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Echoes of the Heart - 8. Chapter 8: Jeremy to the rescue and Carter learns a detail from Jeremy's past.

Carter wandered down the street like a ghost, his steps slow and weak, barely conscious of his surroundings. The weight of his aunt’s words pressed down on him, suffocating, as they echoed mercilessly in his head: ‘The man you thought was your father wasn't really your father.’

Tears welled in his eyes as painful memories surged up, uninvited. He remembered his father—Simon—how he had smiled warmly, the way he had always been there for him, the way he had hugged him on those rare but meaningful occasions. His childhood memories were filled with images of Simon teaching him how to ride a bike, tucking him into bed, protecting him from the dark. And now, those memories twisted painfully. If Simon wasn’t really his father, then what had all of that been? Was his entire childhood built on a lie?

His mind felt like it was splitting in two. A deep sense of betrayal clawed at his chest, constricting his heart, and yet, there was this aching love for the man who had raised him. Tears blurred his vision as he stumbled forward, his legs barely cooperating, his feet dragging across the pavement.

He didn't notice the people around him, didn’t hear the blare of car horns or the rush of footsteps passing him by. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the storm of emotions tearing him apart. His chest felt tight, his breath shallow, and all he could think about was that the one person he had thought was his anchor had been keeping this terrible secret from him all along. He felt lost, like a child again, but with no father to pull him back into safety.

Meanwhile, Jeremy sat behind the wheel of his car, trying to focus on driving, but his thoughts were elsewhere. His mind kept drifting back to the man who had held Carter’s hand so sweetly earlier, the way Carter had looked at him. There was something about it, something that confused Jeremy, unsettled him. Was it jealousy? Was it concern? He couldn’t quite tell, and it frustrated him. He wasn’t used to feeling this conflicted.

He sighed, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter as he tried to shake off the feelings swirling inside him. Just then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone walking past his car—someone who looked oddly familiar. His eyes flicked to the side, and his heart nearly stopped when he realized it was Carter.

At first, Jeremy thought he was imagining things. His mind had been so preoccupied with Carter all day, maybe he was seeing things. But no—it was Carter, and something was terribly wrong. He looked completely disoriented, like he wasn’t even aware of where he was or what he was doing. His steps were unsteady, his gaze distant, his entire body looked frail and weak.

Panic gripped Jeremy. He quickly found a spot to pull over, his hands moving frantically as he parked the car and rushed out. His heart pounded wildly in his chest as he followed after Carter, his mind racing.

“Carter?” he called out, but there was no response.

Carter kept walking, moving closer and closer toward the busy street ahead, his eyes still lost in some distant place.

“Carter!” Jeremy yelled again, louder this time, but it was as if Carter didn’t hear him.

Fear surged through him when he saw how close Carter was to stepping into traffic. The sound of speeding cars filled the air, and Jeremy's pulse spiked. His body moved on instinct, adrenaline pumping as he started running—his legs carrying him faster than he ever thought possible.

“CARTER!” he screamed, his voice cracking in desperation, but still no response.

Carter was mere steps away from the road now, oblivious to the danger. Jeremy’s heart thundered in his chest, terror coursing through his veins. He could see the cars rushing by, the headlights blurring together in a chaotic blur. And then, just as Carter’s foot hovered over the curb, Jeremy lunged forward with all the strength he had left.

He wrapped his arm around Carter’s waist and yanked him backward, spinning him just in time as a car sped past, the wind from its speed brushing against Jeremy’s skin. The momentum threw them both off balance, and Jeremy’s body crashed to the ground with a dull thud, the impact sending a sharp, stabbing pain through his left shoulder. He winced, gritting his teeth as the pain radiated through his back, but he didn’t care. Carter was safe, and that was all that mattered.

Carter fell on top of him, and for a brief moment, the two lay tangled together on the pavement. Jeremy groaned, his face twisted in pain as he raised his head, looking up into Carter’s eyes, those eyes that had always been so vibrant, so full of life, now clouded with confusion and pain. The look on Carter’s face pierced Jeremy’s heart—he looked so lost, so broken, like he didn’t even know where he was.

Jeremy’s breath hitched.

“Carter,” he said, his voice low and trembling with both relief and fear.

Carter blinked down at him, his brow furrowed in confusion, like he couldn’t make sense of what had just happened. His eyes searched Jeremy’s face as if trying to find answers, but all he found was the intense gaze of someone who had just saved his life.

“What… what’s happening?” Carter muttered, his voice hoarse and uncertain.

His heart raced as he tried to piece together where he was and what had just occurred. The world felt distant, blurry, and yet somehow, Jeremy’s face was the only thing that seemed clear.

Jeremy’s expression hardened, the fear in his chest morphing into frustration. He pushed himself up slightly, despite the searing pain in his shoulder, his voice rising.

“What the hell are you doing, Carter?” he demanded, his tone sharp and breathless. “Do you even realize how close you were to getting yourself killed?”

Carter flinched at Jeremy’s words, his breath catching in his throat as the reality of what had just happened slowly began to sink in. But even then, all he could feel was the overwhelming weight of everything else—his father, his past, the lies, the pain. He stared at Jeremy, wide-eyed, but didn’t know how to answer.

Carter suddenly burst into tears, his whole body shaking as he cried out, “I’m sorry… I didn’t know what I was doing!” His voice cracked with raw emotion, the weight of everything crushing him from the inside. Jeremy, still reeling from what had just happened, slowly got to his feet, helping Carter up along with him.

“Hey, hey… it’s okay. I didn’t mean to shout at you,” Jeremy murmured, his voice gentler now as he steadied Carter. He could still feel his own heart pounding from the close call, fear gripping his chest, but he didn’t want to add to the boy’s pain. “I was just scared… You could’ve gotten hurt.”

Before Jeremy could finish his sentence, Carter’s sobs grew louder, his emotions spilling over like a dam breaking. In an instant, Carter threw his arms tightly around Jeremy, clinging to him with a desperate need for comfort.

Jeremy froze, his breath catching in his throat. The feeling of Carter’s arms wrapped around him stirred something deep within, a warmth that spread quickly through his body. His heart beat faster, not from fear this time, but from something else—something he couldn’t quite understand. There was a tingling sensation that began in his chest and rippled outward, as if every nerve in his body had awakened at the same time. His mind raced, but his body reacted on instinct.

Slowly, almost hesitantly, Jeremy’s arms began to move. He wrapped them around Carter’s trembling frame, his hands resting gently on the boy’s back. The need to hold him, to soothe him, was overwhelming. His fingers moved in slow, comforting circles, trying to calm the storm that had overtaken Carter.

“It’s okay,” Jeremy whispered, his voice soft, soothing. “It’s gonna be okay. I promise.”

Carter cried harder, his face buried in Jeremy’s chest.

“It’s not… It’s not gonna be okay,” he choked out between sobs. “It hurts so much, and I don’t know how to stop it.”

Jeremy’s heart ached hearing the boy’s pain, feeling the sheer intensity of it. He pulled away slightly, just enough to meet Carter’s tear-streaked face, his hands still resting on his shoulders.

“I know it hurts,” Jeremy said softly, his voice firm but compassionate. “But I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. We’ll figure this out together, alright?”

Carter shook his head, tears still falling freely.

“I don’t wanna go home,” he whispered, his voice small and broken. The thought of returning to the place filled with so much pain seemed unbearable.

“Alright,” Jeremy said, not pushing him. “We don’t have to go there. I’ll take you somewhere you can cool off, somewhere quiet.”

Carter nodded slowly, his tear-filled eyes searching Jeremy’s face for reassurance. Jeremy gave him a faint smile, hoping it was enough to calm him, and then guided him to the car. He opened the passenger door, gently helping Carter inside before securing his seatbelt. Carter sat there, still sniffling, his body slumped in exhaustion from all the crying.

Jeremy got into the driver’s seat and started the engine, glancing over at Carter every now and then as he drove. Carter was leaning against the window, his face pressed to the cool glass, tears still silently streaming down his cheeks. His eyes were distant, lost in the overwhelming pain that gripped him, and Jeremy could see just how much the boy was hurting.

Jeremy’s heart clenched. He didn’t know exactly what had happened to Carter tonight, but he could feel the depth of the boy’s suffering as if it were his own. The more he stared at Carter, the more he wanted to take that pain away, to wrap him in the safety of his arms and promise that everything would be alright. But even as he thought that, Jeremy knew that nothing was that simple. Pain like this didn’t disappear easily. It lingered, it gnawed, and it could tear a person apart.

Jeremy kept driving, the quiet hum of the car the only sound between them, but his mind never stopped racing. He had no idea how to fix this, but one thing was certain—he wasn’t going to leave Carter alone in his pain.


Jeremy opened the door to the beach house, and a cool gust of wind swept through, carrying with it the calming scent of the ocean. The soft murmur of the waves echoed from a distance, providing a quiet, peaceful backdrop. He led Carter inside, guiding him gently towards the bed. Carter was barely able to keep himself steady, his legs weak from both exhaustion and pain. Jeremy carefully helped him sit down, arranging pillows behind his back for support.

Carter lay on his side, his face turned away from Jeremy, his body curled inward as if to protect himself from the weight of his emotions. Silent tears flowed down his cheeks, leaving glistening trails that caught the light in the dimly lit room. He was so lost in his own sorrow that he didn’t even notice Jeremy quietly stepping out of the room.

A few moments later, Jeremy returned with a glass of cold water. He stood next to the bed, his voice soft but firm, "Here, drink some water."

Carter turned his head slightly, his red, swollen eyes meeting Jeremy's gaze. He let out a long sigh before slowly reaching out for the glass. The cold water felt heavy in his throat, almost too much to swallow, but he forced himself to take a sip. When he had enough, he handed the glass back to Jeremy with trembling hands.

Jeremy took the glass and placed it on the nearby table. He sat at the edge of the bed, watching Carter with concern etched on his face. "You want to talk about it?" Jeremy asked quietly.

“I know it’s hard, but you can tell me. We're friends, and you've helped me in so many ways. Let me help you now.”

Carter took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling heavily as he stared away, his face turned back toward the wall. He didn’t respond, the silence between them thick and oppressive. Jeremy, understanding the weight of emotions Carter was carrying, reached out and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

“I'm here,” Jeremy said softly, his voice full of compassion. “Whenever you're ready.”

Jeremy stood up, ready to give him space, but just as he was about to leave, Carter’s voice, weak and broken, stopped him.

“The man I thought was my father… he wasn’t really my father.”

Jeremy froze in place, his breath catching in his throat. He turned back, his gaze softening as he slowly moved closer, sitting back down next to Carter.

Carter's voice cracked as he continued, “All this time… I thought the man who raised me was my father. I believed it. And now I find out he wasn’t. He wasn’t my real father.” His words were drenched in disbelief and pain. “It makes everything worse… because I treated him so badly.”

Carter sniveled, trying to suppress the wave of emotion rising within him, but the tears were relentless. He shifted slightly, turning to face Jeremy, his tear-streaked face full of regret.

“I hurt him. I hurt him so badly, and he never stopped loving me.” His voice faltered as fresh tears welled in his eyes. “He showed me nothing but love, and I repaid him by leaving him. I was a terrible son.”

Jeremy watched as Carter gripped the pillow tighter, burying his face in it as his body shook with sobs. His heart broke at the sight. He understood now—the weight that had been crushing Carter wasn’t just the revelation of his biological father but the guilt of how he had treated the man who raised him.

Jeremy sighed deeply, his gaze softening even further as he leaned in, his hand resting gently on Carter’s back.

“You’re not a bad son, Carter,” he said, his voice steady and reassuring. “You’re not.”

Carter shook his head, his sobs growing quieter but no less painful.

Jeremy took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to ease some of Carter’s pain.

“Do you know how lucky you are?” he began gently. “Despite everything, despite not knowing who your biological father was, you grew up with someone who loved you like his own. A man who didn’t care that you weren’t related by blood—he chose you. Family isn’t just about blood, Carter. It’s about the people who show up for you, the people who love you unconditionally.”

Jeremy paused for a moment, letting his words sink in.

Then he continued, “There’s a quote that always stuck with me: 'Family isn’t defined only by last names or by blood; it’s defined by commitment and by love.' And the man who raised you… he showed you that kind of love. He didn’t have to, but he did. He loved you, Carter. That’s what family is.”

Carter's breathing hitched as he listened, his tears slowing but still falling. Jeremy leaned in a little closer, his voice gentle but firm.

“You’re not a bad son for leaving. You’re human. We all make mistakes, but it doesn’t change the love that man had for you. It doesn’t change the fact that he was your father in every way that mattered.”

Carter remained silent, his face buried in the pillow, but Jeremy could see the tension in his body slowly start to release. He sat with him in the quiet, not pushing, just being there.

Finally, Carter whispered through his tears, “I wish I could tell him I’m sorry… I wish I could take it all back.”

Jeremy placed a comforting hand on his shoulder again.

“Maybe you can’t take it back,” he said softly, “but you can honor his love by remembering the good he gave you. By being the man he would be proud of. And I know he would be proud of you.”

Carter stared at Jeremy through his tear-streaked eyes, his voice fragile as he asked, "How would he be proud of me?"

Jeremy smiled, his expression softening as he sat closer to Carter.

“Because you lived by his teachings,” he began gently. “You’re a good person, Carter. Love just got in the way, and that’s something he understood. He knew you were human, and all he wanted was for you to be happy. That’s what would make him proud—seeing you live a life full of joy, just like he wanted for you.”

Carter blinked, his mind swirling in confusion and gratitude, trying to process Jeremy's words.

“You are a light, Carter,” Jeremy continued, his voice firm but full of warmth. “Everything you touch, you brighten. Just look at me.” Jeremy opened his arms, chuckling as he gestured to himself. “Before I met you, I was nothing but a man drowning in my sorrows, headed straight for destruction. But look at me now. Because of you, my life has changed in ways I didn’t even think were possible. That’s something your father would’ve been proud of, too.”

Carter’s gaze remained locked on Jeremy, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, he felt warmth bloom in his heart—a small, fragile spark of happiness breaking through the storm of grief. The weight of Jeremy's words wrapped around him like a comforting blanket, easing some of the burden he had been carrying for so long.

Jeremy smiled gently and leaned in closer, his eyes soft but steady.

“You found out the truth. So what? It doesn’t change the fact that the man who raised you loved you like no one else could. He was your father in every way that mattered. The truth won’t ever change that. Who knows if your real father could’ve loved you the way he did?”

A small smile tugged at the corners of Carter’s mouth, a quiet chuckle slipping out amidst his tears. He couldn’t help it. The warmth in his heart was growing, pushing against the pain, filling him with something that felt like hope, even if just for a moment.

Jeremy’s own smile widened as he moved even closer, lifting his hand to gently rub away Carter’s tears with his thumb.

“You don’t look good when you cry, you know?” he joked softly. “A person like you deserves to be happy, Carter. You bring happiness wherever you go. And that’s what your father wanted for you.”

Carter smiled through his tears, his chest rising and falling with deep breaths.

“Thank you,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “Thank you for being here for me. For making me feel better.”

Jeremy chuckled, the sound rich and warm.

“You’re welcome, but I’m only doing this because it’s you,” he replied with a playful grin. “And besides, my father always used to say, 'Friends are the family you choose, and family never lets you fall alone. You lift them up when they're down.' So, I guess I’m just following his advice.”

Carter looked at him, his heart swelling with gratitude, his tears slowing as the warmth inside him grew stronger.


Carter glanced at Jeremy with curiosity in his eyes.

“Tell me about your father,” he asked softly. “You talk about him in the most positive way, and it makes me curious.”

Jeremy's smile vanished instantly, his expression hardening into a blank stare as if the question had hit a place too deep.

Carter noticed the change, his mouth trembling as he quickly added, “If you’re not comfortable, I understand. I didn’t mean…”

Jeremy interrupted with a soft smile, their eyes locking in an unspoken connection.

“No, it’s alright.” He took a deep breath. “I’d describe my father as... loving, sweet, kind—a man who taught me what real strength looks like. If only I were half the man he was.”

A nostalgic smile tugged at the corner of Jeremy’s mouth as memories floated in the back of his mind.

“Growing up, I had everything I wanted. But my father always made sure I learned one thing: humility. Though... I didn’t catch on so fast,” he added with a light laugh. “I was a brat. Spoiled, demanding. But he never gave up on teaching me what really mattered.”

For a brief moment, the lightness of his laughter lingered in the room, but then it faded. The smile slipped from his face, replaced by a distant look of sorrow.

“When I was 13,” he began slowly, his voice quieter now, “my father was murdered. Shot in cold blood by a man he was trying to help.”

He sighed heavily, tears welling up in his eyes as his hands curled into fists at his sides. Carter immediately regretted asking, the air around them thickening with Jeremy’s pain. He could feel the weight of it pressing against his chest as he watched Jeremy struggle with the memory.

“What happened that night is something I’ve never been able to fully understand,” Jeremy continued, his voice tight with emotion. “My father... he was the kindest man you could ever meet. Why would anyone want to kill him? It doesn’t make sense. It never has.”

Silence stretched between them, heavy and suffocating, until Carter softly asked, “Did they ever catch the man who did it?”

Jeremy nodded, his jaw clenched tightly.

“Yeah, they did. He’s still in jail, paying for his sins. But it’s not enough.” His voice hardened, bitterness seeping through each word. “It’ll never be enough. I need him to suffer. I need him to pay for the pain he caused—for destroying my family.

To this point, I still see the pain in my mother’s eyes whenever she looks at his picture. I still remember how badly he was injured although I was young, how I almost lost my brother because he had been with him when he was killed.”

His fists unclenched, but his hands were still trembling.

“There was a time when I almost lost myself to the anger. I wanted revenge so badly... but Ethan,” Jeremy paused, a soft sigh escaping his lips. “Ethan was there. He pulled me out of it. He was like a brother to me. A friend, my everything. After my father died, he became my family, my lifeline. He helped me when I thought I couldn’t get through the grief.”

Jeremy swallowed, his eyes clouding over as he continued.

“But life has a way of taking what you love, doesn’t it? It took him too. That’s why the pain never really left... even after all this time.”

The room felt heavy again, Jeremy’s words settling into the stillness as both men sat in shared sorrow. Carter could feel the deep well of hurt inside Jeremy, the same ache that gnawed at his own heart.

Carter's expression softened as he spoke, “I'm really sorry for what happened to you and your father, Jeremy.”

Jeremy smiled, though it was a bittersweet one.

“It’s not your fault,” he said gently. “The man who did that is behind bars, paying for what he did. That's all that matters now.”

Carter smiled sheepishly and nodded, but he felt his heart race slightly. Jeremy noticed the darkening sky through the window and stood up from the bed.

“It’s getting late,” he said, glancing around. “I should check if there’s any food in the house.”

Just as Jeremy was about to walk away, Carter reached out and gripped his arm, pulling him back with an unexpected firmness. Jeremy paused, taking a glance behind him, his eyes locking with Carter’s intense gaze that seemed to dig through him. There was something deeper in Carter's eyes—something that made Jeremy's pulse quicken.

“You’ve taken care of me,” Carter said softly, his voice steady but filled with intent. “Now it’s time for me to take care of you.”

Jeremy blinked, dumbfounded.

“W-what?” he stammered, his mouth shaking as the words left him, confused by the shift in the atmosphere.

“Take off your shirt,” Carter said simply, a slight smile playing on his lips.

Jeremy’s heart thudded in his chest at those words, a shiver racing down his spine. His mind spun for a second, trying to process what Carter had just asked.

“W-why?” he managed to ask, his voice barely above a whisper.

Carter’s smile grew a bit as he leaned in, speaking softly but with concern, “You’ve been so focused on me that you didn’t even notice you’re hurt.” He motioned toward Jeremy’s left shoulder. “There’s a bloodstain. I need to check it.”

Jeremy instinctively moved his hand to touch his shoulder, and the moment his fingers brushed against the spot, he felt a dull pain shoot through him, making him shiver. He brought his hand forward, noticing a small smear of blood.

“I didn’t even realize,” Jeremy admitted, a little stunned.

“You probably got hurt when you fell on the road,” Carter replied, already scanning the room. “Do you have a first aid kit here?”

Jeremy nodded, pointing toward the wardrobe.

“In there.”

Carter nodded back, his expression serious, and carefully guided Jeremy to sit back down on the bed. “Take off your shirt while I grab the kit,” Carter instructed.

Jeremy hesitated for a moment but obeyed, slowly pulling his shirt over his head. By the time Carter returned with the first aid kit, Jeremy was sitting shirtless on the bed, his muscular chest and slightly hairy torso exposed to the cool evening air. His skin glistened faintly under the soft light, and despite his usual confidence, Jeremy felt a little shy as he caught Carter’s gaze on him. His heart raced again, but for a different reason now.

Carter paused, his eyes lingering on Jeremy for just a moment longer than necessary before he approached, trying to keep his focus on tending to the wound.

“Let’s take care of that,” Carter said.

Carter climbed onto the bed behind Jeremy, positioning himself carefully as he opened the first aid kit. The room was quiet, the only sound being the soft rustle of bandages and the distant murmur of the sea outside the window. Jeremy could feel Carter’s presence behind him, the bed dipping slightly under his weight. His breath hitched as Carter placed a cool cloth against his shoulder, beginning to gently clean the wound.

The touch was careful, almost tender and Jeremy couldn't help but feel every stroke as Carter’s hands worked steadily. Each movement was precise, as if Carter was afraid of causing any pain, but Jeremy barely felt the sting. Instead, he found himself focused on the warmth of Carter’s fingertips as they brushed his skin. Carter blew softly on the wound to ease the discomfort, and Jeremy’s body tensed involuntarily at the sensation. A shiver crept down his spine, though it wasn’t from pain.

Jeremy felt the rhythm of Carter’s hands… gentle, deliberate… so much so that the pain in his shoulder seemed to melt away, leaving behind a strange sense of calm. His mind wandered as he watched Carter through the large mirror across from the bed. Carter’s brow was furrowed in concentration, his soft features illuminated by the dim light in the room.

Jeremy’s gaze lingered on the boy’s delicate eyelashes, the way his lips pursed as he focused on his task. There was something so pure in the way Carter took care of him, something Jeremy hadn’t felt in a long time.

A smile appeared on Jeremy’s face before he could stop it, a genuine one—one that felt new to him. The boy’s presence, the care in his touch, had become more than just a comfort. It was... grounding.

“All done,” Carter said suddenly, his voice breaking through Jeremy’s thoughts. He withdrew his hands and gave Jeremy a satisfied smile. “Good as new. The wound wasn’t big, and it’s not deep either.”

Jeremy blinked and glanced over his shoulder at Carter.

“Thank you,” he said softly, though there was more emotion in his voice than he expected. Something inside him stirred—something overwhelming that made his chest feel tight. He stood up quickly, needing a moment to compose himself, and made his way toward the bathroom. “I just… need a moment.”

Inside the bathroom, Jeremy closed the door behind him, leaning against the sink. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, almost unrecognizable to himself. A genuine smile lingered on his face—a smile that hadn’t appeared in a long time, not like this. Slowly, he moved his hand to his chest, feeling the steady thrum of his heart. It beat rhythmically, but faster than usual, as if stirred by something more than just Carter’s touch.

“What are you doing to me, Carter?” Jeremy whispered, his eyes searching his reflection for answers. But none came. All he knew was that this feeling, whatever it was, scared him as much as it intrigued him.

He didn’t know how long he stayed in the bathroom, lost in his thoughts, but when he finally opened the door, he found Carter asleep on the bed. Jeremy’s heart softened at the sight. Carter’s face was peaceful, almost serene, and in his sleep, it looked like he was smiling.

Jeremy walked over to the dresser, pulling out a t-shirt and slipping it over his head, his movements quiet so as not to disturb the boy. When he turned back, his eyes lingered on Carter. The boy looked so content, so beautiful in his sleep.

Jeremy approached the bed and sat down beside him, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips. His eyes traced every line of Carter’s face, appreciating the quiet beauty of him—the way his dark hair fell slightly over his forehead, the way his lips curved gently even in sleep.

With a sigh, Jeremy pulled a sheet over Carter’s sleeping form, watching as the boy stirred slightly, turning his head deeper into the pillow. Jeremy lay down beside him, his body sinking into the mattress. He could feel Carter’s soft breath on his face, steady and calming.

He didn’t know what he was doing, lying so close to him, but it felt... right. It felt like the most natural thing in the world, and yet it terrified him all at once. But the fear couldn’t compete with the strange beauty of the moment, the connection that seemed to hum between them, even in silence.

Jeremy closed his eyes, savoring the warmth of Carter's presence beside him. He didn't want to stop this feeling. It was too beautiful.

To be continued…

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks a lot to everyone that took the time to read my work. I love you guys a lot. Don't forget to drop your comments about what you think about my work. Ciao!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Jeremy seems quite okay with just leaving hus little boys without any explanation. He disappears for months without so much as a goodbye to the little ones and no message to them  during his absence, and whatever happens to Carter that 'requires' Jeremy's presence, well off he goes, again without so much as a message.  

His mother is an interfering idiot who wants to run his life,  but she must be driven crazy by these unexplained absences and when she finds out that they are all linked to Carter, well small wonder that she loses it.   

Where does he get that? Not from his own father,  according to his description of the man to Carter in this chapter. 

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They both have questions that need answered.  Hope they can work together to get those answers and deal with the evil facing them!

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Death of Jeremy's father rises some questions. Why would anybody wont a death of good, honest, family man? Unless...it was a family member, or someone very close to family who saw him as obstacle. 

Carter didn't say the complete story - the part about his mother and twin brother. Could Jeremy connect the facts based on that information or it is still too early for that?

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Oh my, the auntie has really done a number on Carter, she harped that Carter disrespected her brother and broke his heart, yet it was she that kept her brother from seeing his (adopted) son while on his death bed. It was she that kept a secret that she knew that her brother had intended to disclose, and it was she that delayed handing over the box that was known to be a last wish from her brother to his son. So it seems to me she is the one to have disrespected her brother and kept him from reconciling from his death bed; it was her judgmental vengeance that overrode her brother’s real wishes to see his son, even after the events that had separated them.

Now, Carter finds himself confused by a father that withheld the truth, a mother that chose to split him from his twin and to withhold that truth of twin and mother…implying that the kids should never know. While the confusion still fails to answer whether the mother truly knew who the real father of the twins was/is. It seems the flame she held for her first love overshadowed the true love Simon gave her…As well as possibly having given her the twins, to only have Grace threaten to take them both away forever. This seems to hint that indeed Grace knew the twins were Simon’s but refused to suffering losing them in an abandonment case; the secrecy begs that heritage and fatherhood were a matter Grace wanted unquestioned.

Jeremy, Ethan, and Carter may have many things in common than natural causes, as the deaths surrounding them are uncharacteristically coincidental. Grace/Elena has too many secrets, be it nefarious or regrets, it has come to haunt her. Dexter is the Devil incarnate, his psychopathically behave begs for explanations much like the chicken or the egg, did he cause the event chains or did the event chains drive him insane? The odds favor Dexter being the psychopath at the wheel of this murder, suspense, mystery, but he has had help as others have made his twisted logic so easy to pursue.

staring stanley kubrick GIF

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Where do I start? I have a feeling that Carter and Ethan are twins, not identical but still twins.. So that would  make Elena Carter's mother..Auntie never mention her name that I recall..That leaves Dexter, he's like a dog in heat..lol.. Need I say more ?

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