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The Price of Revelation - 4. Chapter 4

The Price of Revelation
by Tiffani Chin

Chapter 4


“Give me your cell phone, Sean. We’re visiting your uncles. We’re on a family vacation. No texting and calling Ethan, okay?” Storm said snatching Sean’s phone.

Sean frowned. “Dad…” Before he could say more, Skyler wrapped an arm around his shoulder, whisking him away.

“Yeah, Sean. Enjoy the sun and the beach. Don’t be attached to your phone all the time. Go change into your trunks and let’s see if we can catch any waves,” Skyler insisted nudging Sean into the spare bedroom which he was sharing with Sammy.

“Me too?” Sammy asked tugging on Skyler’s hand. His big brown eyes stared up at Skyler.

Skyler smiled and picked Sammy up, nuzzling his nephew’s chubby cheeks. “Sammy, you’re a little too small to be surfing. How about you make some sand castles with your mommy?”

Sammy’s eyes lit up. “Okay!”

“Go change,” Skyler laughed.

Sean took his little brother’s hand and helped him into his swimming trunks.

“Boys, sun block!” Storm yelled from the front of the house.

“Look at him, that sun block Nazi! Some things never change!” Skyler laughed loudly, the unique snorting sound making Sean smile.

Seconds later, a large bottle was tossed into the bedroom, landing solidly on the bed. Sean chuckled and took it. He grabbed Sammy before the small boy could run away. “Sammy, stop for a second.”

Sammy made a face and squirmed. “Slimy.”

“I have to rub it in,” Sean smiled. “Just hold still.”

Sammy wiggled and squealed. “Cold!” He bounced on his toes.

“Sammy, stop moving!” Sean grunted in frustration as he spread sun block on Sammy’s shoulders, and then moved down to his stomach. “Sammy!” he exclaimed when Sammy jumped on top of him. Sammy giggled and rubbed his face against Sean’s.

Sean wrapped his arms around Sammy’s back, taking the opportunity to spread more sun block on his brother’s pale skin. Sammy laughed and held onto Sean’s shoulders. “You drive me crazy, kiddo,” Sean sighed.

After slathering himself thoroughly, Sean took Sammy’s hand. Storm was waiting for them. “What took so long?” he asked.

“Dad, do you know Sammy?” Sean asked in exasperation. “You need to strap him down in order to apply sun block.”

Storm grinned. “Why do you think I made you put it on him?”

Sean stuck his tongue out and his father laughed loudly, patting Sean on his back before pulling him into a one armed hug. Sean smiled and wrapped his arm around his dad’s waist as they made their way to the beach, with Sammy skipping between their legs.

“Sean, get in the water!” Zeke yelled. Sammy started running in, but Storm grabbed him around the waist, lifting him off the sand.

“Rachel, we need to get Sammy some water wings! Or swimming lessons.” Storm laughed. “He’s too eager for the water!” He looked affectionately at Sammy, who was kicking in the air.

“Daddy!” Sammy cried out happily.

“My sweet Sammy,” Storm murmured, hugging Sammy in his arms. “I love you. Promise to stay this sweet forever?” he asked feeling an ache in his chest when he thought of how fast children grew up.

“Promise,” Sammy grinned.

“That’s my baby.” Storm planted a big kiss on Sammy’s lips.

“Come here, Sammy,” Rachel said gathering Sammy in her arms. “Let’s walk along the shore and then build sand castles.” She planted him on the sand and securely took his hand. They started walking along the shore; some light waves hit Sammy’s feet, causing him to shout and jump.

“Here, Sean,” Skyler said popping up beside him. Cold water splashed onto Sean’s skin. “Let’s see how much you have improved since last summer.”

“I haven’t,” Sean laughed. “I spend my time running.”

“Lame!” Skyler cried out, grabbing Sean’s arm and pulling him into the water. Zeke laughed as they both dunked Sean under a large wave.

Sean broke the surface, laughing loudly, and wiping water out of his eyes. “Jerks!” he shouted.




“Come here, Sammy,” Sean said scooping his brother into his lap. Sammy was practically asleep and he snuggled his face into Sean’s neck, mumbling.

“I think it’s nap time for him,” Sean said rubbing Sammy’s cheek. He looked up and found his father watching them.

Storm smiled. “I guess so. The sun tires us out. I think I’m about ready to conk out, too.”

Sean hummed in agreement, looking down at Sammy.


“Yeah, Dad?”

“You like it here?”

“In California?” Sean asked, perplexed by the question. “Um, yeah, sure. We come here every year. It’s nice enough.”

Storm nodded with an unreadable expression on his face. “It is nice. It would be fun to hang at the beach every day, right?”

“Uh, I guess.” Sean was still confused.

Storm nodded again, his face stressed and tired. “Hey, I’m going to wash up and rest a little. Want me to take Sammy?”

Sean shook his head. “It’s okay. I’ll put him to bed.” He watched his father walk out of the room before a thought occurred to him. “Dad, wait!”

“Yeah, Sean?”

“Can I have my phone back?” Sean asked hopefully. “Everyone is taking a nap and I’d like to call some people back home.”

Storm narrowed his eyes. They both knew who Sean was referring to. Sean held his breath, waiting for his dad to start yelling. His father didn’t yell; he merely walked away.

Sean frowned, blinking at his father’s abrupt exit. His frown deepened when he saw his dad reappear, holding something in his hand.

“Here, Sean.”

Sean wrapped his fingers around his cell phone.

“Don’t stay on it too long, okay?”

Sean nodded and again watched his father leave the room. Lifting Sammy carefully, he went into their room and deposited Sammy on the bed. He gently eased the covers around his small body and caressed Sammy’s short hair. His brother stirred and murmured under his breath before going still.

Sean headed to the kitchen so he could have some privacy to talk. He called Ethan right away. “Hey,” he breathed as soon as he heard the familiar voice.

“Hey, Sean. I’m glad to hear from you. I called you before,” Ethan said in a calm voice.

Sean looked down at his phone and didn’t see any missed call or voicemail alerts. He shrugged. “Sorry, my dad took my phone away. Said we were on vacation, visiting family, so I had to spend time with them.”

Ethan chuckled. “So how are you able to call me now?”

“Everyone is sleeping and I guess my dad was feeling gracious.”

Ethan laughed. “That’s good. Are you having a good time?”

“Yeah,” Sean replied. “I always enjoy seeing my uncles and hanging at the beach. I don’t do it much at home, which is why I’m so pasty.”

“Sean, you’re pasty all over,” Ethan said with a flirty tone.

Sean blushed. “I guess so. What have you been doing?”

Ethan sighed. “Trying to write.”

“How’s that going?”

“Wrote a few paragraphs. Just been relaxing in general, waiting for you to come home,” Ethan said.

Sean smiled. “You can handle a week without me!”

“My life is boring!” Ethan cried out dramatically. “Without you, it’s boring.”

“Hang out somewhere. Chill at a coffee shop. Meet some friends,” Sean suggested.

“Maybe,” Ethan said. “But I have trouble clicking with people. I need a specific type of person.”

“Oh yeah? What type?” Sean asked curiously.

“You’re my type.”

Sean was flattered, but felt like he could never get a straight answer out of Ethan.

“I’ll be counting the days until you get home,” Ethan said. “Want to have lunch or dinner when you get back?”

“I think we get home really early in the morning, so I’ll probably be tired. I don’t know what my family has planned. Maybe we can do dinner. If not, the next day?” Sean asked.

“That’s fine,” Ethan said. “There’s this cool restaurant I’d like to take you to in the city. Maybe we could see a show sometime, too.”

“I have to find out my work schedule,” Sean said. “I’m going to ask my manager if I can have set hours so it will be easier for us to spend time together without working around my job.”

“Sean, you don’t have to work over the summer,” Ethan said. “You should just enjoy your time, having fun, and spending time with me.” Sean could sense the smile in Ethan’s voice.

“I want to save up money for college, for side expenses and stuff,” Sean said. “I’d feel bad making my parents pay for everything.”

“I’d pay you.”

“To what?” Sean snorted. “Spend time with you?”

Ethan laughed. “If that’s what it takes so I can see you more!”

“That would make me some sort of hooker. No wait, hustler or something.”

“More like escort,” Ethan snickered.

Sean smirked. “Thanks a lot. Now I know how you really see me.”

“I do miss you though. I miss being able to touch you. You have such soft skin, Sean,” Ethan said in a faraway tone. “I wish you were here now. I would hold you while you slept, and we could make love in the morning.”

Sean didn’t know what to say, and a funny feeling crept inside his stomach. Maybe it was the mushy talk that he wasn’t used to, or someone pining over him so much. It was hard to take. Part of him wanted to laugh, and part of him wanted to melt at the sweet, although sickening words.

“I miss you, too, Ethan,” Sean said. “I’ll be home before you know it.”

They talked a bit longer. After hanging up, Sean considered calling Kessler, going so far as to highlight Kessler’s name in his phone book. His thumb lingered over the send button.

He remembered their fight and the things Kessler had said. Kessler had hurt him, calling him stupid, weak, and pathetic.

Anger swept over him and he tossed the phone onto the table. Forget about Kessler.




Sean laughed and nearly tripped over his feet as he ran after Edison, the twenty-two year old college student who lived two houses down from his uncles.

Edison collapsed on the sand and chuckled, catching his breath. “Good times, man. I’ve never laughed so much at someone until now.”

“Thanks. I’m glad I could provide you with entertainment,” Sean said sarcastically.

“You know what I was thinking of when I was watching you surf? I mean, watching you attempting to surf, pathetically, I might add,” Edison asked moving onto his side, and looking at Sean.

Sean rolled his eyes. “Let’s hear it.”

“It was like looking into a washing machine, seeing the clothes swirling around in the water, completely helpless. Just like you,” Edison finished with a huge grin.

Sean burst out in laughter. “I can kind of see that. I did get a beating. There’s water in my ears and I’m sure I lost a substantial amount of brain cells.”

“You just need some practice. You’ll improve by the end of the summer,” Edison said. He slapped Sean’s arm. “Hey, I’ll teach you. I’m here practically every day.”

“I don’t have the whole summer,” Sean pointed out. “I’m leaving tomorrow morning.”

Edison snorted. “Stop playing, man. You’re staying for the summer.”

“What are you talking about?” Sean demanded in confusion. He stared at his new friend.

“You’re staying here for the summer,” Edison repeated.

Sean shook his head again and blinked. “Dude, I still don’t understand.”

Edison rolled his eyes. “How old did you say you were again?” There was a hint of teasing in his voice.

“My age has nothing to do with you not making sense,” Sean shot back.

Edison grinned. “Alright, kid. Calm down. Don’t go sulking on me.”

“Seriously, why do you think I’ll be here the entire summer?”

“Your uncles told me,” Edison said. “Skyler mentioned that his nephew was visiting and asked if I could show you around, keep you company while they were at work. Since they’re so cool, I figured you couldn’t be that bad and I agreed.”

“But I’m only visiting for a week,” Sean said frowning.

“That’s not what I heard,” Edison said. “I distinctly remember them saying ‘for the summer’. I may be blond, but I’m not dumb,” he grinned.

Sean didn’t laugh. He was still confused. Why would Edison think he was staying for the entire summer?

Edison flicked Sean’s ear. “Don’t worry, Sean. Maybe I did get it wrong. It happens.” He shrugged good-naturedly.

Sean nodded uneasily. He had an odd feeling in his stomach.

“I’m starving. Want to get something to eat?” Edison asked scratching his head, squinting at Sean.

“Sure, man. Sure,” Sean answered distractedly.

“Great,” Edison said enthusiastically. “What do you feel like eating? Hot dogs or burgers?” His eyes lit up. “Or pizza!”

Sean forced a smile, but he couldn’t shake off this nagging doubt in his mind. The weird conversation he had had with his father came to mind. He remembered the questions his father had asked a few days ago.


“Yeah, Dad?”

“You like it here?”

“In California?” Sean asked perplexed by the question. “Um, yeah, sure. We come here every year. It’s nice enough.”

Storm nodded with an unreadable expression on his face. “It is nice. It would be fun to hang at the beach every day, right?”

“Uh, I guess.” Sean was still confused.

Sean had a sinking feeling that his dad intended on leaving him in California all summer.




“Dad, I need to ask you something,” Sean announced that night at dinner.

Storm looked at him, an open and questioning look on his face.

Sean hesitated. “Umm, Edison said something funny today.”

“What’s that?” Skyler asked raising a brow. Everyone looked at Sean.

“He said I was staying here for the entire summer…” Sean trailed off looking directly into his father’s eyes.

Sean had to hand it to his father. The older man managed to keep a good poker face except for the slight widening of his eyes and a guilty darkening of his face.

Sean’s mouth fell open. “You mean he was right?” he demanded.

This time when he scanned everyone’s faces, they all avoided eye contact with him. Except for his father and Sammy. His father never broke eye contact and Sammy was smiling goofily at him, not having a clue what Sean was talking about.

“Dad!” Sean exclaimed when his father said nothing.


“Are you guys still leaving tomorrow morning?” Sean asked in a panic.

After a brief pause, Storm nodded.

“And I’m staying?”

Again, Storm nodded.

“Dad, why?” Sean’s voice cracked.

“I think some time here would be good for you.” Storm shrugged.

“You mean some time away from Ethan,” Sean accused.

Storm clenched his jaw. “Fine. I mean some time away from Ethan would be good for you.”

Sean abruptly stood up, knocking his chair over.

“Sit down, Sean.”

“When did you decide this? Like, during this trip? Before we left?” Sean asked, all the questions running through his head.

Storm sighed. “After we had dinner with Ethan, I called your Uncle Skyler.”

Sean snapped his head at Skyler accusingly. His uncle merely shot him an apologetic look before shoving some food into his mouth.

“I made the arrangements then. I asked if it was okay for you to stay. I moved up our visit to the end of June. I packed an extra bag of your clothes. Anything else you might want that I didn’t pack, I can send to you later.”

“This is such bullshit, Dad! How can you leave me here?”

“Watch your language, Sean!”

Tears came to Sean’s eyes. He felt like a little kid again. “I can’t believe you! You’d send me off for two months just to keep me away from Ethan?”

“If that’s what it takes,” Storm replied calmly.

“Dad, that’s not fair! What about my friends? What about my job? You just made a huge decision without even talking to me about it!” Sean’s voice grew louder. “How could you do that to me? You’re such a…a…” Sean struggled to find the words.

His father’s silence infuriated him further.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” Sean spat.

Grinding his teeth, his father carefully answered him. “I’m doing what’s best for you, Sean.”

“You don’t know what’s best for me!”

“I do,” Storm said confidently. “You’re young and you can’t see beyond…”

“I hate you!” Sean yelled.

Rachel gasped, her hand going to her mouth.

Zeke started coughing and hastily reached for his water.

Skyler dropped his fork, the sharp sound reverberating in the silence that descended upon them.

Sean was breathing hard, his chest heaving. He was unable to look away from his father’s hurt filled eyes. He was torn between apologizing and hurting his father even more. His anger won out. He went with the latter.

“I’m glad you’re making me stay here for the summer. I can’t stand you anymore. You’re punishing me when I haven’t done anything wrong! I hate you!” Sean took pleasure when his father winced.

“I hate you so much and I’m glad I won’t be seeing you after tomorrow!” Sean kicked at his chair before storming to his room.



Thanks to Frances for editing! And a special thanks to Pete and Mike for beta-reading and giving me feedback and encouragement.

Copyright © 2011 Tiff; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Man, I can't believe Storm would do that. I mean I think it's obvious that Ethan isn't right for Sean, but he is 18. Give him advice and explain to him how you feel like Kessler did. but going behind his back and handling things the way Storm has being doing, is wrong.

Sean needs to realise what Ethan his, on his own.

Storm's going about it all the wrong way.

The rebellious part in me is wanting Sean to call up Ethan for a ride back home just to make a point to his father, that he is old enough to make his own decisions and learn from his own mistakes. That is after all how we learn and progress throughout life. How can we learn if other people make all our decisions for us?

Loving the story so far:)

  • Site Administrator

Best intentions, but a really poor execution. Rachel's prediction that Storm was going to lose Sean appears to be coming true :( And this is going to push Sean closer to Ethan, because now he will be with Ethan as revenge on his father. The only way that isn't going to happen is if Sean finds someone in California, but he's not going to be looking because he's too angry... This isn't going to end well.

  • Site Administrator

Actually, contrary to the others, this might be the best. 


At at this point, Sean may hate his dad, but he did say he was glad to be left behind due to that hate. He never indicated he was going home to Ethan one way or another. Just hope that Ethan doesn't come to get him. 


Maybe Edison being a total outsider can talk some sanity into Sean. 

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