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I am new to the forums and I tried to send PeicesRising an e-mail and it wouldnt let me, it wouldnt let me PM either. I guess I will ask the question here:


I am not a hosted author, do you need to be to contribute to the summer anthology? If not whos e-mail do I mail my story to? PeicesRising's? If so, what is her e-mail address? Some one please help me.



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Glad to have you here! No, you do not need to have Hosted Author or even author status to contribute to the anthologies.


As for the PM, try it again by clicking this link https://www.gayauthors.org/forums/index.php...&CODE=4&MID=826 . If that doesn't work then I'm sure Kitty will be floating around here in a few hours like the night owl that she is.


Good luck, and I'm looking forward to reading your story :)

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