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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

2008 - Annual - It's Just a Game, Right? Entry

Blackout - 1. Story


By york366


12:15. Sigh. I leaned back against the lockers. It had been ten minutes since the lunch bell had rang and my friend, Nick, with whom I ate lunch everyday, still hadn't come to his locker. Everyone else had already come by, dropped off their books and left for the cafeteria. Everyone except that Nick. Where the hell was he? After one last straggler closed his locker and left, the hall was completely empty. I then decided that I should go to lunch myself. Lunch period was pretty short and there was no point in going hungry just waiting for Nick.

I was about leave when I heard footsteps. At first I thought it was Nick but when I looked up, I saw that it was Christian Girard walking down the hall. I sighed inwardly. Christian was one guy that I had always thought was exceptionally attractive and I'm sure all the girls in my class would agree with me. He was the kind of guy who should be on the covers of some fashion magazine, not walking down high school hallways. He was also the living proof of my bisexuality. With guys like Christian, there was no way I could possibly be completely straight. I guess he had always been my crush but that was such a far-fetched notion that I didn't even take it seriously. Who was I compared to Christian? I was decently attractive and on the soccer team but nothing as special as Christian. He was busy texting on his phone and I'm sure he didn't even notice I was there. I took a second to admire him as he walked down that hall before quickly looking down at my shoes so that he wouldn't think I was staring at him.

I was completely surprised when his footsteps stopped right in front of me. I then practically jumped when he grabbed my arm.

"Brent, can I talk to you for a second? In there?" he said pointing his thumb towards the door of a nearby empty classroom.

Of course, I followed him inside but I was confused as hell. What was he doing? He had never even spoken to me or looked in my direction ever. And now he wanted to talk to me for a second? As the door closed, I turned to see him pulling his shirt off. My breath caught in my throat as I saw him now standing shirtless in front of me. I didn't even question why he had taken his shirt off. My eyes just wandered over his hot tanned toned body, noticing his spiked brown hair highlighted at the tips and his beautiful grey eyes that were now looking straight at me.

"Uh, what did you want to talk about?" I managed to ask.

Instead of replying, he hooked a finger in one of the belt loops of my jeans and pulled me towards him. He was the same height as me and as we stood face to face, our eyes were locked on each other. I could feel my heart beating wildly as the distance between us closed.

"I've just been thinking about you Brent. A lot."

He didn't wait for any reply but rather pulled off my shirt, tossed it to the side and was soon caressing my chest, feeling and rubbing my skin with his hands. I had never felt anyone so close to me before or had someone feel my body like this. I could feel his breath on my neck. I felt his lips touch my chest, my collar, my neck and I had to grab a hold of his shoulders to brace myself. I was in ecstasy as he let his tongue run all over my skin. My hand reached up to his head and ran through the spiked hair. I then couldn't help myself as I grabbed his hair and pulled his head back from me so I could kiss him all over his face and neck as well. I repeatedly touched his body with my lips. Finally, our lips met and we kissed with our tongues entwined...

When the bell rang signaling the end of lunch, the spell was broken. Christian pulled back while I stood in place still lost in the moment.

"You're so amazing," he said casually as he picked up his shirt and pulled it on.

I just nodded as I leaned back on the one of the desks to catch my breath with my mind still in over drive. I just watched as he tried to fix his messed up hair and straighten his clothes.

"I'll try to see you tonight, okay?" he whispered before walking past me and out the door.

After he had left, I tried to get some control on my senses by taking a few deep breaths. However I still couldn't wrap my mind around what had just happened. Had I just made out with Christian? This seemed just like some fantasy. But even in my dreams I had never would have thought that Christian would be making out with me in an empty classroom during lunch break.

I was standing in that empty classroom all by myself now, and my hand ran over all the places his lips had touched me. It felt so surreal. My fingers were on my lips when a second bell brought me out of my daze. I had a class to get to! I quickly grabbed my shirt and quickly pulled it on. I had missed lunch but there wasn't a single thought of regret. Christian was the only thing on my mind as I ran to my next class. I must have had big smile on my face because Nick called me on it right as I sat down next to him.

"Why are you smiling so hard and more importantly where were you during lunch?"

My smile faltered. I groped for words to try to somehow explain my smile or my absence. I couldn't get myself to tell him the truth. I was still wrapped in the moment and was at a loss for words. Not that he would believe me even if I did tell him that I had been making out with Christian Girard. I was saved from giving any answer though when the classroom door opened again.

As she walked into the classroom, all eyes were immediately upon on her. Yes, Isabelle Laurent was without a doubt the hottest girl in school. Her short skirt, her revealing blouse, and her blonde hair all screamed for attention but her eyes were focused on only one thing. I didn't even notice until she walked straight over to me. She stopped right in front me, placed both of her hands on my desk and looked straight into my face.

"You and me. Tonight. I'll pick you up. Cool?"

Caught unaware by this unexpected attention, I just gulped and gave a small nod. I couldn't seem to find my voice and I didn't know what else to do as I looked straight into those grey eyes that meant nothing but business.

"Wonderful. I'll see you tonight," she said as she flashed a smile showing off her perfect white teeth before walking out of the classroom.

"Damn Brent!" exclaimed my friend Nick. "What the hell did you do dude?"

"I have no idea!" I said turning to look at my surprised friend.

"No idea? Are you saying Isabelle, like the hottest girl in school, just came and asked you out for no reason at all?"

"Yes?" I replied with out much conviction. I was still in a state of shock.

It was crazy. It was insane. First, Christian, the beautiful god who was every girl's fantasy, pulls me into an empty classroom and passionately makes out with me for no reason. He hadn't even spoken to me ever before. Now Isabelle, the goddess herself who every guy must have fantasized about, had just asked me out. Up till now, she had not even given me the slightest attention.

So apparently, I was going to be seeing both of them tonight. What was going on? This had to be some sort of game.

"Is there something tonight?" I asked Nick.

Nick just looked at weirdly. "Yeah stupid, it's Rachel's big beginning of the year party. Everyone's been talking about. Where have you been?"

"Oh yeah," I replied stupidly as I remembered.

I hadn't really thought about actually going to this party that some senior girl was throwing but now it seems that I had no choice. Isabelle was going to make sure I went. And what was going to happen when I got there? I didn't really have any idea. However, I knew there was the chance I would be seeing Christian again and after what had happened earlier I definitely wanted to see him again. Even with whatever Isabelle had planned for me.

What had started as a completely normal day had now become completely twisted and crazy. And it was going to get a whole lot more twisted and crazier.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed out loud.


9:00. Gulp. I sat down on my bed only to get up again. I was nervous. And this was just beginning. I had no idea what was going to happen in the coming few hours. Earlier, I had gotten a text from Isabelle stating that she was coming to pick me up at nine. I quickly walked to my bathroom and looked myself again in front the mirror. My hair had been gelled, and my polo shirt had been straightened. I was sure that I looked good. However, that didn't help the empty feeling in my stomach. I sat down on my bed again.

A honk cut through my thoughts. I felt myself almost shake as I got up from my bed. I took in a deep breath in a vain attempt to compose myself. A second honk made me hasten out of my room and to the front door. Outside I saw a Porsche convertible in my driveway. My eyes widened. What a fucking amazing ride. And the driver was nothing less. Isabelle looked amazing.

"Get in," she ordered as she reached over and opened up the passenger door. I cautiously got inside and sat down. I had barely closed the door when Isabelle revved the engine and quickly pulled out of the driveway. I quickly grabbed the seatbelt and buckled in just as she slammed the accelerator and the car shot down the neighborhood street. I tightly gripped the door handles as the car tore down the street. Isabelle also turned up the radio until it was blasting loudly. Luckily, conversation was made impossible over the loud voice of Rihanna.

We were soon driving down curving roads with large mansions on each side. Isabelle slowed down in front of an especially large one with a large circular driveway that was overflowing with cars. Isabelle drove up the driveway and managed to fit her convertible into a tight space close to the house. She turned off the car and got out, not waiting for me. I quickly unbuckled my belt, got out and started following her. I could hear the loud music emanating from the house and there were a few people milling outside.

When we got near the front door, she held out her arm. "Hold my arm."

I got hooked my arm in hers but apparently I didn't do it properly because Isabelle pulled her arm away and then hooked her arm under mine. She then used her arm to practically drag me to the front door. The door was unlocked. Isabelle pushed it open and just proceeded inside. Inside, there were people everywhere. I had never been to such a large party. It seemed like everyone from school was there. And everyone looked towards us when we passed. Some people even pointed and whispered amongst themselves. I recognized a few familiar faces who I gave a smile or wave to. I tried to stand up straight to make it seem like I was bringing Isabelle to this party but it was just too apparent that it was the other way around.

Isabelle led me past a large living room which had been turned into a dancing floor. The place was full of people moving to the music, with a few grinding against each other. There were also bright green strobe lights flashing around the room giving the place a dizzying feeling. I noticed a fair number people were holding beer cans or red cups. Apparently, there was alcohol at this party. I had never drunk alcohol in my life besides the occasional beer and the sight made me a bit more uncomfortable, if that was even possible. Isabelle then led me out to the backyard which was even more impressive and there were even more people. There was a large deck and then steps leading down to a swimming pool and a pool house. There was music blasting out here and people were chatting in groups on the deck and there were also a number people milling around the pool area.

All of sudden, Isabelle pulled me towards and pressed her lips up against mine. I was caught by surprise as I felt her kiss me. What was with this all of a sudden? I was about to start kissing her back when I noticed that standing just behind her was Christian and a few of his friends. His friends were chuckling but Christian had a frown on his face and was looking straight at me. Isabelle must have noticed that I wasn't paying attention to her at all as she broke the kiss and turned around. She then smiled when she saw Christian and his friends.

"Hello guys, how are you?" Isabelle said as she tightened the grip on my arm and pulled me closer towards herself.

There were three guys and two girls. I recognized the two girls as Isabelle's best friends, Amber and Carly. Both of them greeted Isabelle with hugs and slight nods towards me. I didn't really recognize any of the guys except the one who was standing right in front of us. Christian Girard's frown had been replaced by a cold look as he looked at Isabelle and then at me. His eyes lingered on me though in a questioning manner.

"Hey Isabelle," he said coolly.

"Hello Christian, have you met my date?"

Christian looked at me again. "No, I don't think I have."

My heart fell at his remark. He was pretending like he didn't even know me. My hopes of doing anything more with him were dashed.

"This Brent Harrison," Isabelle said gesturing towards me with a smirk on her face.

Christian held out his hand. "Christian."

I shook his hand. "Uh, nice to meet you Christian."

Christian just nodded before turning to Isabelle. "Moved on so soon, Isabelle?"

Shit. Did these two have a history? I didn't want to get between anything like that. I was now really regretting having come to this party with Isabelle. I didn't know what Isabelle wanted from me and by coming with her and from the reaction I had just gotten from Christian, I had most likely blown my chances with him as well. Damn! I was such an idiot.

Isabelle ignored Christian's question but rather turned towards me. "Do you think you could get me a drink, Brent? Maybe a Sex on the Beach?"

"I, uh, where? What?" I stammered not knowing what to do. I had no idea where the drinks were. And I especially had no idea what the hell a Sex on the Beach was.

A guy who was standing next Christian spoke up. "I have to get a refill." He raised the red cup he held in his hand. "I'll show you the way. Just come with me."

Isabelle let go of my arm and the guy put his arm around my shoulder and guided me back towards the house.

"Dude, you are so fucked!" the guy said with a laugh once we were a distance from the others.

"Wait what?"

"You have no idea what's going on, do you?"

I shook my head. "I would love some answers though."

The guy laughed some more. "Well, it seems you're the latest pawn in the sibling rivalry!"

"Sibling rivalry?"

"Yeah, between Isabelle and Christian."

"Wait, they're related?" I exclaimed. I had had no idea. I had thought they had been dating or something.

The guy just looked at me like I was an idiot. "They're twins. God, you are clueless aren't you?"

"That makes no sense though. They have different last names."

"Their parents are divorced. Isabelle lives with their dad and Christian with their mom."

"Oh," was all I could reply with. This was some very surprising news to me.

"Yeah, and they hate each other."

I just nodded. They obviously had some messed up history but now all I cared about was myself. "So where do I fit in?"

The guy just shrugged. "No idea. But apparently Isabelle thought she could use you to get back at Christian somehow."

"Get back?"

The guy started laughing again. "Christian totally seduced and slept with her boyfriend."

My eyebrows shot up. "Fuck!"

This was also in response to the state of the kitchen we had just walked into. The whole place was covered with bottles and cans. The guy started perusing through the bottles. I watched as he poured some stuff from a blue bottle labeled as vodka into a red cup. He then filled it with orange juice and handed it to me. "Here ya go."

I took the cup from him. He then poured himself the same.

"Dude, I would really recommend you stay away from both of them. They'll be nothing but trouble for you!" He then took a sip from his cup. "See you around!" he said before walking off.

I stood in the middle of kitchen with my drink trying to make sense of everything I had just found out. I decided that I definitely had no intention of getting involved in anything with either of them. It seemed I would get screwed over in this sibling rivalry no matter what happened. Even though being with either of them would be quite awesome, I knew I would rather be safe then charter such dangerous territory. I was quite relieved when a familiar voice called my name out.

"Brent! Hey!"

I turned around to see Nick. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Nick! So great to see you!"

"Dude where is your hot date?"

I sighed. "No idea and I don't want to know."

"What happened?"

"Apparently Isabelle was just using me to make someone jealous."

"Really? That sucks. Who was she making jealous?"

"Uh, no idea," I lied. "But I just walked away. I don't want to get involved in any of that crap."

Nick then laughed. "I really wonder why she chose you though."

"Fuck you."

He did have a good point though. I had been kind of wondering the same thing. It seemed that Isabelle obviously had taken me along only to make Christian jealous. As ridiculous as it seemed, maybe Isabelle had somehow had found out about what happened between Christian and me and she had then dragged me to the party to try to claim me as hers. That meant that Isabelle had actually no real interest in me, which was honestly a bit disappointing considering how hot she was. However, I had kind of expected it to not be real. Isabelle and me? Very unlikely. But did that also mean that there was actually something going on between Christian and me? It seemed as unlikely as anything between me and Isabelle but after the make out session during lunch, my hopes had been riding high. However, from the way Christian had pretended to not even know me a few minutes ago, it didn't really seem like it anymore. I had probably really screwed myself by showing up with his sister who he apparently hated very much. Now, he probably didn't want anything to do with me. Way to go Brent! Really, this was all just messed up and maybe it was best if I just didn't get involved at all.

Nick's girlfriend Jessica then showed up holding two red cups. She smiled when she saw me. "I'm so glad you decided to start drinking Brent!"

I was a bit surprised at her remark but then I realized I had a cup in my hand. Jessica handed one of the red cups to Nick and then they both raised their cups to mine.


I watched as they both downed their drinks. I looked cautiously at mine and took a small sip. I had never really drunk alcohol before but it didn't taste that bad. It was mostly orange juice with a little weird taste that I presumed was the alcohol. Apparently, the best way to tackle this seemed to drink it quickly so I downed it like Nick and Jessica had done. This elicited a cheer from Jessica and a pat on the back from Nick. "Alright Brent! I'm so proud!"

I just laughed awkwardly and let Nick pour me another drink.


11:00. Whoa! I was drunk. I had actually only had two drinks but I had never been drunk like this. I stumbled around after Nick and Jessica as they headed to the dance floor. There were still a lot of people dancing in the dark living room with the flashing green lights. I wasn't really into dancing but when Nick suggested it, I just went along. We danced to song after song and soon I wasn't really paying attention to what was playing. I was just moving to the music along with Nick and Jessica.

Then I saw the one person I had really hoping to avoid. "Brent?"

"Hello Hannah," I replied to the girl who was now standing in front of me, my ex-girlfriend.

"Still kissing boys?" she asked dryly.

I frowned. Hannah had broken up with me over the spring when she had found me making out with another boy who happened to be one of her best friends actually. She hadn't accepted my explanation that I was bisexual then and I doubt she would now. But then again, even though it was with a boy, I had been technically cheating on her, so I guess she didn't really owe me any respect.

"Yeah I am," I replied. I smiled inside then as I couldn't help by remember Christian.

Hannah just shook her head. "I can't believe I dated a fag."

Nick then butted in. "Okay seriously, Hannah. Back off."

Hannah just raised her eyebrows and seemed like she was about to say something back but then she just smiled at me. "I'm glad you're out here partying Brent. I wish we had gone out to more parties when we were together."

With that she left, leaving me confused. Was she still hating me or missing me? Well, whatever it was, I couldn't care less now.

"I'm so glad, you're not with her anymore," commented Nick as we started dancing again.

I nodded. During the few weeks we had been together, I had found myself being more annoyed with her than actually liking her. Maybe that was because I was always more interested in spending time with her best friend then just her. So when she did break up with me, I was almost relieved. The thoughts of Hannah soon disappeared as I returned to dancing with my friends.


1:00. Yawn. I was getting tired. The effect of the alcohol seemed to be wearing off. I downed the glass of water that Nick had handed me before. Nick was still on the dance floor with his arms wrapped around Jessica tightly as the two just swayed to the music.

So far, I hadn't seen either Christian or Isabelle. I was glad that I hadn't seen Isabelle but I was now still secretly wanting to run into Christian. I had tried to just forget the whole thing but there was this bubbly feeling in my heart. I was dying to know if what happened in that empty classroom had actually meant anything. I wanted to apologize to him for showing up with his sister. Maybe try to make things work out if that was at all possible.

As I looked around, I saw Hannah again but she was busy talking to some guy. He had an arm around her. It seemed that at least I wouldn't have any more trouble from her for the rest of the night. I couldn't really hear what they were saying. As I was straining to hear, there was a tap on my shoulder. I was quite shocked when I turned around to see Christian standing right behind me.

"Meet me on the third floor," he whispered into my ear before disappearing into the crowd of people.

I looked around trying to see where he went but I couldn't see anything. Seeing that Nick and Jessica were too involved with each other and Hannah had also walked away with that guy, I took the chance to head over to the stairs. I went up to the second floor and then to the third floor. There weren't that many people here except for a few couples making out in the corners.

"Uh Christian?" I spoke up as I walked down an empty hallway with several doors on either side.

I felt someone grab my hand from behind. "Right here."

He then led me down the hallway.

"Where are we going?"

"Hold on," was all that Christian said as he opened one of the doors. He quickly closed it but I got a glance inside to where two people were making out half naked. Christian then walked past a few doors and then opened a door. The room was dark and Christian pulled me into the room and closed the door behind him.

My hand reached for the light switch but Christian caught it in mid way and pushed it away. He then pulled me into him and reached in to kiss me. I, however, pushed him back.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, forcibly hitting the switch, turning on the lights.

Christian seemed a bit surprised by my protest. "What?"

"I want to know what's going on," I demanded. "So all out of the blue, you make out with me in school. Then your sister takes me to this party and then kisses me here. Then you pretend you don't know me. Is this some kind of game?"

"Sshh..." Christian pressed a finger against my lips. "So Isabelle somehow found out about what we did during lunch. That's why she brought you here with her. She wanted to make a move on you to make me jealous. However, I convinced her that there wasn't anything serious between us. That you had been just a little fun for lunch."

"A little fun for lunch? So this is just a little game for you!"

Christian just smiled and wrapped me tighter in his arms. "Not at all. If this was just a game, you wouldn't be up here with me. I do like you. A lot."

"Well, I don't..." I started to say before I realized what Christian had said. "What? Did you say that you like me?"

Christian just grinned and nodded. "I was just trying to protect you. If Isabelle ever found that there was actually something between us, she would try her hardest to ruin us. She can be vicious."

"But didn't you sleep with her boyfriend?"

Christian chuckled. "Well, actually, he came on to me. What was I supposed to do?"

I laughed a little. Poor Isabelle.

"Now can we proceed?" he then asked.

I blushed and nodded. Christian then reached over and turned the light switch off.


© 2008 york366

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Copyright © 2010 york366; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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2008 - Annual - It's Just a Game, Right? Entry
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I really enjoyed this. I love a short good read when I am in a turmoiled mood, and this one fit the bill. Thanx

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