Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Price of Revelation - 17. Chapter 17
The Price of Revelation
by Tiffani Chin
Chapter 17
“Are you hitting on me?” Sean asked incredulously, staring at the tall blond in front of him as they both stood in the lobby.
The man was giving Sean an overly charming smile. Sean inwardly groaned. Granted, the man was good looking and had the prettiest blue eyes Sean had ever seen, but he wasn’t interested. He was only interested in one guy, and that was Weston Chadwick Smith.
“Why wouldn’t I hit on you?” the blond grinned. “You’re standing here looking like a lost puppy, all young and cute.”
Sean grimaced. He folded his arms frowning. “I’m not a lost puppy. And I’m not that young.”
The guy’s smile widened. “Ah, but we agree that you’re cute?” He winked.
Sean flushed and looked away flustered. “I, um, what? I never…didn’t say...what?”
“My name is Darren,” the guy said moving closer, holding out his hand. Sean eyed it suspiciously, refusing to shake it. “Oh, come on. At least tell me your name,” Darren cajoled.
“Sean,” Sean answered. “I’m not shaking your hand. I am not a lost puppy!”
Darren chuckled. “Fine, fine. You’re not a lost puppy. So, what brings you here? Are you waiting for someone?”
“Who?” Darren’s eyes sparkled knowingly.
“My boyfriend,” Sean said still annoyed.
“What’s his name? Maybe I know him. What floor does he work on?” Darren pressed.
“His name is West and…” Sean was cut off.
“I know West. We met in the parking garage a couple times,” Darren said. “Really cool hair flipped out and styled? Big muscles? Tan? Small ears?”
Sean raised his eyebrow. “That’s him,” he said slowly.
“Real nice guy,” Darren sighed shaking his head. “Does that mean I have no chance with you at all? How serious are you guys?”
“Very serious,” Sean said without having to think about it.
Darren nodded, his smile never slipping. “That’s good to hear.”
Sean blinked, suddenly confused. “What?”
Before Darren could answer, the elevator opened and West walked out. He grinned when he saw Sean. “Hey,” West murmured, wrapping his arm around Sean’s waist and kissing his temple. “Sorry for making you wait. I had to shut down a few programs and email a some people.”
“It’s okay,” Sean said melting into West’s embrace. “I didn’t mind waiting.”
Darren cleared his throat. West and Sean both looked up. “I kept him company.” Darren grinned mischievously.
“I’m sure you did.” West laughed. “Sean, you’ve met my coworker, Darren,” he stated.
“Coworker?” Sean repeated dumbly.
“Our cubicles are next to each other’s,” West explained. “He’s helped me a lot. I didn’t have to worry about being an outsider or the new guy for too long.”
“I’m pretty popular at the office. I took young West here under my wing and now he’s one of the gang,” Darren boasted. “Gets invited to group lunches and everything, all because of yours truly.” He flipped an imaginary collar.
“Darren’s so full of shit,” West smirked.
“Hey, I’m going to head off now. My lady is waiting for me,” Darren said taking a few steps towards the door.
Sean’s frown deepened. “Girlfriend?” he demanded.
Darren met his eyes. “Wife, actually.” He grinned sheepishly. “Sorry about before. West has talked so much about you. By the way, did you know he has your picture on his desk? So cute,” he teased. “I had to see for myself that West bagged a good one. Make sure my boy wasn’t with some player that would go after any hot piece of ass. Hot piece of ass would be me,” he clarified.
He looked at West. “You did good, man. Sean’s a keeper. He really, really likes you. He wouldn’t even fold for my good looks and charm.” Darren waved as he went through the doors. “Bye, West. See you Monday. Sean, nice meeting you.” Then he was gone.
Sean’s mouth dropped.
West looked at him curiously. “Close your mouth,” he instructed, tapping on Sean’s chin. “What was Darren talking about? What was he sorry about?”
“Darren is married?” Sean asked.
“Yeah,” West said, his turn to frown. “High school sweethearts. Married right after they graduated college. Why the sudden interest?”
“He asked me out,” Sean said.
“What? Are you serious?”
“He was joking,” Sean said, pondering over Darren’s departing words. “I think he was testing me. He asked me how serious we were. He wanted to see if I would go for him.”
“You didn’t, right?” West hesitated.
Sean rolled his eyes. “Yeah, West. He and I are meeting up later tonight.” He snorted. “What do you think? Didn’t you hear what he said? Did you ask him to do that? Test me?” he asked.
“No,” West exclaimed. “Why would I make my coworker ask you out? That’s just weird, Sean.”
Sean shrugged. “You could be one of those jealous freaks, wondering if I would be willing to cheat on you. Apparently I attract nut jobs.” He eyed West playfully.
“I do get jealous, Sean, but I’m not that bad,” West smiled. “I can tell you’re not the cheating type. I wouldn’t either. I never have been. I may have dated a lot of girls, but never overlapped. Plus, if I cheated on you, your dad would come kill me, remember? The man literally threatened me.”
Sean nudged West’s shoulder. “He was joking, I swear.”
“Sure,” he drawled out, kissing Sean’s cheek. He took his hand. “Let’s eat. I’m so fucking hungry.” He pulled Sean out the front door. “What do you feel like eating?”
“Food,” Sean replied.
West laughed loudly. “That’s my boy.”
“It feels good to shower. I always feel grimy after work,” West sighed, walking into his room, his hair damp. Sean was snuggled in West’s bed, feeling sleepy after eating so much.
“Comfortable?” West asked smiling as Sean rubbed his face into West’s pillow, burrowing under the thick covers.
“Very,” Sean sighed. “Cozy.”
West gazed down at Sean. He gently caressed Sean’s smooth cheek. He loved the feel of Sean’s skin. “Make some room for me,” he whispered.
Sean scooted over, his eyes closed. West moved under the covers, tugging at Sean so that they were hugging. Sean nestled his head into the crook of West’s neck, while West inhaled Sean’s scent.
“What a relaxing Friday,” West said more to himself than to Sean.
Sean hummed in agreement.
“Want to watch a movie?” West asked.
“No,” Sean murmured. “I don’t want to move. Feels too good.” Sean shifted against West.
West wrapped his arms around Sean, holding him tightly. “What do you want to do this weekend?” West asked, running his fingertips over Sean’s short hair.
“Be with you,” Sean answered simply. West heard the smile in his voice.
“You’ll be with me no matter what we do,” West replied softly.
“Sounds good,” Sean mumbled. “Can I take a nap? My stomach is so full and I can’t move. Not even to the living room.”
West chuckled. “Sure, baby. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“No, I refuse to go to the movies with you guys,” Edison said stubbornly, his arms folded firmly.
“Why not?” Sean asked. West cocked his head curiously.
“Don’t give me that innocent look, Sean. Remember the last time the three of us went to the movies? It was like watching gay porn, the way you two were all over each other.” Edison rolled his eyes. “No way in hell I’m doing that again. Do I look stupid to you?”
West laughed loudly. “We’re better now. We’re dating. We can behave,” he promised.
“Don’t you lie to me,” Edison said.
Sean smiled sweetly. “Come on, Edison. I haven’t seen you in so long.” He added a whiny edge to his voice, knowing Edison was a big soft-hearted mush. “It’s my spring break and I’m finally here for a visit. Don’t you want to hang out?”
“Sure, just not in a dark setting,” Edison stated.
Sean pouted.
“Don’t give me that face,” Edison warned. “It won’t work with me.”
West smirked. “He’s onto your ways,” he snickered. Sean swatted his boyfriend’s arm.
“How about coming to my house then?” West suggested. “We can hang out there. My family is home, so I won’t be groping Sean, at least inappropriately.”
Edison snorted. “That’s reassuring.”
“Just come over!” West ordered in exasperation. “I haven’t seen you in so long and you’re always too busy to drop me an email or pick up your damn phone. We flew all the way out here. Hang out with us, you fucker!”
“Yeah!” Sean chimed in. “What he said!”
Edison and West both glanced at Sean briefly before facing one another again.
Edison held his hands up in defeat. “Fine, fine. But if I see your hand go into Sean’s lap, I’m out.” His eyes held a serious warning.
Sean bit back a laugh.
“Don’t you laugh at me,” Edison said with a straight face, but amusement sparkled in his bright eyes. “I’m serious.”
“You’re a shit, you know that?” West chuckled.
Edison didn’t answer; he merely held his out hand expectantly.
“Deal.” West and Edison shook on it.
West looked out the window and smiled as he watched Sean, Edison, Mason, and April playing with a hackie sack. They were kicking it around, laughing loudly as April awkwardly tried to prevent it from falling.
“Pass it, April!” Mason shouted, looking annoyed. “Don’t drop it!”
“Shut up, loser!” April shot back. “You’re distracting me!”
“April, focus! Don’t ruin the flow of the game!” Mason yelled.
“This isn’t a game, stupid,” April snapped. “We’re kicking a bag of beans around.” She rolled her eyes sarcastically.
“Pass it already before it falls off your overgrown foot,” Mason prompted impatiently.
“I told you to shut your ugly face,” April hissed.
Mason smirked and folded his arms mockingly. Sean threw his head back, laughing at the siblings’ antics.
“Sean, are you laughing at me?” April demanded shrilly.
That only made Sean laugh harder.
“April, pass the damn thing!” Mason nearly shouted. “Sean, stop laughing and get her to pass!”
West grinned. He was glad that Sean got along so well with his family. West’s parents had easily and readily accepted his sexuality, as they did with Jonathan. But West hadn’t been as confident about his siblings, especially Mason and April, the youngest of the five. However, his worries had ended up being pointless.
Waverly didn’t care. Jonathan was surprised, but pleased he had a bisexual brother. Mason didn’t mind because West was so “manly” and still played sports with him. April had said, “Whatever, just don’t steal my clothes, brother dearest” before returning to the latest episode of Gossip Girl.
“Looks like Sean is fitting right in,” Jonathan commented, joining West in the kitchen. He handed West a soda.
West nodded. “He really is. Thanks for making him feel so welcome.”
Jonathan waved his hand. “Of course. Our entire family is extremely close, extremely argumentative, and extremely accepting. We’re either very open-minded or very relaxed to the point where we don’t care about anything.”
West laughed. “I never thought about it like that before, but you’re right. We’ve always been that way.”
“I can’t believe I was worried about telling you guys,” Jonathan sighed. “I wasted all that time stressing over it for nothing.”
West clapped his brother’s shoulder. “It was natural to worry. No one knows how anything will turn out. I was lucky. You paved the way for me. Thanks.”
Jonathan grinned. “Really? I helped you?” He perked up.
“Sure did, kiddo,” West said ruffling Jonathan’s dark hair.
“West,” Jonathan whined ducking away.
“Calm down. You still look pretty. I didn’t mess up your look, so don’t worry about looking ugly for your boyfriend,” West said referring to the guy Jonathan had been ‘hanging out’ with lately.
“He’s not my boyfriend!”
“Yet?” West guessed.
“I have no idea,” Jonathan sighed. “I thought coming out would make things easier. It just means I have to deal with closeted boys, or pseudo straight guys, or just confused guys in general.”
West laughed. “What? Your new ‘friend’ is confused?”
Jonathan nodded. “Very. He likes to hold hands and cuddle, and even,” he blushed. “Other stuff. But he refuses to kiss and still dates girls.” He rolled his eyes. “Why do I attract those guys? Why do I even go for those types of guys?”
“You need to tune your, um, whatever it is,” West said lamely. “Gaydar? Does that really exist?”
“What, did you know Sean was gay the moment you saw him?” Jonathan asked in amusement.
“No,” West admitted. “I was definitely attracted to him on some level, which is why I sort of bullied him when we first met. I didn’t know how to deal with my feelings. Anyway, he told me he was gay. He was out and wanted to be upfront. From the beginning, I knew where we stood. I just had to get my head wrapped around my own feelings!”
“Let me tell you, Jon, it’s still a big jumbled mess,” West murmured. “I remember what I used to be like. A few of my friends don’t hang with me anymore because I’m supposedly someone different. Sometimes I wonder if I made a mistake. I wonder if it would be easier dating a new girl every month.”
“Would it?” Jon pressed.
“Probably,” West said honestly. “But the truth is I don’t miss those friends that ditched me. I have you guys and Edison. That’s all that matters. When I’m with Sean, everything feels right. I don’t feel bored or lonely or that my mind is zoning out. So I guess even if this life may be more difficult, it’s worth it in the end. If it’s not, well, maybe the ride won’t be so bad.” West shrugged. “Only one way to find out, you know?”
“Wow, West,” Jon breathed. “I’ve never heard you talk about your feelings so much. It’s, like, weird. You’re not a ‘feelings’ type of guy.”
West chuckled. “You’re telling me. Ever since I met Sean, I’ve had to think a lot, and I’ve hated every minute of it. Not to mention all the talking we did, and still do! Sean is such a talker about his feelings. Talk, talk, talk; it never ends!”
Jonathan laughed at his brother’s choice of words.
“You and I never talked much,” West said a bit regretfully. “I’m sorry you didn’t think you could come to me in the beginning. You know I always have your back. You’re my baby brother.”
Jon rolled his eyes at the comment. “We were never that close. You seemed like one of those guys, you know, the really obnoxious jock type. I couldn’t bear the thought of my own brother treating me like shit. Not like everyone else.”
“Who treats you like shit?” West asked, his body automatically tensing.
“I’m just saying. Calm down,” Jon smiled. “I may not be as big as you are, but I can take care of myself.” Jon stood up tall.
“True, you’re the same height as Sean, but have a lot more muscle,” West smirked. “I guess I don’t have to worry about protecting you like I do him.”
“Because Sean’s your little baby,” Jon teased. West reached out to smack Jon’s head, but Jon moved out of reach. Jon turned serious. “I’m glad things turned out this way. I’m glad you’re with Sean. I feel closer to you. We finally have something in common.”
Jon nodded.
“Good. I want us to talk more. Keep me updated with your life, okay?” West asked.
“You too,” Jon said.
They sat together in comfortable silence.
“How close are you and Sean?” Jon started with the questions once again. “You’ve known each other for awhile.”
West hedged. “We haven’t been dating that long. At least officially,” he shrugged.
Jonathan grinned. “I was surprised you were willing to move across the country for him.” He cocked his head thoughtfully. “Do you love him?” He laughed loudly at the shocked look on West’s face. “Don’t tell me you never thought about it?” he continued.
West blinked dumbly. “I, uh, umm.” He licked his lips. “Wow. This is a whole new ballgame. I already moved for the guy. Now I have to decide if I love him. Damn, what’s with all these questions? Can’t I just enjoy what I have right now?” West sounded exasperated.
Jonathan burst into laughter. “West, did you hear yourself right now? In a way, I think you answered your own question.”
“Huh? What did I say?” West asked with wide eyes.
“Jesus, you give whole new meaning to the words ‘dumb jock’,” Jonathan joked.
“Figure it out, West,” Jonathan said, walking outside, joining the hackie sack game.
“Oh, Jon, thank God,” Mason yelled. “Take April’s place. She sucks! Go play with your make-up and Barbie dolls, April. That’s where your talent lies. Stop trying to hang with the big boys because you’ll never fit in.”
A shrill cry filled the air. West’s eyes widened when he saw April lunge for Mason.
“Jon! Sean!” Mason shrieked as he ran around the large backyard. “Help me! She’s crazy! West, do something! Don’t just stand there! She’s going to kill me! She’s crazy! West!”
“You’re dead, Mason!” April shouted. “Dead!”
“West! Did you hear that? She’s threatening me!” Mason darted behind a bush, stumbling slightly before gaining his footing. “Edison!”
Edison was bowled over laughing, his eyes screwed shut.
West ran out the patio doors to try to intercept April. “April, calm down!” he called out, quickly gaining on his younger sister with long strides.
“Mommy!” Mason squealed comically, causing everyone to laugh, including April.
April fell to her knees laughing. “You’re such a loser, Momma’s boy. Mommy isn’t here to save you. I’ll get you. One eye open, Mason. You sleep with one eye open,” she gasped between chuckles.
Mason grinned and hid behind West, making a face at April.
West ruffled Mason’s hair. He turned toward Sean. “See what I had to deal with when I lived here?”
He then noticed Sean staring at him with a soft look in his eyes. West walked over and wrapped his arms around Sean, kissing his forehead. He sighed in contentment.
Sean dragged his feet in the cold, firm sand as he and West walked along the shore. They had enjoyed a lively, long dinner with West’s family. They were walking off the big meal along the beach before Sean would return to his uncles’ house.
Sean laughed as he momentarily stumbled when his foot caught. West grabbed onto his arm, steadying him. Sean curled into West’s body, feeling West’s grip on him tighten.
“You okay?” Sean asked West, taking his hand. Sean hopped a few steps and smiled. “You’ve been awfully quiet after dinner.”
West smiled reassuringly. “I was just thinking, that’s all.”
“Want to talk about it?” Sean asked. He inhaled the sweet, salty smell. Sean shuddered and closed his eyes. Images of lying facedown on the bed, helpless beneath Ethan’s relentless assaults, while the salty breeze washed across his naked body, taunting him, hit him so hard that he nearly fell over from the memory. He shivered, his hands clenching.
West frowned. “Are you cold? Want to go to your house and get a jacket?”
Sean opened his eyes. He stared at West and the memories faded away. He was with West. West wouldn’t hurt him.
“Sean, are you okay? What’s wrong?” West asked with concern. Sean was the type of person that had an expressive face. Sean could never hide anything from West, even if he really wanted to.
Sean shrugged and looked down at his feet. “Nothing. I was just remembering some stuff. You know, when I went missing,” he explained vaguely. “Sometimes the beach reminds me…”
West fell silent. He pulled Sean close. “That’s all in the past, Sean. He can’t hurt you anymore. I won’t let anyone else get near you. That I can promise.”
Sean buried his face into West’s chest.
“Come on, let’s sit for awhile,” West suggested, stopping and pulling Sean down. West sat down first, getting his butt in a comfortable groove in the sand. Then he pulled Sean between his legs, with Sean’s back to his chest. West hugged Sean, pressing the smaller boy closer.
They were quiet, staring around the calm beach, the sky a beautiful shade of dark blue with hints of pink and lavender.
“The sky is so beautiful tonight,” Sean murmured in awe.
West brushed his lips against Sean’s neck, licking and nipping at it. Sean bit his lip and let out a small gasp. “It is beautiful. You were reading my mind,” West murmured.
Sean snuggled further into West’s embrace, and West soothingly caressed Sean’s arms, wanting to comfort his boyfriend.
Sean’s scent, the smell of the ocean, and the fresh air swirled around West. West inhaled deeply. His body tingled, his heart raced, his mind was surprisingly clear. He had to say something otherwise he might burst.
“Sean, I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Sean replied automatically. Then his eyes widened at his own speedy response. “Wow, I said that fast.”
“Did you mean to say it?” West held his breath.
“Of course! But I wasn’t expecting you to say it. And when you did, it just popped out. I thought it a whole bunch of times, but never said it out loud. I didn’t want to say it too soon, you know? We’re just getting into the swing of this relationship and even though you moved across the country for me I didn’t want to suffocate you so soon or get clingy and…”
West laughed at Sean’s nervous rambling. “Never a short answer from you, huh?”
Sean blushed. “Shut up, you overgrown gorilla,” he muttered good-naturedly.
“Why are you always calling me fat?” West joked. “You’re going to give me a complex one of these days.”
“But I love overgrown gorillas,” Sean protested innocently.
West hummed suspiciously. “Whatever you say, my feisty bunny.”
Sean slapped West’s chest. “Don’t call me a bunny!”
“Don’t call me a gorilla!”
They argued back and forth for a minute before West grabbed Sean’s chin. “Don’t you ever know when to shut up?” he demanded gruffly.
Sean opened his mouth to respond.
“Apparently not,” West grunted, shoving his mouth on top of Sean’s.
They kissed deeply and passionately, almost desperately, as if trying to express their emotions. Finally they broke apart, breathing hard, their foreheads resting together.
West kissed Sean’s nose, feeling the comforting warmth of Sean’s heated breaths on his face. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Sean whispered. “Overgrown gorilla.” He grinned.
“Feisty bunny.”
Their lips met again.
“Pregnant?” West asked. “Aw, another little Sammy running around? Or a mini Sean?” he cooed. “That’s so cute.”
Sean rolled his eyes, splashing his legs in the pool. “It’s going to be a huge age gap. I’m already so much older than Sammy. Now the new baby? I’ll be ancient!”
West chuckled. “It’s not that bad.”
“We won’t be close,” Sean mumbled. “If they have more kids, everyone will be together and I’ll be that older brother no one knows or cares about. If someone mentions my name, the kids will go, ‘Sean who?’”
“You know that’s not true,” West said frowning. “Sammy loves you. He’s always running after you. Not to mention your dad is hardly the type to abandon you. And your stepmother is not the evil type trying to exclude you. You call her mom!” he pointed out.
“I guess,” Sean murmured.
“You worry too much,” West said in amusement, kissing Sean’s temple. “Worry wart.”
“Stop making fun of me,” Sean pouted.
West snorted, tugging Sean onto his lap. “But you make it so easy.”
Sean tried to stand up, but West wrapped his arms tightly around Sean’s torso. “Where are you going?” West asked with a grin.
“Let go!” Sean struggled, pushing against West’s firm chest. He laughed as West’s fingers made their way to his side. “No!” he shrieked. “No, stop, that tickles!”
“That’s the point,” West cried, digging his fingers harder into Sean’s side.
Sean kicked his legs, water splashing everywhere. “West!” he screamed amongst his laughter.
“Boys!” Crew yelled. “Look out!”
West and Sean paused. Then a huge wave of water hit them as Crew, Zeke, and Skyler simultaneously jumped into the pool.
Sean sputtered, wiping his eyes and face. “Holy shit!”
West coughed, some water having gotten into his mouth. “Fuck, that was like a damn tidal wave.”
“Sorry dude, you were in the line of fire!” Skyler called out, splashing around Zeke. The blond grinned and jumped into Skyler’s arms.
Crew lazily swam a few strokes before splashing water onto Hiro’s legs. “Come play with me,” he said in a small voice.
“That sounded so creepy,” Storm grimaced. “Please refrain from being creepy in front of my children, Crew.”
Crew laughed. “Hiro always plays with me in the pool.”
A slightly smile tugged at Hiro’s lips. “He’s right.”
Skyler made a face. “Watch it, guys. No one wants to hear that business.”
“Get your mind out of the gutter!” Crew exclaimed. “I meant swimming. It’s good for me since I’m getting fat.”
“You’re not fat,” Zeke exclaimed.
Hiro shook his head. “He’s stubborn and won’t listen to anyone.”
“You know what Hiro said to me?” Crew said indignantly.
“What?” Skyler asked curiously.
“I told him I thought I was getting fat, and he said it was okay since that would mean more of me to love,” Crew explained shooting Hiro a look. “So basically, he was agreeing that I was fat.”
Skyler snickered. Zeke elbowed him.
“I don’t want to be fat!”
“Good going, Hiro. What a way to make your lady insecure,” Skyler guffawed.
Hiro shrugged, smiling slightly.
Crew splashed Skyler.
“Do some crunches,” Skyler suggested.
“But it’s so much easier to not do anything,” Crew cried out dramatically.
Zeke laughed. “Then you’re not going to have the body you did twenty years ago. Youth is not on our side anymore, Crew.”
“It sucks! What I wouldn’t do to be twenty again!” Crew groaned.
They all turned accusing eyes toward Sean and West. Sean’s eyes widened and he shrank into West’s side.
“Umm, sorry?” West offered.
“Staying fit is just so easy for you guys,” Crew said almost accusingly, but Sean detected the teasing glint in Crew’s bright blue eyes.
“I think this would be our cue to leave,” West murmured, brushing his lips against Sean’s ear.
Sean waved, pulling his legs from the water. Taking West’s hand, he made his way to the sliding doors.
“Where are you guys going? We’re going to eat dinner soon!” Storm called from the grill. “Help your mother set the table.”
When neither Sean nor West moved, Storm fixed them with a stern look, his eyes dark and commanding. “Now.”
“Do what the man says,” West mumbled, already walking toward Rachel and Sammy. “Do not make him angry. You know what will happen if I make him angry.”
Sean laughed, swatting West’s shoulder. “You’re ridiculous, West.”
West hummed, the cold air conditioning washing over him as he lay on the bed, exhausted from the day of swimming in the sun and the large dinner he had eaten.
Sean poked him. “Wake up.”
“Tired,” West murmured, pulling Sean closer.
Sean draped his arm across West’s bare stomach.
“I love Crew and Hiro’s house. It’s so big. The bedroom is so spacious. Luxury,” West sighed with envy. “What do they do?”
“Uncle Crew is a physical therapist and personal trainer. Uncle Hiro is a professor and wrote a couple books, but academic ones, nothing super cool or interesting. They make good money, but Uncle Crew got in a bad accident when my dad was in college and got a huge settlement. I actually have a trust fund from him, since he’s my Godfather, but I haven’t touched it yet.”
“I’m with a trust fund baby?” West asked with mock awe. “It seems I struck gold. Lucky me. I knew there was something special about you that first time we met.”
“Shut up.”
They snuggled comfortably on the bed together. Sean broke the silence with quiet laughter.
“What’s so funny?”
“We’re like a married couple. I go with you to visit your family. You come with me to visit my uncles. We’re a twofer special!”
West groaned. “A twofer special? So we both go where the other does?”
“Yup,” Sean quipped. “Now all you need to do is put a ring on my finger and make it official,” he prodded playfully.
“The day I do that, I’m going to have a lifetime of drama. I can just tell.”
Sean hummed. “Probably. Up to the challenge or want to back out while you can?” He kissed West’s chest gently.
West bit his lip, shifting on the bed. “Bring it. I never back away from a challenge.” He turned a serious gaze toward Sean. “Never.”
“Want to kiss on it?”
West smiled and leaned forward, sealing the promise.
Thanks to Frances for editing! And a special thanks to Pete and Mike for beta-reading and giving me feedback and encouragement.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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