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A little of this... a little of that...

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So. Yesterday was amazing. I got to see Kevin Smith (if you don't know who he is, shame on you!). He's one of my favorite celebrities/directors/producers/etc.   It was so neat to do a Q&A with him and trust me, it lasted a good 4.5 hours, and there was never a dull moment. He talked about everything from his experiences directing, to stories about his personal life, to breaking a toilet while he went number 2.   Needless to say I loved it!!!   In other news, I've decided that I'm long




The new bans suck... and they got me blue     I'm just glad that we have someone in the White House who hopefully does a better job then the previous president.     Canada is looking better and better.....     Eric



The Drop Occured... but all is better

Well, the drop occurred.   Out of all the managers i've ever had, my all time favorite one quit without any notice. She was pretty cool and i'm gonna miss her something fierce.   That's not to say that i'm depressed from it... i'm disappointed but I know that things like this happen and it's of no fault of my own.   Needless to say, I'm also having quite a bit of fun training the new manager that we have. He's pretty cool, though in a different way.   On a personal level, Matt and I have



The Drop

When life has always thrown curveballs at you, don't you begin to accept them? What I mean is, when good things start to happen, don't you (after getting it all the time) wait for the impending thud of the shoe dropping and something bad going on?   That's how I feel right now. I have a good job, I have a loving boyfriend and I'm finally doing well in school, but I hate to say that I'm just waiting for something bad to happen. I've gotten so used to life getting me down that it's weird when it



Crash and Burn followed by Yummy Food :)

Sunday pretty much sucked big time when I accidentally deleted a partition on my laptop containing all of my music and videos (ARGH!!!!) and spent most of the day re-downloading the music that I lost (and I'll work on videos at a different time).   But as abysmal as that was on Sunday, yesterday was incredible. I hung out with Matt after I got out of class and we watched TV and talked about everything at his place. Once dinner time came around, we went to the Cheesecake Factory and the food wa




If the entire world made sense, what fun would it be? The whole mystery of life is built around the fact that there are questions in life that make us think and exercise our brains and reasoning abilities. For example, would you want to live in a world where there was nothing out of the ordinary? Nothing to figure out, nothing to make you think about something? What if we all wore the same clothes, listened to the same music and thought the same way about thing? It would get old fast huh?  



Gay Men and Blood Donations

Ok. One of my favorite pastimes when i'm bored at work is to watch Queer as Folk, among other things. I watched an episode today that kind of reminded me about an experience that I think is not only important, but I feel strongly.   Being able to donate my blood to a blood bank.   I did some research and found that the ban comes from a 1983 ban on gay men donating blood because of an HIV risk. To me, this is understandable especially given the fear and the lack of proper testing at the time.



T.S. Hanna

It's wet. That's all I gotta say. It's WET!   Tropical Storm Hanna made landfall today south of me, but I can tell you that right now, I'm feelin the weather, and the rain (my commute to work is gonna SUCK!) and the wetness. As I'm writing this, I've learned that not only am I under a flood watch, but a tropical storm warning ACK!   Needless to say I will be at work tomorrow, and shellin out the extra cash to take a cab there and back (i'm not waiting outside in this weather for the train!).




It's a proven fact that most parents care for their kids and want to see them succeed and be happy. With me, that's no different then the way my parents act. We had a discussion today that lead into an argument about my life both present and future and while I was pissed at them for the way they carried out the argument, I can say that I'm glad (in a way) that they did. We talked about how I wanted to ultimately be a social worker and they both told me that it was going to be a hard choice to m



Why don't I condone drug use?

The title says it all about the message of this blog. Why don't I condone drug use? Because its an escapist route to hide form the problems that are bothering you consciously or subconsciously.   I gave a little story in the soapbox on why I don't do drugs anymore (with the exception of smoking, yes i started again). My reason is that I tried to hide from many issues that I was facing at the time. Whenever I was clubbing, I always had a drink in my hand and it took me not drinking one night at



A thought....

Have you ever listened to a cd or a radio station where a song comes on and your met with an onslaught of emotions and memories? Well, with me it does, and i'm pretty sure it does with you as well. It doesn't even have to be a certain song, but an album or a genre. With me, to give you one example, I can listen to Hung Up by Madonna and remember back to the first club I went to, Stonewall in Allentown PA, and remember the first guy I kissed there while this song was playing. Another random examp



A small town with a big promise

Today is like most days in Red Bank. It's filled with tourists, locals, and the eye candy. Needless to say, I love it. Red Bank is like most small towns in America, but to me, it's starting to become my second home. Not only do I work here, but it where I come to relax and to shop when the mood strikes me. If you wander down Broad Street, the main stretch, you're greeted by little boutiques, Starbucks, a few pubs and sports bars, and lots of nice little restaurants. At night, there's something



Future Prospects

I figured, in order to make up for not blogging as much, I would write a blog with all of the ideals going around in my head.   To think about the future and to make plans for said future is one of the most difficult things to ever do. What I



Updates in a fequently changing world

Yea, the last blog kinda sucked compared to my others, so I felt the need to write more for your entertainment   I got a job as a parking garage attendant in my home away from home where I'll basically be doing nothing cept taking money from people to park. No stress, no worries, pretty much nothing to do.   I start classes in a little over three weeks at the community college near me and I'm stoked for it, especially my criminal and American Sign Language classes.   So while I'm busy in



Busy Busy Busy

Well I finally got a job after fretting for quite a bit. I'm working as a garage attendant and basically doing nothing but stilling my butt for a few hours on end.   I can't wait until classes in September cus im so damn bored! lol



It's about time!

Well, I figured since I haven't blogged in a bit, I would today!   Today went from bad to excellent! I ended up going to a job interview and was grilled about differnet things (who knew that working as a busboy would be difficult ). When I was done, I was a little on edge and when I took the bus to goto Red Bank (my home away from home), I ended up having a panic attack and that wasn't fun.   In case you want the nitty gritty details, my panic attack simulates a seizure (it's effectively a



When the time comes....

In life, everyone comes to a crossroad and have to make a decision, and right now I have about three major ones.   School Everyone says that the best way to get ahead in the world is through school. Well in my case, it's coming to the point of where am I going to go finish my school. The school by my house is offering ASL courses and Criminal Justice courses that transfer to anywhere in NJ, but the thing is, I don't want to spend my life in NJ getting my education, I auctually want to get out



I'm the new Live Chat moderator

Hey guys, I figured I would make a blog about something really great that happened to me, becoming the new (and I believe first) live chat moderator. All this means for everyone is that i'm there to make sure things don't get out of hand. While I know that there isn't any specific rules for live chat (i could be mistaken but I didn't find anything on GA) I'm going to follow the rules of the site and apply them to Live Chat as best I can.   Like any moderator, if you have any problems/concerns



Communication Breakdown and Computer Central

It's been an intresting few days lately, one in which I spent a lot of time working with not one, but two computers, and little to no time writing and reading. I think it's a good thing because it gave me some time to exercise the brain (and to play with electrical things hehehe). I have my laptop which I'm going to mainly use to write and use when i'm away from home, and I have my desktop/server which syncs with the laptop so I can work at home and be able to work abroad . On top of that, I als



A new day, a new story

I posted a new story in eFiction today entitled Truthfully and so far I've gotten 2 review (at the time of the posting). I really hope I get more reviews or PM's from the members here that tell me how my writing is and where I can improve.   I'm also happy on another level because I'm signed up for classes this Fall and i got the two I really wanted (the other two are required for me degree and are two i'm not really looking forward to lol). But I am really excited for my American Sign Languag



Apple Pie Alamode Ice Cream and Squirt Guns!

Well spending the past few days resting (and a few more in the future doing the same) with limited activity, all I can say is that I'm enjoying the time I'm spending with my friends who are coming over to visit me, and watching people interact on GA. Seriously, I've never been more entertained then I was last night   Oh, the reason for my blog title is simple, my friend stopped by yesterday night and hung out with me for a little bit. She brought my favorite cold stone ice cream and brought m



Vacation.... postponed...

Well... I get out of bed today all ready to catch the bus to meet up with Tara in Philly so we could head out on the retreat she invited me on when Tiger (my cat) decides to run between me. I lost my balance and fell down my steps. As I go to get up, start to see stars. Turns out when you fall down the steps and land on your shoulder, you have a good chance of dislocating it. Lucky for me my mom was home and heard the comotion (cat yelling, me yelling and cussin, someone falling down the stairs)



Vacation is where i'll be!

Well today proved to be a busy day. I managed to finish up Truthfully (yay!) thanks to my friend Scott having a rough copy of it and hopefully it'll get read by Drewbie and he can tell me what it needs and what it doesn't (thanks! it's much appreciated!)   Tomorrow I leave to go to PA and go out on a spiritual retreat with my friend Tara. I'm really hoping that I can understand some of the enigmas plaguing me lately.   Word of warning CJames... if I come back to find any of the LTMP characte



Good and Bad News

Bad News: Well, suffice to say that I learned a very very important lesson yesterday, never open emails that look suspicious. I lost everything, my writings, music, pictures, videos, everything. I got a virus on my laptop and it erased everything. It's going to take me at the least a month to get back to where I was with my stories (and hopefully I can get some of the rough copies I sent in my email to my friends). I can try to piece back together what I had written from my writing journals. If



This is my life

It seems like life gets slower when there's nothing to really look forward to. Whether it's a job or school or something like that, it slows down incredibly when there's nothing to do.   So I decided to take this time and really look indepth to where I am, where I want to go, and what I want to do, and I've come up with a todo list to be accomplished over the next few years.   Enigma's todo list: 1. Get a job that will last me through college 2. Get a car because NJTranist is horrible 3.



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