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Baskets and Eggs


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Just finished chapter 26 of The Inevitable Murder of Horace Fink and I got to thinking how utterly dependent I am on writing...stories, blogs, the Waffle Page (on another site) and whatever else. Lots of eggs and only one basket. If it weren't for a journal I wouldn't attempt to travel Oz on the Aussie Odyssey. I can't see the point of enjoying without sharing. And I figure that's what drives authors...the need to share one's thoughts and experiences in order to attract empathy and approval. 'Writers don't write because they have to, they write because they can't help themselves'. I've read comments from other GA members who 'have a life' hehe. Once upon a time I had one too...dancing, parties, camping, socializing and all the usual pastimes. But now, if you take away my keyboard I'm like some screaming brat who's had his favorite toy removed. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! This is one serious addiction, dear Breth. :read:

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