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    By TeamStilinski
  • All About Quality Gay Stories

    Hi.  I'm Myr and I founded Gay Authors in September 2002 as a place to host my favorite stories of the day.  As it is now, the big site on the net for tons of gay stories was the Nifty Archives.  They have put a lot of great effort into their site in recent years, but in 2002, finding the story you wanted was difficult.  Gay Authors in the very beginning recruited authors and offered them their own custom-designed sites thus making them easy to find.  Comicality was the first to join up, and as we added new authors we gave each author their own website.  Over the years we grew to the point whthere was a time gay stories were hard to find?ere we could no longer keep up with adding stories for our authors manually.  We switched to our Stories archive software in late 2010 and have not looked back since.  So, today, we host hundreds of authors who are able to post their stories themselves, and we're down to a single hosted website.  Comicality's Shack Out Back is still proudly hosted here.

    Stories, Stories, Stories!

    If you are here at Gay Authors for the stories, you can find the link to them on top of every page of the site.  Just click Stories and you'll be in the Stories archive. Gay Authors focuses on stories with plot.  In 2017 as I write this, it is hard to believe there was a time where finding a gay story was difficult.  To put this in perspective, there was a point in time where I owned EVERY gay book Amazon.com sold. Now we have Kindles and eBooks, but in 2002 there wasn't much in the way of professional gay writing available.  Gay Authors played our role in finding authors and giving them an audience, while we got to read great raw talent.  As the years progressed, gay stories, gay writing, gay authors, all went mainstream.  It's been a great journey.  We are still here and still all about the stories though!


    Authors, Too!

    As you can imagine, Gay Authors has a great community of authors.  We compete against each other, we work together, we party together, and most importantly, we enjoy our arts together.  If you are here looking for some great authors, you've come to right place.  Just click on the Authors link on the top of any page.  This will bring you to oevil plot bunny on the huntur little introductory explanation of our different author groups.  Our Signature Authors are the men and women on site who have been recognized as having great stories and an active fan base.  If you are just starting off here at Gay Authors, they are a great place to start.  Our Classic Authors are some of the greats of the past who either aren't as active anymore or are perhaps hosted on one of our friend's sites.  If you're looking for the up-and-coming authors who we think will join our Signature Authors soon, check out our Promising Authors  Of course you can also just jump straight to the list of all our authors and find the diamond in the rough before we do!


    We Love :heart: Our Community

    As a site that has been running almost fifteen years, we've developed an active community.  As with every long running New Friends.jpgcommunity, we have our ups and downs.  To a brand new person, we can probably be pretty cliquey.  I think a lot of that is just that the community as a whole has worked into a comfort zone with each other.  Most people learn who the grizzly bears are 0:) and know when it is a bad idea to poke them.  But give it a short time and post a bit about yourself in the Welcome topic, and you'll find that we're a pretty big family here, always enjoying new members.  That said, leave the drama at the door.  We're here for the great stories and the great authors who write them.  Gay Authors is a place to relax and enjoy life, not cause heartache and pain for others.


    CDEJR Web Services, LLC

    Gay Authors long ago outgrew being just a hobby.  When we first started, we followed the model of all the sites, we asked for donations and we scraped by month to month.  I really did not like that approach to things.  Early on I decided that if Gay Authors was going to stick around and grow, it needed to do so under its own power.  We decided to go with Google Adsense as our primary revenue source, and it certainly helped but was not enough.  Over time, we diversified and our revenue now comes from advertising and our premium membership offerings.  The money generated from the site is reinvested to continue our growth.  Gay Authors is running off from a pretty powerful dedicated server these days as well as taking advantage of Amazon Web Services to improve speed for our members.  We also developed, maintain, and plan to improve our own story hosting software as well as many other great things in the pipeline.  We grew large enough and formed our own LLC to keep our business and personal lives separate as well as give us the limited liability protection required in today's litigious society.  The CDEJR comes from our original partners.  Unfortunately, we've lost a couple over the years and others have drifted away as occurs with any long-lived company.  Premium Membership purchases pay to keep Gay Authors open and provide ongoing funds for procuring new content and software for the site as well as all the taxes, regulations and business fees required to exist today.

    With all that in mind, we are still run by all volunteers.  This means that we have to work around people's lives and things happen as soon as we can get to them.

    More Questions?

    I hope this has helped answer questions about us.  If you have more questions, you should use the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of every page. 

    Our email is admin@gayauthors.org.  Using this email opens a support ticket, the same as using "Contact Us" link.

    We  have a mailbox for snail mail:

    CDEJR Web Services, LLC
    8430 Oswego RD, #116

    Liverpool, NY 13090

    Note: Mailbox is checked on a biweekly basis.  All urgent contact should occur through "Contact Us" link.

    Phone message service is available at  (315) 256-0850.  ALL service is through "Contact US" only.
    If you wish to contact us, please use "Contact Us" link on the bottom of every page.

    This page was last updated on June 10, 2021.

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