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About this blog

This is blog that discusses my story, Thicker Than Blood, including details about the story, the inspiration behind it, the characters and updates.  I hope to provide better context to the story and its characters, while sharing insight to my writing process.

Entries in this blog

A Matter of Professional Opinions....

As I start this, I've got a slight caffeine withdrawal headache.  Normally, I drink about a liter of Dr Pepper a day to keep my cluster headaches in check; however, I wasn't in the mood for anything sugary yesterday, so I'm paying the price for it.  I did have an energy drink with my pills, and I'm about to have some kefir (drinkable, probiotic yogurt), so we'll see how that plays out. May fucking sucked.  There were more downs than ups, and if I were still inclined to delete myself from ce
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