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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Freshman Year - 1. The New Kid

Story contains some mild language

Wesley And Seamus

By: Wesley Lewis


Chapter 1: The New Kid

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE”? Those were the first words I heard after my door was kicked open by my father, I also knew those would be the last words I would ever hear.

Maybe I should start from the beginning. My name is Wes I am 14 years old and I have a secret. I have known myself to be gay ever since I knew what gay was. Girls never interested me but they had their uses. I know I sound like an ass, don’t I? Well first off, all my closest friends are girls and only two of them know I’m gay. I’ve known these two since before I could walk. They are identical twins but that’s where the similarities end. Lacy was as high maintenance as they came. She has won more pageant than I can count on both hands. Cut to Chloe, she is the very definition of tomboy. She gave up pageants after her first one not that I don’t blame her. Chloe is my best friend. We would always gossip about which guys we would hookup with and who else could be gay. Most of the time it was just wishful thinking. Of course, even if one turned out to be gay I couldn't bring him home to meet the folks.


Let me tell something about my parents. My mother is known by the whole county as Miss fire and brimstone, why you may ask, because she is the local minister at our church. Anyone who knows my mother has been condemned for something one way or another in her mind. Ran a stop sign? You’re going to Hell. Kiss your mother? Incest you’re going to hell. My mother is not a loving woman, and I have often wondered why my dad put up with her. My mother is not what you would call a loving person.


As a child, she was the parent who would discipline me. I always dreaded getting into trouble because mama had this wooden paddle she called her correction officer. It was about eighteen inches long with holes drilled into it for that extra little sting. I remember the first time I ever felt the sting. I was about five years old and we were at church when I had to go to the bathroom bad and couldn’t get passed this huge crowd of people and I ended up wetting myself. When my mother saw this, she gave me a cold look that I never saw before but would see many times afterwards. As soon as we got home she dragged me to the office that she and dad used and brought out the paddle and spanked me so hard that I ended up wetting myself again. After she was done she sent me to my room where I cried myself to sleep. I didn’t wake up until after my father got home and I heard yelling and slamming doors. My dad came into my room and held me until I fell asleep again.


The thing you should know about my dad is that everyone knows him as Pastor Jason Oates. He is the more popular of my parents and truth be told I agree. He is always there for me and never once did he raise his voice in anger against me or punished me the way mama did. The worst he ever did was send me to my room. I remember one time mama sent me to bed without supper and daddy came into my room later that night and brought me to the kitchen and fed me. I honestly don’t know what I would do without him.


Church was even worse than home and school. At church, I had to sit in the first pew and listened to my mother rant and rave about drinking and sins of the flesh. Whenever she would do her sermon on being gay I just wanted to shrink away to nothing. Every time she said that is was an abomination it felt like she was stabbing me in the heart. My dad always tried to cheer me up after these sermons because I’d always look pale and about to pass out. Of course, mama never noticed this. She never noticed me unless I did something she thought was wrong, which can range from music being too loud to not doing homework.


Neither of them know I am gay, yet. To be honest I don’t want them to know either. I am just starting my freshman year in high school and deeply in the closet and I intend for it to stay that way for the next four years. Of course, that’s not how it was going to play out.

It started after the new boy in school came to lunch. He was sitting alone at the table by himself. So being the nice guy that I was I decided to sit with him. I introduced myself to him.

He told me “You don’t want to be seen with me people might start rumors about you."

When I asked what kind of rumors he told me “I’m gay and no one else wants to be associated with me”

I asked him point blank if he could keep a secret and he replied “Yeah my parents don’t even know and I’m only out at school.”

It was then that I told him with a bit of trepidation “me too."

After he picked his jaw up off the floor he introduced himself as Seamus and we sat there for the rest of lunch talking about interests and what we did and didn't like, I slowly realized what I had been missing, I mean sure Chloe and Lacy were great to talk to but another guy was what I really needed the most even better he was like me.

So, I finally took a gamble and asked if he wanted to come over after school and hangout. He asked if my parents would mind and I told him that they both worked until like five in the evening and we would be alone for about an hour and a half (I really didn't want to scare him off by telling him what they did). Nervously he accepted and for the rest of the school day I was nervous. I knew that I wanted him as a friend but more than anything I wanted to kiss him. I doubt he would want to kiss me though.

I have always thought of myself as undesirable. I’m about five foot five and I weight a whopping 250 pounds. I wear these god-awful glasses because of some vision problem I’ve had since birth, not to mention my skin is so white an albino guy would tell me I need some color. My hair was always a mess just a mop of brown hair. My best feature though as my eyes. My mother always told me that my eyes reminded her of the ocean, which is probably as close to a complement as I was going to get from her.

Seamus is the opposite of me, he has this gorgeous red hair that is curly. It's the kind of hair I would love to run my finger through. He has just a few freckles on his gorgeous face, and don’t get me started on how he looks when he smils. He told me that his mom and dad were from somewhere in Ireland and they had moved to get away from their respective families who didn't accept who their child had married. Seamus is about six feet tall and his complexion put even Lacy’s to shame. Like me he also wears glasses but his are a better fit on him as they make him even more hotter.

So, after having to sit through three more painstakingly boring classes it was finally time for school to be over. I waited at the bus stop for what seemed like forever. So as soon as I saw Seamus’ red locks towering above the other students I waved him over to where I was. As we began the thirty-minute trip back to my house we took more time to get to know each other. As it turns out he liked country music almost as much as I did. And boy when he started to sing his voice put my church choir to shame. The voice of an angel isn't good enough to describe how he sounded.

We finally made it home and got inside and got to work on our homework which took all of fifteen minutes, because like me he was an honor roll student and got me thinking finally I had someone as smart as me in this stupid town. When we were finished, I gave him the grand tour of our three bedroom two and a half bath home. With very little subtlety I left my room for last and when we entered I took a chance and kissed him dead on the lips.

After he got over the initial shock I thought he would hit me for being so brazen when he surprised me and returned the kiss. After a few minutes my hands started to roam his body and as I innocently brushed my hand over his crotch I could feel him as hard as I was. When he returned the favor, I thought what the hell and proceeded to strip him down and he reciprocated we just stood there staring at the other, neither of us really knowing what to do as we were both hopeless virgins. I took the initiative and pulled him over to my bed on top of me and proceeded to make out with him. We were so into each other that neither of us heard the front door slam and it wasn't until my locked door was kicked open when we realized we weren't alone.

This is a reedit of my previous story My High School Life. it was originally titled Seamus.
Big thanks to William King and ColumbusGuy for their input and suggestions
Copyright © 2017 Wesley8890; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

This was a good start to your story, Wesley. I thought the ending, though, was a bit odd. Would two boys who barely knew each other strip naked in front of the other (excluding gym, of course)?


And why would Wes' father yell and kick the door in? He seemed like such a nice guy (how he ever married that witch of a woman is beyond me AND ALLOW HER TO BEAT THEIR SON!!!), why would he fly off the handle now?


I'm looking forward to the next chapter. :) One thing I wanted to point out is your use (or lack thereof) of punctuation. Some sentences needed commas or a semicolon, and there were a few sentences that needed the first letter of the sentence capitalized. An example of this would be the very first sentence. After Wes' father yelled and kicked the door in, the next word should have been capitalized.


You should try to look for an editor in the Editor's Corner on the main forum page. :) An editor will help clean the chapters up so they read better. :)

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On 2/10/2017 at 1:16 PM, Lisa said:

This was a good start to your story, Wesley. I thought the ending, though, was a bit odd. Would two boys who barely knew each other strip naked in front of the other (excluding gym, of course)?


And why would Wes' father yell and kick the door in? He seemed like such a nice guy (how he ever married that witch of a woman is beyond me AND ALLOW HER TO BEAT THEIR SON!!!), why would he fly off the handle now?


I'm looking forward to the next chapter. :) One thing I wanted to point out is your use (or lack thereof) of punctuation. Some sentences needed commas or a semicolon, and there were a few sentences that needed the first letter of the sentence capitalized. An example of this would be the very first sentence. After Wes' father yelled and kicked the door in, the next word should have been capitalized.


You should try to look for an editor in the Editor's Corner on the main forum page. :) An editor will help clean the chapters up so they read better. :)

Thank you so much for the review. The next chapter will explain the fathers actions. Also I appreciate you pointing out those punctuation errors as well I'm going to give this one and the future chapters more attention. Also the naked part is chocked up to teenage hormones.

Edited by Wesley8890
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I hope this turns out okay--I thought Wes' father was more reasonable, but we'll find out.
Some things I've seen, I'm not sure if it is due to punctuation or other usages that are considered okay now in the computer age. I learned my rules back in the Dark Ages of the '60s and '70s. :)
If you'd like, I could take a look and offer suggestions?

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On 02/11/2017 10:36 AM, ColumbusGuy said:

I hope this turns out okay--I thought Wes' father was more reasonable, but we'll find out.

Some things I've seen, I'm not sure if it is due to punctuation or other usages that are considered okay now in the computer age. I learned my rules back in the Dark Ages of the '60s and '70s. :)

If you'd like, I could take a look and offer suggestions?

I would like that I've actually trying to find an editor. There's insight in daddy's mind in the next chaper

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Hey, I came as soon as I saw you too had posted some stories. I actually had already clicked on chapter two, but came back to offer my comments. All that should tell you that I have enjoyed the first chapter. I read some of the reviews and, just like me, you have grammar and punctuation challenges. There is something about your style that makes me believe the protagonist is a closeted gay adolescent about to get his ass kicked. I can't wait to find out if his father is that kind of man.


One of the reviews mentioned an "editor's corner". I don't think I have heard of that before now. I would be too intimidated too ask for that kind of help. Even though I have challenged some critics to proofread my stuff. Anyway, bottom line is let them help but be careful. You have a nice style, don't let an "editor" change that.

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On 03/09/2017 11:16 AM, sojourn said:

Hey, I came as soon as I saw you too had posted some stories. I actually had already clicked on chapter two, but came back to offer my comments. All that should tell you that I have enjoyed the first chapter. I read some of the reviews and, just like me, you have grammar and punctuation challenges. There is something about your style that makes me believe the protagonist is a closeted gay adolescent about to get his ass kicked. I can't wait to find out if his father is that kind of man.


One of the reviews mentioned an "editor's corner". I don't think I have heard of that before now. I would be too intimidated too ask for that kind of help. Even though I have challenged some critics to proofread my stuff. Anyway, bottom line is let them help but be careful. You have a nice style, don't let an "editor" change that.


Thanks for the review. You'll be surprised in the next chapter. I have a beta reader not an editor. He's a good one and I have less errors when he sends it to me

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I was a PK (Preacher’s Kid), but we never sat in the first row. We sat in the third or fourth row. Our dentist and his family sat in the row ahead of us. No one ever sat in the first row because there was nothing in front of the pew.


My father was a very conservative Protestant minister. But he wasn’t a fire-and-brimstone preacher. My mother used to warn us all the time that we had to set a good example and be good.


PKs either grow up to be very religious or very rebellious. My family thinks I’m being rebellious since I’m Gay and an Agnostic. No one else thinks I’m rebellious at all since I’m Risk Averse.

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20 hours ago, droughtquake said:

No one ever sat in the first row because there was nothing in front of the pew.

@Wesley8890 I just remembered they even had a special shelf under the first row pew for the hymnals!

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This is bloody good, Wesley. I like the fast pace, it drags me on to read more, yet there's exactly enough description to trigger my imagination so I can feel Wesley's hopes and fears. Getting naked first up seems natural to me. I agree with 'Sojourn' above - you have a good style, don't change it. 

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1 minute ago, Rigby Taylor said:

This is bloody good, Wesley. I like the fast pace, it drags me on to read more, yet there's exactly enough description to trigger my imagination so I can feel Wesley's hopes and fears. Getting naked first up seems natural to me. I agree with 'Sojourn' above - you have a good style, don't change it. 

Thanks I'm working on the final chapter now.

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I think the vast majority of mean preachers are characters in gay stories.  You generally have to be a nice & personable individual in order for people to want to come see you.  Scolds do not attract crowds & offerings.

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