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Camy's Blog

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- angst ridden clappletrapple -

Entries in this blog

This place is astounding! But...

I've been tootling around the site, as you do, wandering from link to link. The front page is um... 'very nice' but it gives the impression of a backwater, like it's thrown together 'cause it has to be there, a sort of 'hey I'm not tarting it up, I've got other things on my mind' attitude. This could well be intentional, but I'm kind of glad I arrived elsewhere when I first did.   Mostly there is a great top bar with menu, though on some pages it has a banner ad above it, on others the ad is



Introductions Continued

I lived in the same neighbourhood in London until I was twenty. When I was ten we moved just around the corner into a huge house know as locally as



First post - Introductions

The first post is always the worst. Especially because I'm aware that this is relatively public. Yet not. The people that might read this are at the very least of a like mind, and will not be judgemental... I hope. Even if they are, does it matter? It's true that what people say about what you do or write always matters. But not from the RL point of view of outing me. That is one great joy of the internet. Anonymity.   I'd say I'm probably bisexual with a strong leaning towards men. Not that I



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