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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Undetermined Identity - 1. Chapter 1

"Why do people persist in a dissatisfying relationship, unwilling either to work toward solutions or end it and move on? It's because they know changingwill lead to the unknown, and most people believe that the unknown will be much more painful than what they're already experiencing."

~Anthony Robbins~

“Whoosh, damn it, missed again.” Nick laughed as he crumpled up another sheet of paper. It was the end of the day and the end of a great work week. It was a stressful one for Nick and his crew. There were conflicts with the actors, wardrobe malfunctions, creative difference, lighting and camera issues, and not to mention being kicked in the shin, but in the end, they managed to pull it all together and finish on schedule. Nick was the lead cinematographer and editor for Sillyville, a children’s show that aired on PBS.

“Hey Tsangaris, get your ass in gear we are all headed to Bernie’s for a game of pool and throw back a few, to celebrate another marvelous week.”
Tyler said happily standing in the doorway of Nick’s office.

Tyler stood about six foot four, golden blond hair, and hazel colored eyes. He was on the thin side but very handsome nonetheless. He kept his five o-clock shadow very neat and trim. Just as Nick was about to answer, his cell phone started vibrating on the desk indicating he had a text message.
Pointing his finger up motioning Tyler to hold on, he flipped open his phone and read the message.

“Hey sweetie, I picked up the clothes from the cleaners. I loved last night I have been smiling all day, you were great... Love you, oh and don’t forget we have dinner with my parents tonight.”After reading the message, he closed the phone.

“No can do Tyler, I have dinner plans tonight.” Nick declined the offer and threw another balled up sheet of paper toward the trashcan. “Whoosh.” This one made it. Tyler walked into the office and sat down in the chair opposite Nick who had his feet on the desk.

“So dude how are things on the home front?” Tyler asked he shoved Nick’s legs out of the way.

Um, their good.” Nick sat up and replied unconvincingly not making eye contact with Tyler.

“Really?” He asked leaning toward the desk as if he were waiting for a secret to be revealed.

“Yes, Really… I mean we are working on it.”

“Ok, if you say so man.” Tyler raised one eyebrow looking unconvinced.

“It’s cool man things are going to be fine; it’s really no big deal.”

“Ok,” Tyler repeated. “Well if you need anything, talk, a drinking buddy a whip your ass on the courts buddy call me… cool?” Tyler got up from the chair and headed toward the door.

“Cool… hey tell the guys next week we are on, I promise.” Nick smiled as Tyler reached the door...

“Ok, you want this open or closed?” Tyler asked nodding to the door.


“See you on Monday man take it easy.” With that, Tyler walked out of sight.

Nick smiled as he gathered his things together to head for home. Tyler could read him like a book, always could. Not only did they work together, but also they were good friends they had known each other since College, they shared a dorm together. They shared a love for classic movies and short films, liked the same foods, they even had a couple of classes together, which was great for studying, and both were neat freaks, what more could you ask for.

On the drive home, Nick decided to stop and get a coffee from the little shop down the street from his house. He hated having dinner with the in-laws they were so boring and not to mention nosey as hell.
Nick knew most of the employees in the coffee shop because not only did he frequent the place they also got the bulk coffee to make at home from here, their favorite was a Hawaiian blend they could not find anywhere else. As he walked in, he received a warm welcome.

“Hey Nick.” Greeted a petite cute red head girl cleaning off the tables.

“Hey Lee, how’s it going… how’s school?”

“Kicking my ass, but I’m a trooper I can handle It”. she said laughing, “ Are you getting the usual?”

“Yeah, but with a double shot of espresso.”

“Hey Danny, a tall classic with a double shot for Nick here.” She yelled over her shoulder. “Dinner with the in-laws huh?” they both laughed because whenever he had dinner with them he made it a double.

“Yeah.” He laughed walking over to the counter.

“Danny is new, but good he will take really good care of you.” Lee said as she continued wiping down the tables.

Danny had his back to Nick as he added the last shot of espresso. When he turned around Nick thought he had seen an angel. Danny had blond hair that he wore long in the front and parted on one side; it fell down into his eyes. The other side was cut very short and tapered around his ears full in the top and taped down to his neck. He had big light brown eyes with flecks of green that reflected when the light hit them and very kissable full lips. He was medium in build, and had a smile that would melt Nick’s heart.

“Here you go Nick,” Danny said has he handed Nick his coffee.

“Thanks, Um Danny, right?”


Danny said blushing at the tall man standing in front of him. Who had piercing Blue eyes that seemed to look right through you. Black curly hair that was made for running your fingers through and a perfectly shaped mouth that you would want to kiss all day and never get tired; and from the tan fitted shirt he was wearing, Danny could tell he had muscular arms just right for being held.
Their eyes met and neither one looked away; it was if they were the only two in the room. The heat was radiating between them even with a single touch. Danny gave Nick a seductive nod and slowly moistened his lips as he ran his tongue over them. The trance was broken when Lee patted Nick on the back.

“So… how’s the coffee, perfect?” She asked in a perky voice.
A startled Nick answered, “Yeah it’s great,” without taking his eyes off Danny.
Lee looked at Danny then back at Nick. “Everything ok you two.”

“Is everything ok Nick?” Danny asked as he pressed his lips together waiting for an answer, causing Nick to feel slightly uncomfortable.

“Sure um…, the coffee is great.” He looked over at Lee who had a confused look on her face wondering what had happened before she walked over. All three stood in silence for a moment, until Nick broke the uncomfortable silence.

“Well guys I better go, thanks for the coffee.” He said holding up the hot cup of java, he placed a ten-dollar bill on the counter and headed out.

“Bye Nick, it was nice meeting you.” Danny waved and picked up the money.

“Yeah see you Nick.” Lee said then she started wiping off the counters. Danny watched Nick until he got in his truck and drove off.

“Man he’s hot.” Danny said looking dreamily out the window.

“ Yeah, but man, he’s not.” Lee giggled.

“I don’t know Lee I think your gaydar is off this time.”

“Dream on Danny, dream on.”


Nick sat in his truck for a moment trying to figure what happened between him the young blond man behind the counter. “Was he flirting with me?” He thought… “Did I give him the wrong impression?” Nick wondered as he picked up the phone a made a call.

“Hey Nick, what’s up man are you coming after all?” Tyler shouted over the loud noise in the background.

“NO,” Nick shouted hoping Tyler could hear him. “I WAS WONDERING IF YOU WANTED TO MEET FOR ONE ON ONE AT THE COURTS TOMORROW.” He said screaming into the phone.


“WHAT?” Nick yelled into the phone, now plugging his ear with one finger so he could hear better.


“Ok…THANKS…”-click- “…Tyler.” Tyler hung up before Nick could say good-bye. Nick sighed, closed the phone, and headed home for what was sure to be another boring evening with Taylor’s

Nick pulled on to the cobblestone driveway of their modest two-story red brick home. They lived in a quiet new subdivision; they had their home built which was fun because they choose the lot, which was a corner, the style and the color scheme. As a bonus for leaving a down payment on the first visit, they got the big chandler that hung in the entryway.

Nick retrieved the mail and walk into the house. He headed straight for the kitchen and put all the mail in the holder on the wall. He put the empty coffee cup in the trash and grabbed bottled water out of the fridge. As he closed, the door he notices the shopping list posted, it was his turn to shop tomorrow, “Eggs, cheese, milk, juice, the usual shit.” He read aloud then headed upstairs to shower and change.

Nick walked into their bedroom that was nicely decorated in earth tones all except the bedspread, which was magenta; it was a compromise since Nick picked out all the furniture for the bedroom. And it went really well with all the different shades of brown.
Nick started the shower and walked into the closet to find something to wear for dinner. He picked out a white button downed multi stripped shirt and a pair of navy blue cuffed dress slacks. As he headed back to the bathroom, he heard the front door open.

“Hey baby, you beat me home.” Lisa yelled as she trotted up the stairs.

Eliza Marie Tsangaris, who preferred to be called Lisa because she hated the name Eliza, it sounded so old to her, but it was a family name not to mention it was her Mother’s sisters name. She and Nick met while he ran the camera for her exercise program, Fit-tastc, that she did three days a week, but Nick no longer worked there, the other days of the week she was a Ballet dancer. Lisa was beautiful, long black wavy hair, a five foot two thin frame and big green eyes, most thought they were contacts, and through no fault of her own she was genetically gifted. Nick was the love of her live, no change that, he was her life. It was love at first sight for her.

“Hey baby.” She said getting undressed. “I’m sorry I’m late can I shower with you to save time.”

“Sure Lisa” Nick said as he held the curtains open allowing Lisa to step in. She made her way to the front of the shower and embraced the warm water as it ran down her face and hair.

“Mmmm, she moaned as the water ignited her senses. Nick watched his wife enjoyed the water as if she was making love with it. She was indeed a beauty to behold, but her soft curves, her tender kisses, her willingness to please did not ignite anything in Nick.
To him she was like a fine painting, appreciated and beautiful to look, and that was all. It made Nick feel bad because he knew she loved him, and He loved her, but not like that. Watching her dance around naked did nothing for him.

They made love all the time, she wanted it…she wanted him, as a husband, Nick wanted to please her, but he always imagined he was with a man. Sometime he wondered if she really didn’t know. He never called her name during their love making sessions and he always made an excuse to get up after they got off.
Well tonight was no exception. Tonight she wanted her husband to make love to her, and as always Nick did, but tonight it was not Lisa he was making love to, but the vision of Danny the blond hair, brown eyed beauty at the coffee shop, the one he would …NO could never have.

Nick carried his wife to their bed and layed her wet body down. Her long black hair laced the pillow as a fine work of art. Her body reacted to the cold, her nipples were hard, and her skin was filled with chill bumps Nick layed on top of her and heat covered her like a warm blanket, as she lovingly received her husband into her.

Ahhh, Ooohh boy” She moaned as he pushed his erected cock into her warm awaiting body. Nick placed his warm mouth on her cold, hard nipples and caressed them; his warm touched filled her whole body. Nick moved in and out slow at first, but then he went into over drive.

The thought of the blond at the coffee shop was all he could see, his smile, his voice, his naked body under Nick’s drove him wild, and before he knew it, he was shooting hot cum all into Lisa’s craving body. “Yesssss baby.” She whispered in his ear. She wanted it all; she wanted Nick to give her a baby. Her body responded to Nick’s and she reached a powerful orgasm. Nick rose off Lisa only to be pulled back down. Lisa wrapped her legs around the lower part of Nick’s back and held him in place.

“Nick baby, not so fast, where are you going?”

“Well, we need to get dressed for dinner remember, you know your father he hates it when we are late.” Nick said still trying to get up.

“Well he will just have to wait, I have not seen my husband all day, and I’ve missed him.” She said with a warm smile, as she raised her head to meet Nick’s lips. He gave her a quick peck and removed her legs from around his waist.

“Come on Lisa we need to get ready baby.” He said walking over to get dressed

“Ok, Ok babe,” Lisa was now resting on her elbows, “So how was your day?”

“It was great, I’m glad it’s over though, oh I’m meeting Tyler in the morning to play ball, if you didn’t have any plans for us.

“No, I think its ok, I have a class to teach in the morning, hey” she thought for a moment, “Maybe we can have coffee together at the coffee house before you meet Ty.”

“Sure, that’s cool.” Nick said while buttoning up his shirt.

Lisa got off the bed and went to the bathroom to clean off before getting dressed.
She put on a white knee length sundress with large pink and yellow flowers, and pair of white sandals. She pulled her long black hair into a ponytail showing off her flawless features and dabbed a little peach gloss over her lips and she was ready to go.

“You look great baby.” Lisa said as she wrapped her arms around Nick’s waist and rested her head on his back.

“I love you Nick.” She whispered standing on the tips of her toes hoping her words of love reached his ear.

“I love you too.” He turned around and hugged her back, “let’s go.” He reached for her hand and headed down the stairs and out the door. They walked over to the truck and as they were about to get in the neighbor across the street watering her grass smiled and waved to the cute couple.

“Hey Mrs. Jackson.” Lisa yelled as Nick opened the door for her, she ducked in and Nick closed the door and waved to Mrs. Jackson as he walked around to the driver’s side. He backed out of the driveway and headed down the street.


Nick and Lisa arrived at Blue Oyster a quaint little seafood restaurant at 7:00pm on the dot. The Valet helped Lisa out of the truck and walked around to the driver’s side, gave Nick a warm hello and handed him his valet ticket. Lisa waited for Nick and held his hand as they walked into the restaurant together. Lisa’s father spotted them as they walked in.

“There they are.” He said as he with open arms, kissing Lisa on the cheek as ask. “So how’s my baby girl?”

“I’m fine daddy.” Lisa replied as he held her cheek up to meet his lips.

“Nick, my handsome son, how are you?”

“Um….fine Dr. Taylor, you?” Nick extended his hand in greeting form.

“You’ve been married to my daughter for two years now and yet you still call me Dr. Taylor…I don’t understand you boy, call me dad, we are family after all, till death do you part remember?” He said with a hardy laugh.

“Ok, dad.” Nick grimaced with a half smile, then he looked around to hide the expression on his face.

“So where’s mom?” Lisa asked looking around the crowed restaurant.

“She’s in the ladies room; you know women always have to power their nose.” He answered as he elbowed Nick.


The Hostess walked up ready to seat them just a Mrs. Taylor joined them.

“Hey you two.” She greeted giving Lisa a hug and then hugging Nick.

“Good evening Mrs. Taylor, you look lovely as always.” Nick acknowledges.

“Hey Mom.” Lisa greeted fixing her mother’s necklace that had the claps facing the front.

“Your table is ready if you are.” Said the Hostess.
Looking around Dr. Taylor said, “I think we are ready.”

“Follow me then.” The Hostess led them to their table, which was near the window overlooking the golf course, the green hills, and the beautiful blue sky was perfect.
Nick pulled out the chair allowing Lisa to sit down.

“Thank you baby.” She gave a warm smile as she watched her husband take his seat. Nick smiled and sat down taking the cloth napkin and placing it over his lap.

“I’m starving.” Dr. Taylor said as he looked over the menu. “How about a bottle of St. Michelle’s Riesling?”

“That’s good.” Everyone agreed so while their server who introduced himself as Sean he took their drink order they surveyed the menu. When he returned with the drinks, everyone was ready to order, Nick and Lisa ordered the Lobster, and the Taylor’s the Salmon with pesto sauce.
As the evening progressed Nick’s mind drifted off to the young man at The Coffee House, Danny was his name. He thought about his smile, the way his tongue glided over his lips as he looked into Nick’s eyes the way he allowed his hand to linger on Nick’s as he handed him the cup of coffee, the way…

“Right baby?” Lisa asked as she placed her hand on Nick’s lap.

“Huh?” Nick shook his head coming brought back to reality.

“I was telling them about our next door neighbor and their new baby. I think his name is Grant, right baby?”

“Yeah, right… I think.” Nick answered in a haze his mind was a million miles away. He didn’t care about the neighbor or their baby’s name right now his thought were on the young blond. He was too preoccupied with moving around the white glob of whipped cream atop of his pie.

“Well, anyway he is so adorable.” Lisa exclaimed with total excitement in her voice.

“Well baby did you take your test today.” Lisa’s mother asked innocently. At this, Nick’s tilted his ear towards the conversation in attention.
Lisa’s face went pale as she leaned back in her chair, bit her bottom lip, and weakly shook her head no; hoping Nick was not paying attention. He looked up from his Key lime pie and asked.

“What test?” Nick looked at Lisa then her mother with concern. “What test, are you ok Lisa?” He asked placing his hand over hers, which was sitting on the table.

“Ha, ha,” Mr. Taylor laughed, “Its ok Nick, Lisa told us about your plans.” He said using his napkin to wipe the corners of his mouth.

“Our plans, what plans?” Nick looked at Lisa with confusion. He sighed and squeezed his wife’s hand. “What plans Lisa?”
The table was silent, no one spoke a word, Lisa tilted her head slightly and asked, “Can we talk about this later Nick?”

“Mary.” Lisa’s dad nugged her mom’s shoulder.

“Well Tom, I thought he knew.” She said leaning over and whispering into to Tom’s ear feeling really bad for spilling Lisa apparent secret.

“Oh man.” The realization hit Nick like a ton of bricks. Now angry he asked between clinched teeth.
“I thought we were going to wait until we were BOTH ready Lisa. Why would you need to take a test, aren’t you taking the….” He looked over at Lisa’s parents who were sitting there really uncomfortable with the situation. “The pill?” He asked now looking back to Lisa as he tried to lower his voice.

“Baby, please not here.” Lisa begged with pleading eyes as she saw the rage in Nick’s.

“Hey listen you two go, we will take care of the check.” Lisa father said as he motioned them to leave. Lisa was saddened at her husband's reaction. She knew she should have told him, and that was the plan, when the time was right, but not tonight, and definitely not in front of her parents. Nick was furious and she knew it, he managed to keep it together however, he wanted to scream, hit something.

Taking a deep breath Nick sat the napkin over the uneaten pie and scooted from the table. He motioned for Lisa to get up as he pulled her chair from the table. She ducked her head down wishing she could just fade into the crowded room, fad away from the conversation, the explanation she would have to provide Nick.

"Thanks, for dinner Dr. Tay… I mean dad, but I will take care of the check on the way out. You two enjoy your desert and we will call you over the weekend." Nick made his way around the table and kissed his mother in law on the cheek.

"Nick, I'm sorry baby." She said leaning her cheek up to meet Nick's lips.

"Dad.” Nick shook Dr. Taylor's hand. "See you soon."

"Lisa.” Nick reached for his wife hand and led her through the restaurant. Lisa waved good-bye to her parents as she and Nick left the table. Nick paid the tab and left a generous tip, and headed to the truck.
Nick was silent during the drive home. Lisa tried to make small talk with him until he told her to just stop talking he was trying to think. She pressed her lips together, took a deep breath faced the window and sat back for what felt like the longest ride of her life.

Nick walked into the house and headed straight for the kitchen. He threw his keys on the island with such force they slid on to the ground. He opened the refrigerator, grabbed the orange juice and Vodka poured a stiff drink, and sat down at the table.
Lisa walked in behind Nick picking up his keys from the floor. She gently sat them back on the counter and looked into Nick's angry eyes.

"Nick,” She whispered as she sat down in front of him. "I know you're upset and I'm sorry." reaching for Nick's hand.

"Look Lisa,” Nick slammed his hand on the table. “We've talked about this over and over again. I...I'm just not ready to have a kid.” He said shrugging his shoulders. "I'm sorry I just am not ready."

Lisa looked into Nick's eyes and she knew he meant what he was saying. She nodded with understanding as the tears filled her emerald green eyes.

“Lisa, how long ago has it been since you stopped taking the pills?” He asked looking directly into her eyes. His blue meeting her questionable green one’s eyes afraid of what her answer would be.

Lisa looked down at her hand on top of his, and gently removed it before Nick could.

“Five months….now” she sighed looking down cringing.

“WHAT??? ...What did you say?” Nick asked sounding a bit confused as if he misunderstood her. Standing up from the table causing the chair to hit the ground.

“What?” He asked again.

“Five months, but Nick I can explain baby.” She got up from the table walking over to her husband with pleading in her voice and eyes.

“GET away from me Lisa!” Nick said raising his voice, turning his back toward her he exclaimed, “I can’t believe you think this is ok.” He said shaking his head in disbelief.

“I never said it was ok, baby. Why are you so upset, the test came back negative.” She said throwing her hands in the air in defeat.

“Are you fucking crazy, what do you mean the test came back negative are you trying to trap me?” As soon as the words hit the air, he wished he could take them back.

“TRAP…you, what the fuck do you mean Nick, you are my husband, we are married, how the hell can I TRAP you?” At this point Lisa was losing control of her emotions.

“That’s not what I meant…what…what I meant to say was you can’t go behind my back and plan a child…. Damn it Lisa that’s both of our decision.” He said trying to reason. “A life changing decision at that.”

“I’m sorry baby; please forgive me it won’t happen again I swear. She said walking up to Nick laying her head on his chest. “We can wait till you’re ready, but know I’m always ready.” She reached for his hand and placed in on her stomach.

“I love you Nick and I want to have your…our baby boy or girl growing inside of me, don’t blame me for being in love with my husband.”

Nick sighed, “Lisa I love you too…, but, it’s just….”

“Just what baby?” Lisa asked looking Nick’s sad and confused eyes.

“We need to wait, that’s all.” Nick said taking a sip of his drink. “I’m tired let’s go to bed; it’s been a long day.” He finished off his drink and sat the empty glass on the counter

“You, coming?” He said as he headed out of the kitchen.

“Yes, in a minute baby, I’m going to call mom and dad to let them know we made it home ok and we are not fighting.” She laughed. Nick’s mouth twitched in agitation as he replied,

“Yeah right.” You do that. Nick thought sarcastically as he walked out and up the stairs to their bedroom.

Lisa watched her husband head up the stairs, made her call and cut off the lights.

“He will come around I just know it….He has too.” She said in a low voice and headed up stairs.

TBC...Comments are always welcome. I'm not expecting you to love the character, but hopefully You'll like them.
Copyright © 2011 Naptowngirl; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

You've set this story up nicely! :2thumbs:


Your first story here at GA and you posted the whole thing!! Now that's courageous! :great: Good for you.


The Robbins quote is quite apropos.

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On 07/31/2011 10:14 AM, Conner said:
You've set this story up nicely! :2thumbs:


Your first story here at GA and you posted the whole thing!! Now that's courageous! :great: Good for you.


The Robbins quote is quite apropos.

Awww....Thanks Conner. It's a finished story of mine that I wrote back in 2007 I actually have several that are finished that I've written over the years that I might post over here. two for sure. I don't do well with stories in progress. I hate waiting for updates...myself lol. I hope you continue to read it and tell me what you think. I need to frame this somehow. My 1st comment. :D thanks.
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Nice story so far! I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the name of the restaurant was "Blue Oyster", that was the name of the gay bar in the "Police Academy" movie, very funny scene.

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On 08/24/2013 07:22 AM, TonyC said:
Nice story so far! I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the name of the restaurant was "Blue Oyster", that was the name of the gay bar in the "Police Academy" movie, very funny scene.
Hahaha....I didn't know that. I have to be honest TonyC this is the 1st story I've ever written and from what I've been told it's full of type Os. I haven't had the time to get it re-edited so please bare with it. I hope you enjoy it's intentions... :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to let me know you are reading it.



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I find Lisa very annoying and selfish, having a baby should be a mutual decision. Nick and Danny on the other hand seem very nice. :*)

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On 10/06/2013 07:17 AM, Suvitar said:
I find Lisa very annoying and selfish, having a baby should be a mutual decision. Nick and Danny on the other hand seem very nice. :*)
Yay... you like, you like.... I agree Lisa is a little selfish, and it only get better... ;) thanks so much for reading and posting a review


Kim :D

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sooooo just happened upon School Daze and now i have decided to read through everything you have written because i love your style of writing. an example, when Nicks colleague asks him if he wanted the door open or closed. Now i know it served no plot purpose for this chapter but its something small like that that i always ask someone and reading it in a story makes it feel very real and down to earth and i love it. lol. As for the chapter i think its a great opening chapter and i look forward to reading the rest of the chapters! :)

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That is incredibly sneaky! Having a baby is a decision that involves BOTH parents, and what would she have done if she were pregnant, lie and say it was an accident? :/

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