongue was warm and gentle. Sean sighed and melted into the embrace.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve kissed,” West murmured against Sean’s mouth once they broke apart.

Sean sighed. “I know. I’ve missed it.” He leaned up for another.

West’s lips curved. “Me, too.” His head dipped.

Their kiss grew passionate. Sean began to feel sweaty in his snowboarding pants and coat. Suddenly he felt something hit the side of his face, slowly trickling down the neck of his coat. He pulled away from West grimacing, digging at the snow that was rapidly melting against his skin. Sean shivered. Glancing at West, he realized West was in the same predicament.

“Knock if off you two!” Storm shouted with a smile, brushing snow off his gloves. “Get back to work!”

“Dad, stop being such a slave driver!”

“The sooner we’re done, the sooner we can go in and warm up,” Storm pointed out.

Sean rolled his eyes, but grabbed his shovel. “Stop distracting me, West.” He stuck his tongue out.

West laughed. “Oh, you’re going to blame this on me?”

“You’re the one that started it!” Sean protested.

West grabbed his own shovel. They worked for several minutes in silence. Sean chuckled when he heard West muttering under his breath about an ‘overly large driveway’.

“Dad, how come Sammy isn’t doing anything?” Sean complained. “He’s not even helping.”

Storm looked at Sammy and smiled. “Sean, let him be a kid. When you were younger, I let you play around in the snow while I shoveled,” he pointed out. “You were just as useless.” Storm grinned.

Sean sighed, glancing enviously at his younger brother, who was now jumping onto the snowman.

“Some people are so lucky. Young little brat,” West stated good-naturedly chucking more snow into a large pile on the side of the driveway.

Sean and West shared a grin.




“More!” Sammy ordered bouncing up and down on his toes.

“Sean, can you please tell your brother to stop being so bossy?” West teased. “He’s not being very nice to his guest.”

Sammy grinned sweetly up at West. “Please?” His eyes were big and pleading. He blinked for emphasis.

Sean laughed. “He’s working you!”

“I can tell. That’s the face my younger brothers and sister used to make,” West laughed. He cupped Sammy’s chin. “But my brothers and sister aren’t as cute as you. At least not anymore. They got older and became ugly.”

Sammy giggled. “More!” he cried out indicating the marshmallows West was scooping out of the plastic container.

West grabbed a large handful in his fist and plopped them in Sammy’s mug. “Are you happy now?”

Sammy nodded eagerly. Carefully holding his full cup, he walked slowly into the living room.

West moved over to Sean, who was sitting on the countertop, swinging his legs, and watching West. “Want to watch the movie with them?” West asked.

“No,” Sean said simply.

West smiled. “Really?”

“Yeah. I want to spend the rest of the week with you. Just you,” Sean stated. “We haven’t seen each other since August. It’s been too long. As much as I enjoy talking to you on the phone or internet, I really like being with you, like this.” He took West’s hand.

West leaned over, brushing his lips against Sean’s smooth cheek. “Me, too.”

Sean smiled as they nuzzled each other’s faces, mingled with soft kisses. He sighed.

“So, I was contemplating my post graduation plans,” West began.

Sean hummed questioningly, not moving his head from West’s shoulder.

“I was thinking of possibly searching for a job in the city,” West said. “Or tri-state area, in general.”

Sean lifted his head. “What?” he asked dumbly.

West nodded. “I could get an apartment, a roommate, and all that.” The implications of what he was saying were obvious to Sean. They had hinted at something more solid, in terms of a relationship, in the near future. Mostly, it was on West’s end, since he was the one graduating come June.

“Do you want to do that?” Sean asked meeting West’s eyes. “I mean, move that far?” His heart beat faster at the idea of West moving across the country for him.

West stared at him. “Yeah. I do,” he said quietly. “After all, I have a reason to come here, don’t I?” When he saw Sean’s face light up, he couldn’t help grinning in return.

“What about the smoothie shop?” Sean asked his smile faltering. “And your family?”

West waved his hand dismissively. “I’ve talked to my dad about that before. He wasn’t upset. We can always hire people. Plus my brothers and sister should start helping out more, those lazy bastards. As for my family, well, the kids have to leave the nest at some point, right? Not to mention my brothers and sister are driving me crazy. Especially April. She’s a nutcase!”

Sean laughed, grabbing West’s arm. “You really like me, huh?” he asked not caring if he sounded mushy or needy.

West kissed Sean’s nose. “I guess I really do,” he answered with a dramatic sigh. “I know, it’s hard for me to fathom too,” he joked.

Sean laughed lightly. “I can’t believe you were such an asshole when we met. Now look at you. Now look at us.”

“People change,” West pointed out.

“You changed a lot,” Sean said.

“True,” West agreed.

“I’m glad you did,” Sean said intertwining their fingers. “I hope you don’t regret anything in the future.”

West frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know. Maybe you’ll miss home a lot. Maybe you’ll get a lot of shit for liking guys,” Sean shrugged. “All that stuff that you would never have had to deal with if…”

“Sean, for once stop worrying so damn much,” West said firmly, grabbing Sean’s chin. “Why don’t we worry about that stuff when we get there? Let’s see if we can have something good. We just might.”

Sean placed his hand on West’s face, feeling his strong features. “I think so, too,” he said softly, his fingertips grazing West’s lips.

Storm walked into the kitchen, stopping short when he saw West and Sean kissing. He quietly rinsed his mug, smiling in amusement when West and Sean continued kissing, not hearing the noise he was making. He shook his head, watching the two of them. He didn’t know West all that well, but he had a good feeling about the kid. He knew that West would do everything possible not to hurt Sean. That was good enough for Storm.

Storm cleared his throat loudly. West pulled back. Sean glanced over, blushing.

Storm smiled to show that he wasn’t upset at what he saw. “West, it’s nice having you here. But let me tell you one thing, and it’s really important. So listen carefully.”

West nodded seriously while Sean blinked curiously.

“If you hurt my son, in any way, I’ll kill you,” Storm said his smile slipping, his voice lowering into a threatening whisper.

West couldn’t help swallowing uncomfortably at Storm’s hard tone. He knew that Storm had engaged in a brutal fight with Ethan, ending in Ethan being shot to death. West had no doubt in his mind that there would be hell to pay if he hurt Sean.

“I, uh, ah, I won’t,” West stammered. “No, um, won’t…yeah…not hurt Sean.” Something about Sean’s father was very intimidating, even if the older man was smaller and shorter than West. Maybe it was the haunted look in Storm’s eyes, the promise in his posture, or the determination in his jaw.

Sean’s mouth fell open at his father’s words. “Dad!” He couldn’t help hissing, blushing furiously.

Storm broke into a relaxed smiled, his shoulders dropping, his jaw loosening. “Jeez, kids. Can’t you take a joke?” He laughed as he went back into the living room. “Rachel, these youngsters have no sense of humor these days.” Storm’s voice drifted in from the living room.

“Why would they?” Rachel asked. “You tell horrible jokes.”

“Now you know that’s not true!” Storm protested.

“Yeah right, and Skyler is actually funny!” Rachel shot back.

“He is!” Storm exclaimed. “Don’t insult my brother, my own flesh and blood. You wound me, milady.”

Sammy’s laughter rang out loudly. “Daddy, you’re silly.”

West turned to Sean. “Your dad is plain scary. Laid back guy, my ass!”

Sean burst into laughter. “He’s overprotective in his own way,” he snickered.

“It looks like you and I are in this for the long haul,” West said kissing Sean’s knuckles. “I’m not ready to be killed by your dad anytime soon.”

“Don’t worry about my dad,” Sean breathed, feeling almost giddy. “Let’s just enjoy our week together. Want to go up to my room?”

West laughed. “Can’t wait to get me alone, huh?” He winked.

Sean bumped West’s shoulder as he turned red. “That’s not what I meant!”

“Sure,” West drawled out sarcastically.

“Stop giving me lip. Do you want to come to my room or not?” Sean asked already jumping off the countertop.

“Hell yeah,” West said with a grin. “I love my little perv who enjoys getting it on in his parents’ house.”

“You’d better,” Sean said pulling West along behind him. They ran up the stairs, ignoring Rachel and Storm who looked at them. Once inside, Sean’s room, Sean quickly shut the door and locked it in case Sammy came looking for them. West was already on the bed, waiting, his shirt off, his sweats tented.

Sean laughed. “Eager, are we?”

“Get over here!” West exclaimed, holding out his arms.

Sean ran, pulling at his shirt. He jumped on top of West, feeling West’s strong hands grab onto his hips. Sean’s hands went around West’s shoulders. He could feel the heat coming off West’s chest.

“Gotcha,” West said, steadying Sean on his lap. West grinned, holding Sean tight. “You’re not going anywhere now. I have you all to myself.” He licked his lips suggestively. “What shall I do with you?”

“Oooh, scary!” Sean teased leaning down for a kiss, sucking hard on West’s lips.

West groaned, his entire body feeling hot and sweaty. His hands moved up Sean’s bare back, squeezing gently, as he pushed and pulled on Sean’s lips hungrily. Sean’s hand slipped between West’s legs, rubbing the hardness that was poking Sean’s stomach.

West broke from their kiss and let out a loud groan. “Oh fuck. Stop, I’m so close.”

Sean nipped at West’s ear. “So soon?” He dragged his lips behind West’s ear, sucking gently.

West squeezed his eyes shut and bit hard on his lip. His fingers hurriedly tugged at the button and zipper of Sean’s pants. “Don’t laugh at me,” he hissed. “The only sex I’ve had since you left me was with my hand. I’m overly worked up right now.”

Sean froze and turned his head to look at West. “Really? No sex at all? Nothing?” he asked somewhat surprised.

West met Sean’s eyes. “You knew that, Sean. When you went missing, I was wondering what had happened to you. I thought maybe you met someone else…” he trailed off, looking away.

He licked his lips. “Then once you were found and we started talking on the phone again, well, I didn’t want to be with anyone else. I know we didn’t make anything official at the time, but all my past relationships felt so meaningless and empty. It was just a way to get off, more or less,” he said almost shyly. “I wanted us to be different because you make me feel different.” He coughed. “That was really cheesy, right?” he joked.

Sean brushed his lips against West’s forehead. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know if you ever hooked up with anyone else. I know you weren’t seeing anyone, but that doesn’t mean you, umm…I didn’t want to ask, I mean I couldn’t. You were technically free to…and I didn’t want to be the jealous drama queen. We never discussed…”

West cupped Sean’s chin gently. “Sean, I know you think I’m that kind of guy, but I’m really not. Okay, maybe I sort of was, but I’m not a totally heartless player. I went through girls because I couldn’t connect with any of them.”

“But I swear, I haven’t been with anyone else,” West finished. “That’s why we need to get these off.” He continued grabbing at Sean’s zipper.

Sean laughed and stilled. Then he decided to help West by shifting his hips and kicking off his boarding pants, pushing down his boxers before chucking them onto the floor. His hard on slapped up. Sean grinned and spread his legs. He eyed his engorged member. “He’s happy to see you,” he sang out.

West chuckled. “You’re so lame.” He pulled at his own sweats, moving around the bed, so he could get rid of his remaining clothing. As soon as his clothes joined the pile on the floor, Sean pounced on top of West, smashing his lips on West’s mouth eagerly.

Their legs tangled as they writhed and rubbed up against one another, sweat and precum developing, their rapid breathing and moans filling the room. West groaned desperately. “Fuck.” He pulled harder on Sean’s ass, as they both humped faster.

Sean kissed West’s chest as he slid his cock against West’s. His hands gripped West’s muscular shoulders. Playfully, he licked West’s nipple, swirling his tongue around the hard nub.

West let out a moan. “Oh, God!” He raised his hips off the bed. “Shit, Sean, I’m cumming,” he grunted.

“That’s okay. This is round one,” Sean breathed, thrusting rapidly, feeling the pressure build in his groin, his own orgasm approaching.

West tensed, letting out a low growl, as he stopped moving, feeling his cock explode. He let out a cry, but Sean quickly silenced it by pressing his mouth on top of West’s. He felt West’s hot ropes of cum joining the pool of sweat and precum between their bodies. Then he shut his eyes, shuddering. He groaned into West’s mouth as the unbearable shivers rippled along his body, his load shooting out of his cock.

Seconds later, Sean collapsed on top of a sweating and gasping West. “Wow, I needed that,” West mumbled. “That felt so good.” He ran his hands along Sean’s ass. Sean began laughing. Soon West joined him and they shook on the bed.

“Shit, I’d better open my window,” Sean murmured. “It’s stifling in here. The smell of sex might drift into the hallway.”

West chuckled. “Open it later. Don’t move yet.” He held Sean close, kissing the top of his head.

Sean sighed and nodded. “Okay.” He idly rolled West’s nipple between his fingers.

West moaned. “Give me a break, man!”

“You’re the one who said you hadn’t had any real sex since I left,” Sean pointed out. He rolled West’s nipple, pinching it gently. “I’m just trying to make your dick come alive again so we can move onto round two. I’ve missed you too, you know.”

West laughed, but it came out as a shaky gasp of pleasure. “When you put it like that, how could I resist?” he joked.

Sean was about to say something when there was insistent knocking on the door.


Sean dropped his head. “Sammy, go away!”

“Sean!” Sammy whined. “Mommy made cookies. Watch the movie with us!”

“Later, Sammy,” Sean called out. An idea occurred to him. “Sammy, if you go away now, I promise I’ll take you to McDonalds as soon as the snow clears up.”

There was a pause. “Really?” Sammy’s voice was filled with excitement. They didn’t get to eat junk food often, unless they purposely went out for it. Their parents were more or less on the healthy side. Sometimes Sean wished he lived with his uncles.

“Yes, really. Now go. West and I will be down a little later,” Sean promised.

“Okay,” Sammy said. There were soft footsteps. Then silence.

“You’re terrible. Turning away your own flesh and blood for sex,” West said in mock seriousness.

Sean smiled, kissing West’s lips gently. “I’ll have plenty of time to spend with Sammy before school starts in January. Right now I just need you.”

He reached over into his nightstand, pulling a condom and lube out of the drawer. West’s eyes lit up.

“I hope little West is awake,” Sean grinned.

“I think he’s just about there.”




Charlotte, Tyler, and Dwayne stared at Sean with their mouths hanging open.

Sean bit his lip to keep from laughing. He held up his hand. “Guys, don’t move.” He whipped out his cell phone and took a quick picture.

Charlotte recovered first. “Did that really happen?”

“You’re fucking shitting me,” Dwayne said in his deep voice.

“Kidnapped?” Tyler squeaked in shock. He turned to his twin sister. “Char, were we gone that long?”

Kessler, who heard the entire tale from Sean when he came home from school one weekend, snickered behind his hand.

“What are you laughing about? You knew all this?” Charlotte demanded, swatting Kessler’s hand.

Kessler grabbed his hand, pretending to be in pain. “I see Sean more often than you guys. I only go to school an hour away, remember? You guys are the ones scattered around the country. And you two,” he indicated Charlotte and Tyler, “You guys were in another country all summer long visiting your dad. Then you went to school. Now, winter break, you’re all home again. Consider this a massive catch up session.”

“This isn’t something I could talk about via email, phone, or text message,” Sean pointed out.

Charlotte giggled. Dwayne nodded. “True. But damn!” he whistled. “You survived all that? That old ass Ethan was a crazy fucker that stalked your family?”

“Kidnapped you for two weeks in North Carolina?” Tyler asked in disbelief.

“Your dad got there in the nick of time and shot Ethan?” Charlotte screeched.

“Damn!” they all breathed together, still in awe.

“How come your dad isn’t in jail?” Tyler wondered.

“It was a huge fight in the middle of a restaurant. Everyone agreed that it was self-defense. Ethan was clearly a threat,” Sean explained.

His eyes welled with emotion at how well things had turned out after that whole mess. His father could have waited for the police to arrest Ethan. In fact, they arrived minutes later. But his father had chosen to shoot Ethan, fatally shoot him, and in the end, everyone in that restaurant had supported Storm.

“Are you okay now?” Dwayne asked. “Are you single?”

“Why, you interested?” Charlotte teased, elbowing Dwayne.

Dwayne pulled her hair. “No, just want to make sure his next boyfriend isn’t a maniac. I like Sean and I want to see him live for a few more years. He buys me really great Christmas and birthday gifts, unlike some people,” he coughed loudly. “Charlotte, who wants a damn book and matching bookmark?” he eyed Charlotte with a raised brow.

“Hey!” Charlotte protested, giggling.

“Thanks a lot.” Sean snorted.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” Charlotte asked. “You mentioned some guy in your emails. What’s his name again?”

“West,” Kessler supplied.

Charlotte slapped his arm.

“Ouch. Damn it, woman!” Kessler yelled in mock anger.

“Stop being such a know-it-all,” Charlotte reprimanded. “Let Sean tell the story.” She looked at Sean. “So, this West person…”

“Any crazy tendencies?” Tyler interrupted. “Is he bossy?”

“Controlling?” Charlotte supplied.

“Does he get angrily easily?” Dwayne asked.

Sean smiled as he thought of West and their time together. “He was a huge asshole when we first met, but since then, he’s been perfect.” Sean felt a slight ache in his stomach, already missing West, who had returned to California only three days ago.

His friends all looked at one another, before bursting into loud laughter.

“Did you see the dreamy look on his face?” Charlotte crowed.

“How about that spaced out look in his eyes?” Tyler grinned.

“Sean, you got it bad, man,” Dwayne stated shaking his head.

Kessler rubbed his hair, scratching his head. “You’re telling me. I’ve had the honor of being the third wheel with them and they are sickening,” he whispered as if sharing a huge secret. “Sickening.”

“Really?” Charlotte squealed. “That’s so sweet!”

Sean blushed furiously. “I hate you guys.” This caused all of them to laugh again. Sure, he was the butt of their jokes for the next hour or so, but he was so glad to be home with his family and friends again.

There was no better feeling.




Dr. Milburn gazed at Sean. “What did you dream about, Sean?”

“It wasn’t a dream. It was a random memory. It came to me last night.”

“What was it?”

“It was me and my dad, when I was a lot younger,” Sean said trying hard to remember the details.

“When I was six my father took me to the playground and ran around with me for hours. He never complained or told me to stop. Then he took me for ice cream.”

“The moment I licked my ice cream, the scoop fell to the ground, making a loud splat, and melting quickly in the hot summer day. I think I started to cry. My dad told me to sit on a bench and he walked away,” Sean continued. “When he came back, he had a brand new ice cream cone.” Sean smiled. “I remember I was so happy. My dad just watched me eat it.”

“What do you think that meant? Dreaming of that memory again?” Dr. Milburn asked.

“I don’t know,” Sean said honestly. “It came out of nowhere.”

“Not likely,” Dr. Milburn said.

“It’s a memory of me and my father that stood out in my mind. I think it was because I realized that my dad would do anything for me. I never truly appreciated it until now. I always took it for granted. After I had put him and the rest of my family through so much, he’s still here, supporting me.”

“That’s because he’s your father. That’s what parents do. They love you even if you drive them crazy,” Dr. Milburn sighed, glancing at the family photo on his desk, with his own two children.

“Now you know that your dad is always there for you, no matter what. And most importantly, if he gives you some advice in the future, about a potentially murderous boyfriend, perhaps you’ll listen this time.” Dr. Milburn cocked his head questioningly.

Sean smiled at the man. “I just might do that.”




Rachel gently brushed her fingertips against Sean’s forehead, before her hand moved to Sammy’s cheek. The two boys were lying on the couch with Sammy snuggled into Sean’s side. She smiled. Her eyes drifted to the floor where Kessler was sprawled out, his mouth hanging open as he snored lightly.

Sean’s homecoming had been filled with relief, but there was remaining tension in the house, tension that had never quite healed even with Sean’s return.

She quietly stood up and crept into the kitchen, taking the empty popcorn bowl and bag of chips. The bag crinkled slightly and Rachel winced, hoping she didn’t wake the boys up. They were still sleeping and she took quick steps to the kitchen, where Storm was sitting at the table, a mug between his hands.

He looked up at her. Their eyes met, but neither spoke a word. The air seemed to thicken with unspoken words.


She never looked up from the sink; she continued washing the bowl.

“Rachel…” Storm trailed off, not knowing where to begin. The last few days had been happy ones, but tinged with sadness and anger. “I…” he began, before he shut his mouth.

“We’re supposed to be a family,” Rachel said, whirling around to face her husband. She saw the remorse in his dark eyes.

“We are.”

“No, we’re not. I thought we were, but the past few weeks made things real clear. Now I know where I stand.” Rachel tried to step around Storm, but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer.

“Rachel, we are a family,” he said firmly, his jaw clenching. “We are. I love you. I love Sammy. I love Sean.”

“Yes, but some part of you feels that I don’t love Sean enough, right? A part of you loves Sean more,” she said, tears coming to her eyes, remembering some of the harsh words Storm had said to her.

“I didn’t mean that!” Storm exclaimed.

“Shh! They’re sleeping!”

“Rachel, I love you. I don’t know what I was saying. I didn’t mean it. I was just…so…I couldn’t think or feel. All I felt was this anger and desperation and you were there to lash out at. I thought, well, I thought you were telling me to not be upset about Sean’s kidnapping, that you wanted me to not miss him, and I just, I just lost it, okay? I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things. I love you and Sammy. I don’t love Sammy any less than Sean.”

Storm sighed. “I spent ten years raising Sean, practically on my own. It was so rocky for me in the beginning, dealing with a newborn right out of college. I have my own ways of thinking and acting. I, I, there’s no excuse.”

“Sometimes I get into this overprotective mode, as if I’m thinking back to those days when I was the only one around, the only one to make a decision.” He gripped her arms. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Rachel. To me and Sean. He loves you. It barely took any convincing for him, because you’re so easy to love. I can see that you love him. You three are my life. I’d do anything for you.”

Rachel’s lips trembled. “I don’t want to feel that way ever again,” she said softly, but with determination. “Do you understand me, Storm? I don’t want you to ever say those words to me again, that Sean is not my son and he never will be, because I am his mother. I was there when he was still a child. I am here right now. If you say that to me again…” she didn’t need to finish her sentence.

Storm bowed his head and wrapped his arms around her. “Never. Never. I promise. Sean is our son. He’s our son. I love you. I love our boys. I’m so sorry that I hurt you.”

Rachel clung to Storm’s back, crying into his chest.


They broke apart and spotted Sean in the doorway. “Sorry,” he said. “Kessler was coughing and needs some water.”

Storm glanced in the living room and spotted Kessler moving from the floor to the couch. Kessler nudged Sammy aside so he could rest his head on a cushion. Sammy murmured, kicking his legs briefly before stilling once again.

“Are you okay?” Sean asked, staring at Rachel.

Rachel wiped her eyes and smiled. She walked over to him, and hugged him hard. “I’m fine, baby. Just fine. I’m so glad you’re home.” She kissed his temple.

“Me too, Mom.”



Thanks to Frances for editing! And a special thanks to Pete and Mike for beta-reading and giving me feedback and encouragement.

Copyright © 2011 Tiff; All Rights Reserved.
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