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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×



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Okay so I'm trying to write the Benediction for my graduation, and it's due like...tomorrow, and I just started writing it...like, 20 minutes ago. So here it is, I'd love it if people could give me feedback and help on it, anything that you think can be done to enhance it or what you think of it in general. Thanks everyone.



Today we, the class of 2010, face the greatest challenge of all. Today we enter a world filled with hatred, sorrow, and despair. We ask, if you can hear us today, that you allow us to dig through these traits of the world in order to find the love, the happiness, and the companionship hidden deep within its core. We ask that in the times of hatred, you may bring us love; in the times of sorrow, you may bring us peace; and in the times of despair, you may bring us hope. We ask that you may keep us safe throughout this journey, for a long journey it shall be. Remind us, day and night, that what we have been graced with is a gift, and it should be cherished as so. We stand here today as a class united under the banner of the future; a future that we have been destined to create. We ask that you aide us in the creation of this utopia; we ask that you may remind us, day in and day out, not to preach life of tolerance, but of acceptance. We do not stand here today as a Christian entity, a Muslim entity, a Buddhist entity, a Jewish entity, or an Atheist entity. Nor do we stand as a Straight or Gay entity. Nor black, white, Asian, Hispanic, Arabic, or even Alien. No; today, we stand here as an Entity of Faith. In a chaotic world, faith is our most cherished claim. All man has faith, it is the guiding light at the end of the tunnel; every one of us has this gift from above. We must, if we are to survive in this cruel world, discern faith and belief. Some of us may believe in the Trinity, others in Allah, or some even in scientific knowledge, but at the end of this day, we will all have the same faith; life. So today, we stand, united, to ask you, whoever or whatever you may be, to guide us into the night, and to the day, and to the future of our lives as a singularity of man, one glimmering beam to the future of our world; For United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

Amen; Thathastu

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