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One of those days?


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  • Site Administrator

Have you ever had one of those days?

I swear the big guy was getting his jollies off from me today. I didn't sleep well last night, and I felt like I was a zombie today. (It drew references to a certain Lurch-looking French Presidential candidate; as opposed the monkey with a cowboy hat).


I've got work stacked on my desk that is literally 2 feet high. It's insane. And it's going to get oh so much worse tomorrow. Except that I leave early so I can travel to my university to have a meeting on my thesis, which is taking up so much bloody time.


I'm off for a stiff drink. Hopefully that will help me sleep.

And tomorrow, I'm not going to school. I'm still leaving work early. Perhaps I'll get some of my thesis done and I won't wrap my car around a bridge abuttment driving home on the highway from school (Sleeping and driving = BAD).


Instead, I'll watch the very scarey VP Cheney shread the ambulance chaser Edwards limb fom limb in the debate. (I think... and so do most of the pundits)


Perhaps, I'll even get some time to write stories instead of dry academic bullshit. ;)


Sorry if I offended anyone politcally. Dubya in 2004.

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You know I made a post about politics and after words I felt so bad about starting it. It really was not a polictacal post, but it did turn into it. I did not mean for that to happen. OK, Yes I am a big R.




But that reallly does not have anything to do with this post or what I am asking of all of you.


I want you all to watch your canidates, look at what they really belive in. Study the person that you want to vote for. Find the real person. That is what you need to think about.


I am so tired of hearing


"My union says this is the best person"


I say why?


Well they say he is right!



"My teacher says"


This I hate more than anything.


Teachers should teach us to think, not try to infulence our politcal beliefs.


We at this point have free speech. I just want to ask each and every one of you to research the person you have deceided to vote for. Don't just acept someone elses's word. Find out what these folks stand for. Watch the debates!



Get involved guys, but not just because my "Teacher said" or my ""Advisor said"



All I am asking is look and reasearch a bit before you vote.





Think for yourselves.




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  • Site Administrator

*hands soapbox off to the next person* ;)

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my teacher isn't that kind of sort that tries to influence you. she says if none of the big partys and nobody of their candidates supports your interests, then you don't vote for them and if theres nobody to vote for then you should maybe vote for the "Royal Society for the preservation of cruelty to animals" or somebody else, who supports your interests, also if they don't have a chance to win. at least they support your interests and you haven't wasted your vote.


(Sorry, I'm from Germany, it's a bit different here in politics. and also sorry for my english)



Edited by Ronnekiens
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  • Site Administrator

Nothing to be sorry about Ronnekiens. Look at our President's command of the English language ;)

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  • Site Administrator

He was raised in Texas though. lol. My cousins were born in Texas and moved here to New York. Let me tell you... they have a strange accent. (Even 15 years later)

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  • Site Administrator

I had a nice stiff drink last night. slept like the dead. It felt good.

(and I've never had any hangovers)


Today was better. I scored some points at work. ;)

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yeah, this morning was one one of these mornings (I don't hope that the whole gets like this): I wrote an 4-hour-german-exam about a text of Franz Kafka and I did't got any idea! now i wrote 770 words of stupid nonsense. I hope that I don't get under scores (we must have at least 5 of 15 points). :(:unsure:



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