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Stories in this Fandom are works of fan fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events, or incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Recognized characters, events, and incidents belong to BBC Studios <br>

Twins - 1. Chapter 1

Ianto Jones breathed hard on the glass and used a hankerchief to clean the SUV's wing mirror. Today, he had chosen to park it in the space marked 'private' on the lowest level of the underground car park, beneath the Wales Millennium Centre in the Bay, right next to the hub.
Ianto looked up as a man in a black suit walked through the car park.

''Morning Mr Jones'' he called out ''How're the tourists?''

Ianto was known to everyone in the Bay as the man who ran the Cardiff Bay tourist information shop in Mermaid Quay. It was a good cover story.

''Great thank you, how's Cath and the kids?''

''Very well thank you, gotta run though, have a meeting, catch you later!''

The man got into his car and seconds later was heading out to the streets above.

Ianto walked over to the CCTV camera that pointed into the car park, by the handleless door, he stared into it and, a second later, the optical recognition software activated the time delay lock. With a click, the door opened.

Once he past the door, he pushed it shut, listening for the lock. He started up the short stairway, into the corridors, walked up and into the hub.

Toshiko Sato and Owen Harper were sitting at their desks, Tosh was probably looking for signals of rift activity. Owen was doing nothing productive, he was sat at his desk playing one man catch, using a piece of alien ship Jack founded the night before.


''Yes, Owen?''

''Do you ever feel like a character in Scooby Doo?''

Toshiko laughed. ''Sometimes'', she said. ''So, who would you be?''

''Oh, Fred, definitely'', said Owen.

''Really? I was thinking you remind me more of Shaggy''

''Oi now, I dont think so! Ianto's more like Shaggy'' Owen laughed to himself.

''I heard that'' Ianto shouted from by his miniature kitchen.

''What about me then?'' Tosh asked ''And if you say Velma I'll ... ''

Toshiko was interupted by the bleeping from her monitor which told her something was happening, something weird, something Torchwood.

''Ianto! Have there been any murders? Anything? Anything been reported into the police in the last 10 minutes?'' Tosh asked.

''Hang on.. No. Nothing, want me to phone and ask about?'' He replied.

''Yes, please Ianto, that'd be great. Owen, contact Jack, alot of energy, it seems it could be quite big, get Gwen too''

''And who put you in charge, Velma?'' He asked cheekily, but with a glare from Toshiko, he pressed his ear piece and contacted Jack.

Captain Jack Harkness came in from his Bay side walk. He threw down his things and started with the questions, what it was, what was happening, what did they know and what did they need?

Toshiko couldn't answer, the scans had only detected energy, alot of energy, in one spot.
The other side of the Bay, in a place where only grand houses stood.

''Damn! Well we need something, can you get an exact location, I'll check it out'' He touched his ear piece and added ''Ianto! Found anything?''

''Nothing Sir, there hasn't been anything unusual or usual happened since this morning which was just a normal robbery in a bits 'n' bobs shop just outside the town centre''

''Okay, so nothings happened but Tosh seen a hell of a lot of energy in one spot. Nothing can use up that much power from the entire street, where's Gwen?''

''She's not here. I tired phoning, her phone was off. She must be out with Rhys, it is her day off'', Owen called.

Jack sighed. ''Right, Tosh you stay here, let me know if you see or hear anything that could help find out whos draining power from the other houses and building energy like that.''
He turned to Owen. ''You! You're coming with me''

Ianto held out Jacks coat and waited for him to take it. He grabbed his guns and ran for the door. Owen right behind him.

Ianto watched Tosh do her fast typing, researching for anything that could be of use.
He felt useless. There was nothing he could do in the hub. Nothing he could do outside. He wouldn't know where to go, Jack and Owen would have left by now, all he could do was just wait.

Jack came whizzing around the corner, parked the Torchwood SUV infront of the house Tosh had directed them to. Him and Owen jumped out and made there way to the front door.

There was a blue light gleaming out of the windows. It was beautiful. But dark, they had no idea what they were going to find the other side of the rich double front door they were standing at.

''Ready'' Jack asked Owen. Owen nodded. They had there guns out at the ready. ''1.. 2.. 3''

On three Jack kicked open the door and they entered, very film like. They stood, guns up, pointing directly at the young, pretty brunette girl. She looked at them. Jack lowered his gun, but Owen still had his up, he glanced at Jack and back again. They were both doing that awkward smile that Jack did sometimes.

''Jack Harkness, been a while'' She said.

''Katie'' he smiled again.

''Owen Harper, this is Katie, Katie.. Owen''

They looked each other up and down.

''Okay, I'm lost. How do you know each other? Why are you here? And how the hell are you making all this energy, I mean it has to be alot for Tosh to have found it''

''Owen shut up'' Jack looked towards him.
''Katie'' he carried on ''Get in the car, big SUV outside, Owen will show you, I'll be out in a minute''

Jack looked around the house, nothing downstairs, he had a bad feeling as he went upstairs, opened the door and it was what looked would have been the main bedroom.

''Oh Jesus!'' he muttered to himself. There lying in this mansion like house, the room built for a king, in the king sized bed, lay two bodies, a man, dark brown hair, good build, handsome looks and a child, couldn't have been older than 5 Jack guessed, he turned and walked back out. He climbed into the SUV and drove back to the hub. He didn't speak for the whole journey.

''Who's this?'' Ianto asked Jack as he Owen and the girl, 'Katie' arrived.

''Katie. Ianto. And this is Toshiko. Owen, put our ... visitor in the cells''

''Em, why?'' Owen asked curiously.

''Don't ask questions, do as I say''

''Oh Jack..'' the brown haired girl rolled her eyes. ''You still don't trust me? After everything I've done for you?''

''You did nothing for me Katie, I didn't need your help then you were just.. Convenient''

She stared at him, she looked annoyed. ''I know you don't mean that. I helped you, I helped the Doctor, and if I remember correctly, you really appreciated that back then, and I mean really appreciated!''

''CELL! NOW!''

''Who is this Doctor?'' asked Ianto.

''Stop! With all the questions! I'll be in my office, anyone finds anything useful, feel free to come tell me''

Toshiko and Ianto looked mindlessly at Jack and then to each other as Owen gripped Katie's arm and led her down to the cells where they kept aliens until they knew who they were and what to do with them. He took out his swipe card, unlocked a cell door and directed her in.

''I'm sorry about this, Captains orders and all that'' Owen tutted.

''Yeah yeah, Captain Jack, large and in charge. Still won't listen to anything I say, see someone using up some power, he freaks and throws them in a cell no matter what the history .. What the hell is that smell!?''

Owen looked to the cell next to where he had put the young girl. The smell was the Weevil, the carnivore that lived in the tunnels underground.

''Emm.. Yeah sorry about that, Aliens that live in sewers tend to smell pretty bad no matter how long they've been locked up and looked after'' He looked back at Katie, they stared at each other, she smiled, shook her head and looked down at the cold grey floor.

''Katie..'' she looked up to answer. ''Why are you here?'' Owen asked her.

''I was lost, lonely, other than my screwed up family, Jack was the only person I knew in Cardiff. Needed to get his attention somehow''

''What are you?''

She stared at him ''What do you think I am?''

''Well you look and feel human but eyes can be decieving''

She smiled warmly ''I'm human, don't worry, and I promise I'm not a threat, Jack's just.. Paranoid''

''What happened between you two, who's the Doctor? Jacks mentioned a Doctor a few times but never explains, he doesn't tell us much really''

''The Doctor is a.. Ya know what it's very complicated, maybe Jack should tell you in his own time, when he's ready, he never has liked opening up''

''How old are you? How do you know him?''

''From a different time, different place and I don't know'' He looked at her, confused, eyebrow raised and she continued ''You wanna know my life story Owen Harper? I have nothing to hide but It's complicated, I was 18 years old, powerful, strong, I could see things, move things, stop things with my mind, I came from a family of powerful.. You could say, witches. I don't see them anymore. I am human, I'm from earth. But I've travelled, seen places and things you only wish you could see, no one could imagine whats out there''

''Wow okay but that still doesn't explain..''

''I died'' she said bluntly. ''About 10 years ago, I was with the Doctor for years, I helped him, that's when Jack come along, we .. bonded, to say the least. He saw me die, he didn't try to save me. He ran instead. They both ran, they left me'', she took a deep breath. ''But, well that was a long time ago, what's done is done, I hold no grudges''

''So, you were resussitated?'' He asked her, now he was confused.

''No, I died. I was sent back as kind of a ''angel'', the Doctor needed help, I was sent to him, I've been around ever since, I'm still dead, only been in Cardiff a few days''

Owen said nothing, he brought out his carry around medical kit, took out some pads and sterilised
needles and started taking Katies blood. Still not saying anything, he avoided eye contact.

Gwen had arrived at the hub just after Owen left the room, Tosh explained what had happened. Gwen, Toshiko, Ianto and Jack were now all sat at the boardroom table watching the CCTV of the cells. Watching and listening to everything Owen was asking and everything Katie said.

Gwen turned to Jack ''You left her for dead! That doesn't sound like you''

''I didn't leave her to die, she told us to get out, she knew what she was doing, It was the only way, it's what had to be done''

''Okay but you've thrown her in a cell, it seems like you were close, why is she in there?'' she said and pointed at the monitor that still shown Owen doing tests on Katie.

Jack walked away, he didn't seem to be listening to what Gwen was saying. She called after him.
''Jack! Jack Harkness don't be a prick, answer me!''

''Leave it, Gwen, I'll go talk to him'' said Ianto, standing at the desk across from her, he turned and followed Jack upto his office.

Ianto walked into Jacks office, overlooking the rest of the hub. Jack was standing with his back to him, opening a cabinet, taking out a bottle and poured two drinks of Whiskey.

''Here'' he said, he slid the glass across his desk towards Ianto.

''Gwen has a point Sir, why is she in the cells if she was a friend of yours''

Jack sighed ''In the house, where we found her, there were two bodies, I'm going to ask Owen to do an autopsy on them when he gets back up here, she's not a murderer but, It's been a while, she seems to have changed, she's not the same Katie I knew 10 years ago''

Jack drank his drink, brushed passd Ianto and walked out of his office and down to the cells. Walked up to the cell that held Katie and stood, folded his arms and looked at her. To her it seemed like he hadn't blinked. His beautiful piercing eyes stared at her unmoving.
Owen who had moved to the side and made way for Jacks entrance, looked at them, back and to as if he was watching a tennis match.

''Let her out'' He told Owen.

Owen did as he was told and let her out, Jack had walked out, Owen led her out of the cells and back up to the boardroom. Everyones eyes were on Katie.

''Problem?'' Katie asked the group. All but one shook there heads.

''There is some things that don't make sense'' Jack took a deep breath. And look at his group, his friends and spoke as if Katie wasn't in the room. ''Katie never hated her family, she always loved them, no matter what they did, she always forgave and forgot, she has a heart of gold, she's helped save this World hundreds of times. She would never kill a man and his son. And finally, she would have most deffinately told you about the Doctor. About what she'd seen. She never.'', He pointed at her, she squinted and frowned at him.

''Who are you? What have you done with the REAL Katie?''

''I have no idea what you're talking about Jack''

''Owen, I need you to come with me and collect the bodies, you can do an autopsy, check for signs, Gwen, you and Ianto look around, see what you can find and erm, check out this place'' on that note he gave Ianto a piece of paper. Ianto nodded, smiled and he and Gwen left.

It was an hour later, Gwen and Ianto were still out. Katie sat with Toshiko, and Owen was finishing up the autopsy, he walked over to Jack, leaned over and whispered something to him ''Katies DNA is all over the man, not on the son''

''Damn it! She didn't do this, that thing isn't Katie I can tell in her presence'' They looked over to where the girls sat. Katie had looked up and smirked at Jack.

''Hello, I'm P.C Cooper and this is P.C Jones'' Gwen said to the woman standing at the front door. They had no luck with the police or anywhere Jack had told them to check. There last chance was the piece of paper Jack gave Ianto which had an Address on it.

''Hiya, can I help you?'' The woman asked.

''Yes, I was wondering if Katie was home? It's kind of an emergency''

''Katie hasn't been home in a long time. You're wasting your time here'' She started to shut the door when Gwen noticed a picture of Katie, which looked brand new. She put her foot in the way of the closing door and walked, uninvited into the manor house.

''This pictures new'' she noted to Ianto.

''Mam'' Ianto said politely ''This is a new picture of Katie and if she's been gone a while can you explain how this got here''

''Thats easy'' She said ''Thats not Katie, thats Brooke, her sister, twin sister, she should be upstairs, do you want me to call her?''

''Actually, is it okay if we go up?''

She allowed them to go upstairs, they followed her direction, walked up the spiralling staircase, walked passed two doors, came to the third and opened the bedroom door. No one was there but Gwen and Ianto walked in, there were two beds, the guess was that the twins shared a room, so what was Brookes was Katies, so they didn't need to split up, they started there search''

Owen and Jack made there way up to Tosh's monitor to by Tosh and Katie.

''Toshiko, I need you to keep an eye on her, Owens going to run some more tests things aren't quite adding up, I'm going to see an old friend.... Tosh?''

''She's frozen, Jack'' Katie walked out from the other side of Toshiko.

Owen, hearing what had been said had run up to see what she meant by 'frozen'

''Undo it!!'' Jack shouted.

''I don't know how'' the girl smiled. She sat down but looked actually quite shocked.

''You took her body! You have her power, you have all her memories except for the things people like you aren't supposed to know, things only me and the real Katie do know, you just have the shells of the memories, you're nothing, tell me what you've done with her NOW!''

''HAHA, what are you going to do, Captain Jack Harkness, kill me?''

''Don't push me, I will do it'' Jack raised his gun, Owen stood, his hairs standing on edge, he usually liked when Jack got like this, he didn't know what was going to happen and everything was exciting but this time .. He was scared. He'd bonded with her, evil or not, if he killed whatever or whoever this was, surely it would kill the real Katie too?

''JACK! DON'T!'' shouted a voice from the round vault door, Ianto and Gwen came rushing in, Ianto was holding a folder which was full of loose paper. Jack put his gun down and took the folder from Ianto.

''It's not Katie!..'' said Gwen, trying to catch her breath. ''Look, she has a sister, twin sister. She made a deal with someone, killed herself when Katie died to come back and be young and beautiful as well, she was jelous, didn't want to grow old without her sister.

Jack turned to face who he thought was his friend, old companion, and one of many ex lovers. ''You're her sister?'' You never took her body at all, you read through all of this, tried to work out what you could and got my attention so what? You could kill me? You know everything about her apart from the really serious stuff she could never write down? What's your name?''

''Brooke'' she looked around the room ''She had everything you know, the friends, boyfriends, even girlfriends, everyone loved her, she had a brilliant life, when I found her, my family, she hated me, honestly though, I did try and take her life, and now I'm doing it all the better, with her out the way, I fooled you didn't I? If I can fool you, her Captain, someone she loves, and someone as experienced as you are, I can fool the world''

''You didn't fool me, I had you pegged from the start, you killed them people in that house, why?''

''Secrets, you can't know everything Captain''

''Jack'' said Owen. ''There's still something I don't get. I mean, it was Katies DNA on there, I mean who we thought was Katie, but there was something else, someone elses DNA who was that?''

They looked at Brooke, ''The someone elses'' she said. ''Would have been my darling sisters, the man, that beautiful man, was Katies latest ''boyfriend'', I killed him. And his son.

''You're sick'', Jack looked at her with eyes so dark and angry. ''You killed an innocent man and his little boy because he slept with your sister!! How many more have you killed!?''

''Only them, you were next''

''Yeah that's never going to happen, tell me where Katie is or I'll get into your mind and find out myself and believe me, you really don't want that''

The team were all standing, watching, waiting, no one knew if Jack would actually kill her, they looked around at each other, to Jack, to Brooke. Owen couldn't help but stare at Toshiko. She was like a statue, frozen in one spot.

''She's under your tourist information point''

''What! How!'' asked Ianto, ''There's only way in from there''

''Not for me'' she looked at Ianto.

Ianto ran for the door the other side of the hub, Jack ran after him and shouted for the others to stay with Brooke and look after Tosh.

They ran through the long corridors in the archives. Lucky really, Jack thought, that Ianto was here, Jack had been here a long time before Ianto but if Jack was alone down here, he'd surely get lost, Ianto knew every inch of the entire hub.

Ianto opened a big black door that led in to a small dark haunting room. In the corner of the room, tied up, gagged and unconscious was a girl. Jack, once again, tucked his gun away in his coat and ran to the real Katie, untied and carried her to the hubs mainroom. Laid her down on the autopsy table and waited for her to wake.

Jack went by the others, sat and waited. Making sure Brooke went nowhere.
Gwen, Owen and Jack sat at the large boardroom table, Ianto had made coffee, he brought over a tray with four drinks on, he gave them out and sat with his. It was quite.

The silence was broken about 15 minutes after Owen took his last sip of coffee. There was a huge gasp coming from the otherside of the hub, Jack and Ianto ran to the balcony overlooking the autopsy room where Katie was sitting up on the table looking around ''Why the hell am I in an autopsy room!''

''Katie! Welcome back''

Katie jumped and looked up, ''Jack!? Where am I? Was I dead.. again?''

''No'', Jack smiled at her ''.. your sister here is trying to take over your life''

''Again?'' Katie looked up to the sister she hated and looked around the hub. ''Woah. What is this?''

''Come on you'' Owen said, he gently took her arms and started examining her.

''Who the hell are you?!'' she seemed shocked, but of course, she's never met him before.

'' Katie, trust him'' nodded Jack. ''You can trust all of us, I'll explain later over a well deserved drink'' He winked. ''But first, can you unfreeze my friend over there''

With a laugh and a wave of a hand, Tosh was unfrozen. ''Where is she! I'll kill her!''

Ianto laughed ''Don't worry Tosh, we sorted everything while you were an ice lolly''

An hour later, everything was sorted, Brooke was on her way back to her normal boring life she disliked so much, Tosh, Gwen and Owen were by their desks doing the last of there paperwork and covering up the deaths of the man and boy from the house that morning. Jack and Katie were sat at Jacks desk, catching up, he had explained everything that had happened that day and she filled him in on what she'd been doing lately and why she was back in Cardiff.
Ianto was fixing the drinks, Whiskey for Jack and himself, tea for Katie.

''Here we go'' he said passing Jack his drink and walking out of the room.

''Ianto Jones!'' shouted Jack, ''Come on now, don't be rude, sit with us''

''Yes, Sir'' he nodded and sat down next to Jack and Jack held his hand.

''Jack'', Katie said hesitantly, ''You've told me alot, what you do, who you are, I knew you were different on our travels, ya know I'm not stupid, I know you all now, but who are you? As a team?''

Jack raised his eyebrows softly, smiled and said ''We're Torchwood''

''Torchwood? Torchwood Torchwood? Queen Victoria, Torchwood?''

''That's the one, but we're different now, I changed the way they do things, I'm the boss now and always will be'', He took a deep breath and looked at Katie. ''Where are you sleeping tonight?''

''The same place as I have the last few nights I should think.. hell''

''You can stay, as long as you want, we have spare rooms''

She smiled at Jack and then to Ianto.. ''Are you sure, I mean, I don't want to get in the way''

''It'd be nice to have a fresh face around here I think'' Ianto said, he smiled, stood up, held Katies hand and let go''

Jack liked that, two people he loved, connecting, that was sweet. He looked over to his team in the mainroom. He saw Owen Gwen and Tosh laughing at each other, playing, joking, having a nice time. What a brilliant end to the day Jack thought. Can't wait for tomorrow.

Copyright © 2006-2011 BBC Studios; All Rights Reserved; Copyright © 2011 Merry Weather; All Rights Reserved.
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