Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Price of Revelation - 6. Chapter 6
The Price of Revelation
by Tiffani Chin
Chapter 6
“I was right! You’re spending the summer in California!” Edison cheered. “Ha! I’m not going crazy.”
In spite of himself, Sean giggled. “Sorry. I guess you’re not a dumb blond after all. Damn, everything I’ve ever known in this world has gone down the toilet.”
“Thanks,” Edison said sarcastically bumping shoulders with Sean. “I guess we can get started on those surfing lessons.”
“You know, surfing isn’t my thing,” Sean hedged.
“Why not?”
“What if a shark bites my leg?” Sean asked sheepishly.
Edison stared at him with wide eyes. Then they screwed shut and Edison fell forward, laughing uncontrollably and slapping his knee.
“Why are you laughing? Edison, I’m serious. When we go that deep, I freak out over what might be under me. The water is so deep I can’t see a damn thing. It’s dark and ominous,” Sean said trying to look serious but having trouble fighting a smile.
Edison shrieked with more laughter. “Sean, you’re a funny guy,” Edison said wiping his eyes.
“But I’m serious,” Sean deadpanned.
That set Edison off into another round of laughter. Minutes later, Edison managed to calm himself down. “Hey, since you’ll be here for two months, you should meet some of my friends.”
“Really?” Sean asked excited at the prospect of having a group of people to spend time with.
He and Kessler still had not talked since their fight. The twins, Charlotte and Tyler, were visiting their father in Australia like they did every summer since their parents had divorced. His uncles would be working during the week. He’d be bored on his own.
“Yeah, Sean. I like you. We’re going to be spending a lot of time together this summer, so I’ll definitely introduce you to my friends.”
“What about your girlfriend?” Sean asked hesitantly.
Edison waved his hand dismissively. “Nah, that’s not a big deal. I got out of a messy long term relationship a few months ago and I am not ready to settle down right now. She was a total bitch, pushing me to get married. I liked where we were and I’m too young to get married! What’s with women and wanting to get married? It’s like a freaking death sentence.”
“Um, I don’t think it’s exactly like a death sentence,” Sean said smiling.
Edison rolled his eyes. “Whatever. I want to relax with my friends.” He shrugged. “If I happen to meet a girl, so be it. Until then, I’m going to have fun.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Sean said his eyes sparkling.
“Play any sports?”
Sean knew Edison was really into sports. The guy had played basketball, football, and lacrosse all through high school. He also surfed regularly, being a native California boy.
“I’m a runner,” Sean answered. He laughed when Edison made a face. “Running is not a contact sport, but I like the control, the stamina, and the calm it brings me. I just run and run and my head clears.”
Edison looked at him hopefully. “But are you any good at sports in general? My friends love playing basketball. It’s a weekly thing we all do together.”
“I’m decent enough at every sport. I’m not extremely aggressive, but I’m not tripping over my feet. My dad is really good at sports. It rubbed off on me, for the most part,” Sean answered.
“I hope so, you scrawny little turd.” Edison glanced at him sideways. “I don’t want you to embarrass me in front of the boys,” he joked.
“Shut up. I may be skinny, but I have more grace than you, you big oaf. I can move faster without all that extra bulk,” Sean said eyeing Edison’s tall, broad, and muscular frame.
Edison was only an inch taller, but had at least thirty pounds over him, if not more. Sean was very slim and didn’t bother to lift weights. It was too hard and excruciating.
“Come on, dork, let’s get some smoothies. My best friend works there. Actually, his parents own the shop,” Edison said throwing an arm over Sean’s shoulders.
Sean followed along, but poked Edison’s side. “Hey, man.”
Edison looked at him.
“I know this may sound silly, but I just have to say it,” Sean began staring into Edison’s expectant face. “I’m gay.”
Edison blinked twice, then his mouth opened, and laughter spilled out of it. He slapped Sean’s back. Sean winced. Apparently Edison didn’t know his own strength.
“You were worried about telling me that? Are you insane? Do you know who your uncles are? Not only are they openly gay, but they’re ridiculously open about being gay, always kissing and hugging. I didn’t know a couple of old people could be so lovey-dovey. They’re worse than my parents. It sickens me,” Edison snorted.
Sean laughed. “I wasn’t really worried. I just wanted to get it out in the open in case any of your friends have a problem with it?” he inquired.
“No,” Edison shrugged. “I wouldn’t be friends with people like that. I don’t feel like dealing with any haters That’s so not my style, dude.”
Sean smiled as he studied his new friend. That was something he would expect someone as mellow and fun loving as Edison to say. In that moment, he missed Kessler and Kessler’s calm and soothing personality. Kessler wouldn’t put up with hateful friends either.
“That’s the reason I’m here for the summer,” Sean said.
“What, because you’re gay?” Edison asked with confusion.
Sean chuckled. “No, I was dating someone my father didn’t approve of and he thought it was best if I stayed here for the summer. In fact, I didn’t find out I was staying here for the summer until a few days ago, when you brought it up.” He smiled ruefully.
Edison’s mouth fell open. “No, fucking way! That sucks! Were you mad pissed?”
“When I confronted my dad, yeah, I was so fucking mad. I yelled at him and I, um, and…”
“And what?” Edison pressed curiously.
“I feel really bad about this, but I told my dad I hated him. I told him twice,” Sean said looking at his hands. “You should have seen how hurt he looked.” Sean met Edison’s eyes. “I regret it now. My dad is a really great dad. He’s never done anything bad to me and he and I were always so close. I never met my biological mother, and my dad didn’t get married until I was almost eleven. It was just me and him all those years. I’ve hurt him so much these past few months,” Sean finished. “I shouldn’t have said…”
Edison was silent. Then he patted Sean’s back. “Don’t feel too bad, Sean.”
Sean frowned.
“Parents always know that they’ll at least get one, if not more, ‘I hate you’ in their parenting career,” Edison sympathized.
“Parenting career?” Sean couldn’t help smiling.
Edison shrugged. “It’s the truth. We get emotional and we say things we don’t mean. Your dad probably knows that. But it wouldn’t hurt to apologize at some point, you know, to acknowledge that you hurt his feelings.”
Sean nodded in agreement. “Yeah. Soon. I just feel so guilty. I kind of don’t know where to begin.”
“He’s your dad. They know how to forgive dumb kids like you.” Edison shoved him lightly.
“You’re not much older than me!” Sean protested.
“Four years older is enough. I have more wisdom than you,” Edison teased.
“Yeah, right. I have more brains than you, blondie!” Sean stuck his tongue out.
Edison grinned and grabbed Sean in a headlock. “You know what, Sean? You’ll fit right in.”
They walked to Edison’s car. As they buckled up, Edison glanced at Sean. “Hey, you never mentioned what was so bad about this relationship that made your dad send you across the country.”
Sean sighed, remembering the phone conversation he had had with Ethan the night before. “That’s a long and ugly story.”
“Ooh, intriguing,” Edison said his eyes lighting up as he turned on the car. “Now I have to know.”
Sean groaned. “My headache is coming back.”
Edison frowned with concern. “That bad?”
“That bad.”
“Come on, man. Don’t hold out on me. Tell me, please!” Edison’s eyes were pleading with Sean comically, his shaggy blond hair flying in the breeze.
“Here’s the Cliff’s Notes version: the guy is thirty-five and last night I sort of broke up with him and I think he threatened me,” Sean said.
Edison’s eyes widened. “What? That’s it?” he asked when Sean didn’t elaborate. “Fuck, man, you can’t just say that and then hold out on me!”
“Buy me a huge drink and I’ll entertain you with the drama that is my life for the rest of the afternoon.”
“Where’s your friend?” Sean asked looking around the colorful place that smelled of fruits and ice cream. He inhaled deeply.
“He’ll be here in a little bit. He stops in everyday and works a few hours and keeps an eye on the other workers,” Edison said. He looked at Sean sternly. “Stop stalling. Tell me everything,” he said excitedly.
“You’re such a girl. How do you get so excited about gossip?”
“I’m bored and the sun makes me ditzy?” Edison threw out smiling. “Now tell me!”
Sean laughed at the whiny tone and sipped his smoothie. “His name is Ethan and he’s thirty-five. I met him at a coffee shop and he invited me to have a muffin with him. We got to talking and he asked me out.”
“We went on a few dates until my dad found out.” Sean shook his head. “I was seventeen at the time and my dad...” Sean whistled at the memory.
“Oh, shit,” Edison said realization dawning on his face.
“My dad freaked. Threatened to call the cops if I continued to see Ethan. So I stopped for awhile. Then I turned eighteen and…”
“You started dating him again?” Edison guessed.
Sean nodded. “There was something about him…”
“Old age?” Edison snickered into his smoothie cup.
“He was different. He was smarter and more mature and…” Sean trailed off.
“Then why did you break up with him?”
Sean didn’t want to share every detail, but figured he could share some of the broader facts. “I did like him, I mean I do. I’m just confused. Everyone thinks he’s so bad for me and shit, I don’t know what to think anymore. I think being here will be good for me, to clear my head and just relax. Sometimes Ethan is so sweet and makes me feel so good, but other times…” Sean broke off.
“Other times what?” Edison asked frowning, his straw hanging out of his mouth.
“Other times he was angry, mean, and jealous.”
“Bummer,” Edison said his frown deepening. “Don’t be with someone like that. I dated a few bitchy girls like that. It was not fun, man.”
“There were other things, too,” Sean said remembering the sex and the pain.
“Like what?”
“I’d rather not say,” Sean said looking down. “But basically he’d be really nice afterwards and stuff.” He shrugged.
Edison was silent, then he softly spoke, touching Sean’s shoulder. “Sean, did he hit you?”
Sean shook his head. “Not exactly. But, um,” he licked his lips. “Listen, I don’t want to talk about it.”
Edison held up his hands and smiled. “Okay, sorry, man. I won’t ask anymore.”
Sean smiled gratefully. “Anyway, after talking with him last night, I think it was a good idea for me to end it.”
“Why? If you don’t mind telling me, that is,” Edison said. Sean felt warm at Edison’s consideration.
“Ethan totally blew up when I told him I wanted a break. I didn’t really plan on breaking up with him, per se. I just said we could resume dating when I got home, but he interpreted it as me dumping him. Then he got all crazy saying how I was hurting him and using him. Then he threatened me.”
“Threatened you how?”
“He said I would be sorry. That I would pay. Like all the others.” Sean looked troubled. “What do you think he meant?”
Edison ran his fingers through his hair. “Nothing, most likely. Girls say that all the time when they get dumped. Some kind of revenge, pride thing.”
Sean looked uneasy. “It didn’t seem that way with Ethan,” he explained, fiddling with the edge of his cup. “He sounded delirious, giddy, and just maniacal. He really freaked me out.”
“Here’s my advice,” Edison said. “Just don’t worry about it right now. There’s not much you can do. There’s not much he can do. You’re on opposite ends of the country. Trust me, in time this will blow over and he’ll get over himself and his bruised ego. We’re guys, we need time to lick our wounds and all that shit. I’m sure nothing will come of this.”
Sean nodded. “Yeah, sure. You’re right.”
“Of course, man,” Edison grinned. He looked like he was going to say more, but his eyes lit up as he stared at someone behind Sean. “Hey! West!”
“That’s my friend, West,” Edison said to Sean.
Sean turned in his seat and looked at Edison’s friend. After he gave the guy a brief once over, he immediately felt intimidated.
Kessler was a big guy at 6’2, but this guy looked taller than Kessler. He was also built. Whereas Sean was very lean with his muscles showing because of his lack of fat, West had sculpted, defined muscles. West’s chest was very developed and it was evident even with his shirt on. Veins ran along his forearms and his triceps shifted beneath the skin as he leaned over the table.
“Hey, Edison,” West said in a deep voice, with considerably less cheer and bounce than Edison’s voice. His voice sounded scratchy and almost mean. Sean wondered if that was his natural voice.
Sean took the chance to glance at West’s face. He was very tan, a rich bronze shade. His nose was long and pointed at the end. His dark brown eyes were a little too close together, and his ears stuck out a bit. His black hair was spiked and gelled fashionably, slightly puffed at the top, with a small strip hanging over his forehead.
Sean looked up to find West staring at him. Sean blushed, realizing he had been caught. His face felt hot.
“This is Sean,” Edison introduced. “He’s the nephew of one of my neighbors. He’s here for the summer.” Edison turned to Sean. “This is West.”
West looked at Sean, his eyes blank and emotionless. Sean felt himself shrinking into his chair subconsciously. West stared hard at Sean, as if examining him, dissecting him. He made Sean feel small.
Sean was afraid to offer his hand in fear that West would try to crush it. His hands were large, his fingers long. They could probably wrap two fold around Sean’s wrists. Besides being thin, Sean had small bones and small structure in general. He inwardly cursed, wishing he could have been bigger like his dad.
West blinked slowly and deliberately, his long black lashes fluttering seductively, tauntingly. He stood up straight, lifting his defined jaw. His lips curved into a smile. Sean wouldn’t consider it a friendly smile. He even detected a hint of contempt in those dark eyes. “Nice to meet you, Sean.” West patted Edison on the back, and then headed to the back room.
Sean stared at the table, his heart pounding. What was with that guy? “That’s your friend?” he demanded.
Edison looked at him with surprise. “Yeah. Why?”
“He didn’t seem to like me,” Sean said. He didn’t want to admit that West scared the shit out of him.
“West’s a nice guy. A very loyal friend, but he’s a bit rough around the edges. It also takes some time for him to warm up,” Edison admitted. “We hated each other when we first met.”
Sean frowned. That didn’t seem very promising.
“Don’t worry. You’ll be friends with him in no time,” Edison assured.
Sean craned his neck and risked another glance at West who was cleaning out a blender. As if sensing Sean’s gaze, he looked up. Their eyes locked.
West’s jaw was hard, his lips pressed together. His dark eyes appeared black. There was a mean glint in them. West looked away, his eyes shifting in such a way that he managed to throw Sean a dirty look before turning his attention away completely.
“Not likely,” Sean muttered gripping his cup tightly. Edison had said that he wasn’t friends with hateful people. Why was West giving him those looks?
“What?” Edison asked.
“Nothing.” Sean had a feeling that West would be trouble for him. He sighed. Just what he needed.
Ethan stared at the pictures, his fingers running over the faces.
So many faces. So many people. So many people that had hurt and tortured him in the past. Once upon a time he had let them beat him down, let them walk all over him, let them take advantage of his naïve nature.
But not anymore. He had changed a lot since high school and college. He was a completely different person now. Most of all, he liked his new self.
Ethan sighed, staring at Sean’s beautiful face, smiling back at him from the picture. “I love you, Sean. You won’t get rid of me that easily.” Gripping the photo tighter, he whispered, “You’ll love me, too, in time. Everything takes time.”
He looked around his apartment aimlessly. He had to get Sean back. Now. He couldn’t wait. Sean was in California with his uncles. All he had to do was get their address. He would bring Sean back home with him, where the boy belonged.
Ethan thought of Sean’s father. Obviously Storm had the address of Sean’s location. Unfortunately, Ethan doubted Storm would be willing to give it up.
“Well, I’ll just have to get him to see things my way, won’t I?” Ethan murmured to himself. He took a long swallow of his drink, feeling the burn down his throat. It empowered him.
“I don’t believe you’re like the others, Sean. I know you love me, too. Your father just wants to keep us apart. He’s putting lies in your head. Don’t worry, baby, I’ll come for you,” Ethan promised, smiling. “Have faith in me.”
He looked up, staring out the window, his eyes blazing with passion. The sun was setting. The sky was a beautiful mixture of pink, lavender, and dark blue.
Ethan sighed again and shook his head. “I’m coming for your son, Storm Chin. And there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” His lips quirked in amusement as he thought of Sean and their future together.
Staying at his uncles’ house wasn’t as bad as Sean had anticipated.
A lot of his anger and bitterness had subsided. Talking with his uncles had helped and spending time with Edison was good for him. Taking a break from Ethan felt surprisingly liberating. A load had been taken off his shoulders and judging by the way Ethan had been talking on the phone, Sean felt that he might have dodged a bullet.
He couldn’t help smiling a bit as he surged ahead, tightening his stomach, and forcing his legs to take longer and faster strides. There was nothing Sean loved more than running. He felt strong, fast, and graceful. He felt as if he was accomplishing something with each step.
Sweat poured down his face and his legs burned more than usual. Running on the beach took a bit more out of him, but by the end of the summer, he’d be well conditioned.
His face felt hot and enflamed. He was relieved to see his uncles’ house. He wanted to drink a ton of water and shower. Sean’s steps slowed as he got to the front door, and his heart jumped into his throat when he saw who was waiting for him.
Those dark eyes were trained on him, but the face was expressionless.
“Hi, Sean!” Edison said smiling widely, as he always did. “Good timing. I was just checking if you were home.”
“There’s this thing called the phone. That way we can make plans in advance,” Sean said, placing his hands on his hips as he regained his breath. He purposely kept his focus on Edison’s face. If he looked at West, he would get nervous and start speaking incoherently.
“I go running every day,” Sean explained when Edison looked at him questioningly. “Usually in the morning because I like to do it right after I wake up, but sometimes I don’t always get up in time, like today.”
“Oh, yeah. You’re the runner,” Edison snorted with a teasing tone. “I actually saw you on the way here. I was with West and we drove here. You look good when you run.”
Sean blushed, but thankfully he was already flushed from his run so no one would be able to tell the difference. “Thanks.” He cleared his throat. “So what brings you here?” he asked still keeping his sole focus on Edison. Sean could feel West’s hard stare on him. He fought to keep his composure.
“We’re on our way to play basketball. Want to come with?” Edison asked.
Sean risked a glance at West, thankful that he was wearing sunglasses so West couldn’t see his eyes.
“Umm, that’s okay,” Sean said trying to come off casual. “I’m just going to shower and eat.”
“Oh, come on, man. You said you’d play,” Edison said his lips turning downward.
“The boy has to eat, Edison,” West input.
It was an innocent enough statement, but the comment seemed to have a mocking element to it. Sure enough, West’s eyes were roaming up and down Sean’s body. A smirk formed on his lips. Sean frowned and felt himself grow hot with anger and annoyance.
“Can you meet us after you eat?” Edison asked hopefully, like a little kid who desperately wanted his way. “The more people we have the better.”
West snorted sarcastically.
“Got something to say?” Sean snapped, unable to take it anymore. “Then say it already!”
Briefly West’s eyes widened with shock, before his cool exterior took over once again. He snickered, one side of his mouth curling into a subtle sneer. “Nope,” he said faking an air of innocence.
Edison looked back and forth between West and Sean. Then he rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Sean, just meet us. By the time everyone gets there and we set up, you’ll be right on time.” He turned, not giving Sean a chance to wiggle out of the arrangement.
West stood and followed Edison. He passed Sean, his neck craning as he glanced at Sean. “See you later, kid.” There was emphasis on ‘kid’.
Sean stared after them, his breath ragged in irritation. He barely knew West, but he already hated him.
A wave of aggression came over Sean. He had never felt this way before. He felt unusually competitive. When it came to sports, Sean kept his cool and just enjoyed the game.
This game was different.
All of Edison’s friends were friendly or at least cordial before the game started. Except for West, who was the resident asshole of the group. However, everyone else seemed to like and get along with West.
West seemed to have a personal dislike toward Sean. Frankly, Sean was getting sick of it.
They split into teams and it just so happened that Edison’s team was one man short.
“You take him, Edison,” West called out. “This is the men’s team,” he smirked at Sean meaningfully.
Edison chuckled and waved Sean over.
All of Edison’s friends looked like the meaty jock types. Sean’s slim runner’s build was definitely out of place, but Sean was fast. He didn’t have bulk, but he had speed and agility. He knew he’d be able to hold his own.
As soon as the game started, West was all over Sean. Sean had no idea what the guy was trying to prove. After an accidental shove here, and a random nudge there, Sean was getting pissed. Each time Sean looked at him, West was smiling, like this was fun.
Sean had the ball and was dribbling, quickly weaving around the other guys, looking for one of his teammates to pass to. His sneakers squeaked as he bounced back and forth. The big guy with bleached blond hair nodded at him. Sean didn’t remember his name, but he threw the ball to him. At that moment, West pushed Sean.
Sean fell to the ground and quickly rolled backwards, landing on his feet. He stood and stared darkly at West. West raised his brow and almost looked impressed, before he grinned and turned away.
“What is his problem?” Sean hissed at Edison, wiping the sweat from his eyes.
Edison looked at West and shrugged. “I’m really not sure, Sean,” he said honestly. “He’s been acting weird. I’m not sure why.”
Sean bounced on his toes eagerly, his eyes constantly rolling as he visually followed the ball. When West grabbed it, Sean sped forward and jumped into the air, lunging with his right arm outstretched. With his fingers, he latched onto the ball and knocked it out of West’s hands. Edison quickly snatched it up and began running to the opposite end of the court.
West was breathing hard, his nostrils flaring as he stared at Sean. He looked like a mad bull, the sweaty black strip of hair hanging over his eyes, making his eyes appear even narrower and darker.
Sean couldn’t help feeling amused and was sure it showed in his eyes, judging from the way West clenched his fists.
Hunter, the guy with the curly hair, threw the ball at Sean. Sean dribbled it, running quickly, keeping his peripheral vision on West at all times. He tossed the ball to Edison, and ran across the court. He jumped up and down and Edison chucked the ball at him.
Sean prepared to take his shot, but too many guys were barreling toward him. He ended up throwing the ball back to Hunter and made his way to the net. West was close behind him. Hunter bounced the ball a few times before discreetly aiming it in Sean’s direction.
West must have anticipated Hunter’s move, because as Sean jumped up to make his shot, the ball leaving his fingertips, he felt a hard body slam into him while simultaneously something sharp shoved into his nose, forcing his head backwards.
Sean felt an explosion of pain, his eyes tearing automatically as he fell onto the wooden floor. He banged his elbow and grimaced in pain. Off balance and unable to catch himself, Sean’s head connected solidly with the ground.
He rolled himself so he was facing the floor. He crouched on his hands and knees, keeping his face low, covering it with one hand. Tears trickled down his face and Sean didn’t want anyone to see.
“Sean, are you okay?” He recognized Edison’s voice.
Sean was filled with anger, sadness, and confusion as he suddenly began crying hard. He wasn’t sure if it was the stress of fighting with his father, his fear of Ethan’s words, or just being away from his family, but he couldn’t contain his tears.
Something wet and slimy ran down his nose and chin. Blinking through the moisture on his eyelashes, he swiped his free hand over his face. He was bleeding profusely. Copious amounts covered his fingers. More tears came to his eyes.
“Sean?” Edison gently laid a hand on Sean’s lower back.
With an anguished choke, Sean swiped at more blood before slapping his hand on the floor. He clawed at it, smearing his blood with a squeaking sound. There were gasps.
“Fuck, he’s bleeding!”
“Sean, man, are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital? Sit up and let me have a look,” Edison said with worry in his voice.
Sean’s shoulders were shaking as he took in rage filled gasps of air. Finally he sat up, pushing up onto his feet, still crouching. He was breathing hard, his jaw clenched, and his lips bared as he scanned the faces staring down at him.
“Shit, Sean,” Hunter murmured sympathetically.
Hunter and the bleached blond guy reached down to help Sean up. Sean angrily shrugged them off. Sean could feel a trail of blood falling onto his shirt from his chin.
“Sean, I think we need to get you…” Edison began, looking uneasy at the sight of Sean’s blood.
Sean wiped his nose along the entire length of his arm, leaving a crimson trail on his pale skin. Standing up, he looked at the guys, who were all too stunned to do anything. Instinctively, he licked his lips, tasting his own blood, metallic and sweet. Feeling a bit crazed, he rolled his tongue around his mouth, savoring the taste.
He met West’s dark eyes. West stared at him with wide eyes, a slight hint of guilt in them.
“Fuck you,” Sean hissed at West, blood spraying from his lips. “Fuck you!” he shouted, his voice echoing in the silence.
West took a step forward at the same time Edison did. West’s mouth was open as if he was going to say something, but Sean didn’t want to hear the guy’s stupid voice or obnoxious comments. Sean spun on his heels, walking quickly toward the doors.
“Sean, let me drive you home,” Edison insisted chasing after him.
“Leave me the fuck alone,” Sean yelled pushing Edison backwards. He bolted through the double doors, startling a group of teenage boys. They all stared at him with shock.
Sean took off running. He didn’t stop until he had reached his uncles’ house. Breathless, he had no idea how many miles he had run. It was a lot, but in his frustration and tears, the road didn’t seem so long.
Making it into the bathroom, he realized the bleeding had stopped, but it was now caked around his nose and mouth, brown and dry. One eye was puffy and swollen. There was a red scrape along his right eyebrow.
Staring hard into the mirror, his fingers gripped the sink. All the anger he felt toward his father came rushing back. “I fucking hate it here.”
Thanks to Frances for editing! And a special thanks to Pete and Mike for beta-reading and giving me feedback and encouragement.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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