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Buxom Babes



I've spent a good portion of the last couple of days thinking about the form of the human body and why it is that I'm attracted to guys rather than women? I love women, and to use a cliche a lot of my best friends are women, but...


I work with a bunch of people I really have nothing in common with, which is annoying. In the UK we have a paper called 'The Sun' and on page three everyday is the naked breasted babe with coyly arranged knickers hiding nothing. The paper is left (I get in late so I'm not sure who buys it - perhaps the Gods put it there to wind me up) on the side, and people sidle up to it in one's and two and have a look. Everyone in the office has to be, or at least seem to be interested in 'The Babe'. So every day I look, and nada, zip, nothing... well, next to nothing ;)

The regulation chat goes something like

"Whatcha think?"

"Cor, look at the knockers on her"

"Yeah I'd give her one"

"prefer Monday's"


Don't get me wrong, they're very beautiful, and I can appreciate that, but what is it in my head that make me think, 'now if she were a he...'?


Oh well.


Camy B)


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