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    John Galaor
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  • 3,160 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Conversation_After_Work - 1. Chapter 1

It is simply a conversation between two young friends that had passed the last night together in a rented room with breakfast. Then, Dave, the top lover, is eager to come back to the same rent room. In their way their own homes to have dinner and a shower they had a long chat. <br />

Conversation after work

At five o’clock in the afternoon Dave and Jimmy finished their work. They went walking home to have a dinner and a shower. They accorded to meet at a cross with Gwendaline street and the main road to go back to a rent room with breakfast they had paid for a week. Dave was happy. He had a weird full satisfaction in his body. He felt... sort of realized.
“I am eager the night comes again.” Said Dave.
“What for?” Replied Jimmy.
“What could it will be for? Is it that... you didn't enjoy it?”
Jimmy did not reply.
“What happens to you? Is it that... you didn't have fun?”
Jimmy did not reply.
“You told me you liked it. You loved to have me inside. Didn’t you?”
“Well, I do not want to talk about this. I feel... bad.”
“Why? We didn’t do anything shameful! It was pleasant!”
“Shhh! Don't speak so loud. Someone can hear you.”
“Nobody is near us. Why are you ashamed?”
“It’s that... I am not a girl. You know that.”
“I know that. But it was pleasant, wasn’t it?”
“Well, I am a man... I mean... well, only a boy but... it is not right, isn't it?
"What is not right."
"that... that... I would had enjoyed it.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know. It’s... it doesn't look right.”
“But you enjoyed it, didn’t you?”
“Well, er... yes. But... it ought not to be so. I should be feeling anger. Complaining that you had raped me or something. But I do not feel any this. This is... an anomaly.”
“Anomaly? No. It’s not. It’s a gift of the gods you have, like Ganimedes.”
“Gany... who? Who is him?”
“Didn’t I tell you? Ganimedes, was the cutest prince in the world. He was so cute that... that the might god Zeus fell in love with the boy and kidnapped him.”
“A god? You said?"
"Yeah. A god of the Ancient Greeks. A god that fell in love with human people. Specially with beautiful young humans."
"Then... he kidnapped the boy?"
"It is only a Greek myth. The Greeks loved boys."
"But what for... this god did it?”
“You had to figure it. The story do not tell us what the god did with the boy.”
“Why not?”
“Well, it must be... to protect modesty. The Ancient Greeks did not speak about this clearly. At least in writing. And all we know from the Greeks comes from written stories. But everybody knew what happened. No need to tell.”
“A god and a boy?”
“Yeah. So, the myth is telling us, that even gods fell in love with a pretty boy. So, you are the most pretty boy I have ever watched.”
“There are not buts. The important thing is that I needed a cun... That I needed you. And you loved my thick... eh? didn’t you? Remember? My hard thing pushing in and out in you?”
“Er... well, yeah. It was... it was yes. But it was not as pleasant as... when you jerked my think a while and I spurted this stuff out.”
“But you loved the feeling of my hard thing inside you.”
“And you loved my jizz inside you.”
“What jizz?”
“The jizz is the milk. I injected you... like a glass of milk.”
“A glass of milk?”
“Yeah. I gave you an overdose of testiculine.”
“Testiculine. Don’t you remember? I told you last night.”
“Testi... culine?”
“Yes. The essence of virility. It is like the yang of Chinese philosophy.”
“Like the yang. Now I remember this rare word.”
“Yeah. It's Chinese. Then, you enjoyed my yang inside you. From now on... you will be my wife.”
“But I couldn’t. I am a boy. Even if my pecker is small, I cannot be a wife.”
“Not all the boys are made equal, Jimmy. Some are... like Hermaphroditus.”
“Herma... what?”
“Her-ma-phro-di-tus. It is another myth my uncle told me about.”
"What uncle."
"My uncle Nico, the free thinker. I told you last night."
"Yeah. I was too nervous to recall everything. And who was this Hermaphroditus?”
“It is a long story. I have not time to tell now. The question is...”
Dave was looking for the right words, but Jimmy said,
“The question is that I'm a man.”
“With a very nice... sweet... pert ass. Confess that my... wonderful thing gave you a lot of pleasure, Jimmy.”
“Being that I am... a man, how could this thing occured?”
“Occurred what? It happened!”
“This you are asking me... did not happened. It’s an impossible thing.”
“No. It is not. If you were not... willing that I... why you let me?”
“Well... er... I don’t know. In theory I should not have willed to have you... doing all this."
"But you did id. Then, why?"
"I was fascinated by... your swelling in there.”
“What swelling?”
“The bulge in your jeans. You got this thing allways bulging"
“I felt attracted to it. I wanted to see what you got there. I wanted to watch it, to feel it in my hands. Nobody around had a bulge like yours.”
“And so...”
“So, you were like... like wooing me. I said to myself ‘he is wooing me like I were a girl’.”
“Do you know how to woo a girl?”
“No, but I read something in novels. I loved the kindness you were showing to me. I like to be cherished and loved. And you were doing all this. I had not father, you know?”
“You had not father?”
“No. And I was living without a mother. O the other hand I was educated in a catholic boarding school. So, you can imagine. I was badly in need to be loved.”
“You were in need to be loved?”
“Yeah. Also you were to me... like a loving friend... and as you are more developed than me, and much taller, your are to me like... a daddy. I think every child deserves to have a loving daddy. I you were like one.”
“Sorry. I did not know all this.”
“Never mind.”
“I’ll be your sweet daddy for sure. I promise.”

They were walking for a while in silence. They were thinking about the meaning of their conversation. Recording in their minds the precise words of it.

Dave did not understand totally the situation, then he asked,
“Then... why... what push you to... willing me... to...”
“Oh, Jimmy! Oh, no. By god! Of course, you're not any pansy. Not at all. How would I... Of course, I would not go walking on this street with a pansy. You do not look a pansy in the least. A cute hot boy, yes. A very sweet one, yes. But not a pansy."
"You mean... I am not?"
"Of course not. In the least. I love you as your are. And you aren’t a pansy.”
“I m feeling much better hearing that.”
“Don't bother about it. You are a very manly but sweet boy. All blended together."

They were walking for a while in silence. Then Dave asked,
"Why you did it?”
Again the damned question, thought Jimmy.
“Why did I... what? Ah..." Jimmy stopped for a couple of seconds to think, "I wanted... I wanted to please you. I wanted that you love me."
"You wanted me to love you?"
"Yeah. I was feeling lonely before meeting you. Then I cherished to have a friend. A friend that would need me."
"Yeah, we meet each other. I also needed a friend... one like you."
"A friend like me?"
"Yeah. I had a couple girlfriends, you know? But it didn't work."
"What you mean... it didn't work."
"It's very complex to explain."
"You can try. I want to learn about life."
"We got not time now. You were looking for a friend? A friend that would love you? Well, that's me."
"Yeah. You were so eagerly after me... so friendly... that I thought this is my friend. Then, you were so kind that... I could not reject any of your whims.”
“What d'you mean?”
“I wanted to help you. So I loved it when you said... I got a problem, I need you."
“But you also had a problem. You needed to be loved?”
“Of course. I was hungry of love.”
“Then we had helped each other, isn't it?”
“Yeah. But I am not sure I should do it again.”
“Why? You enjoyed it, didn’t you?”
“This is the problem. I loved it. But this must be... something abnormal.”
“It is not abnormal. It is something that happens like this, in a naturalistic way.”
“In a naturalistic way?”
“Yeah. If you had a pleasure like you had, this is the most natural. It wouldn’t be natural if it would had been caused by... by a miracle. I do not think this pleasure was caused by a miracle.”
“Was not a miracle? It looked like it was.”
“Well, in a sense, the this great amount of pleasure was like a miracle. But it was a natural one.”
“A natural one? In which sense?”
“It forms part of the nature. Then it's natural. Not as the priests are saying this is unnatural."
"But it was a great pleasure."
"Yeah. A great ‘natural’ pleasure. It was much stronger than when one jerks his dick off. For the hand is a lot colder than your cun... than your ass. And then, your ass is so tight that... the dick feels like being crushed by the muscles of the sphincter. My uncle Nico says, the more tightness of the ass produces an ‘exponential increase’ of the pleasure."
"What is this... exponential thing?"
"I don't know. It is something taken from math books."
“You said the hand is a lot colder than your a cunt. I do not like this word.”
“Well, sorry. I had passed a lot of time wishing a cunt, you know? Then... the tongue slips up on words. One passes a lot of time looking for a cunt to love... then I met you. So, in a way... you see. You are... I was looking for a love.”
“And you found it?”
“Of course. It’s you.”
“You are the love of my life.”
“It can’t be. I am a boy.”
“Never mind. You are prettier than most girls I’ve ever seen.”
Jimmy felt flattered. He was beginning to get used at being compared to a girl. And the sweet words of Dave were melting his resistance to his new role in life.
“Are you happy?” Asked Dave.
“Well, yes. But I feel a little awkward.”
“In the school... in Kiriwati, the natives were calling me a’fafine. I did not like it.”
“What is that?”
“I am not sure. It must be like fag or pansy.”
“How you know that?”
“They liked to caress my ass, and sometimes they pinched on it, or grabbed my buns. They did it when there was not the ‘father’ watching. Some of the boys made signs to me that meant ‘suck my dick’."
“Did you suck any?”
“No. They were mean boys. They did not love me, they showed only scorn to me.”
“If they had showed you love, had you suck any of them?”
“No. They despised me.”
“Have you felt ever a desire for a man?”
“What d’you mean?”
“In a sexual way.”
“No. I never felt any of that for a man.”
“Except for the Father Amerindo. He was tall and very cute. Sometimes I figured he would be my dad. I wanted to be hugged by him, to be with him in bed, like he were my daddy. I wanted to make him happy. To prove him I was a good lovely son.”
“Father Amerindo, eh?”
“Yeah. But he never was my dad. He had his favorite son, the cute Makito. He was a demi.”
“What’s a demi?”
“A demi is a boy half native and half popoa.”
“Popoa is any white people in the islands. The father of Makito was a popoa.”
“He never came to visit his son; the bastard. Neither his mom, came to visit him. So, the only dad Makito had was Father Amerindo.”
“I see. Then you felt envy of Makito, the favorite of the Father.”
“Yeah. I suffered a lot. One night I had a horrible dream. Makito have died suddenly. He was laying on the floor in a great pool of blood, and I was feeling happy to see him there. Then Father Amerindo caught me smiling before the dead boy and he slapped my face very hard. Then I woke up sweating a lot. It was one of these nasty nights very hot and humid in a tropical island.”
“Your story is... intense.”
“It was not. I never had been in alone with the Father. Well... just three times.”
“Did he do something to you?”
“He punished me.”
“For some fault or other.”
“Like what?”
“I hit Makito a few times. Once I made him a dark eye.”
“So you were aggressive.”
“No... He was pestering me. He was telling me ‘chivvy, chivvy’ he likes me, not you.”
“Makito told to the father I had hit him. Then the father called me to his office and he asked me to undress.”
“He asked you that?”
“I was glad he asked me. I hoped he would love better my white skin and my slender body."
"Did he loved it?"
"Yeah. His face showed a glint of pleasure, some affection. I saw that he loved me."
"He did it?"
"Of course. I was as pretty as cute Makito. My hair was finer and golden. And I had it long to my shoulders.”
“Why that long?”
“Because each year I was playing the role of an angel.”
“An angel? What for?”
“To sing verses to the Virgin Mary. I was wearing for the occasion a long white gown. The Father painted my lips with a lady’s lipstick and put some rouge powder in my cheeks. For this is the way the angels should look. I was delighted being clad as an angel.”
“Because the father loved me. He once said admiringly, you are a sweet angel of Boticelli.”
“He said that?”
“Yeah. But the verses were too long. I feared that my memory would get blank in the middle of the performance. I told the father I was very nervous. Then Father Amerindo soothed my nerves. He caressed my buns under my angelic white gown.”
“He did it?”
“Yeah. I was elated in this moment. I loved the feeling of his hand in my rear. Then I knew the performance would be all right, and my memory would not fail in a comma or a point.”
“What about the cute Makito?”
“Cute Makito had the hair shorter and very dark. He was not the type of boy to be an angel of Boticelli. Then, father Amerindo whited his face with rice powder. Makito was not as dark as the natives, but he was not white enough to be an angel. Then, the father put a blond wig on his head to make him look like an angel.”
“What happened to you with the father.”
“He was going to punish you and he ordered you to undress.”
“Ah! I see. Well, he asked me undress. I was fearful, perhaps he would... dislike my body. For Makito was a little more fat than me. I thought many times the father was feeding him with some nutritious stuff in secret. So he was best fed than I was. He was a little plumper. I suffered a lot of hunger in that school. My mum never on Sundays to bring me some fruit and food like other mums did.”
“What happened with the punishment.”
“Well, I was pulling down my shorts slowly. But the father said, I have not all day, Jimmy. Then I had to pull my shorts down faster.”
“That was all?”
“No. I pulled down my shorts but not my underwear. And the father said, down with your pants, Jimmy, I got not all the day. Then I did it. He then grabbed me by my waist and put me on the edge of his desk table with my rear showing up to his face. He was waiting for a while to my ass, then he slapped my buttocks three or four times. It was stinging a lot. His hands were very big and strong. It hurt as hell.”
“I was crying like a small kid. I think I moved him to tenderness. The father put me again standing on the floor and told me, I love you both equally, Jimmy. Both of you are real angels to me. But sometimes, the devil gets into you and kicks the angel out."
"The devil?"
"Yeah. Then he step back and looked at my ass to watch my burning butts. He felt compassion. He grabbed a tin and crouched before my ass. He began to spread cream on my burning butts saying, this would soothe well your punishment.”
“I loved the fingers of the father spreading cream on my buttocks. He was like my daddy. Then, after a while he said, ok, dress up, and go back to play at the yard. When I was leaving he said, and do not sin any more, my son. I would have liked to stay with the father a little while more, doing some other penance, or praying the rosary sitting on his knees. But he had ordered me to get out and I had to obey. I was an angel, remember?”
“And never happened anything between you and the father?”
“Just the punishments. I loved them.”
“Then, you do not like to be with men?”
“But I am a man. You have been with me.”
“I do not see you like... like a man, but like a friend. It's different.”
“In a sexual way?”
“No. I never felt anything sexual for a man.”
“But you were fine with me. I put my arm over your shoulders and you did not take it out.”
“This was different. I loved to have your arm over my shoulders. I loved to have you near me. Sometimes you pinched my ass, or passed your hand on my ass when nobody was watching. That felt nice. These made me feel we were friends.”
“You never had friends?”
“No. Well, yeah. I had one. He was a Belgian. But some ten months later he left the school.”

Then, they arrived at a crossing and each one had to go home to have soup and shower.
“Well, we will meet here at twenty past ten.” Said Dave.
“Ok, no. You have to remember not to be late. Think that it past eleven the landlady would open us the door.

This story is a fragment of a novel tittled, Jimmy La Fonte". It this fragment gets some attention I will be posting other fragments.
"©Copyright (2010) John Galaor; All Rights Reserved."
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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