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Chiller Channel


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This is not at all important in the grand scheme of things (as if many things are), but...


What IS it with the Chiller Channel? Why do they always seem to show titles and such with a few letters backwards? Is this supposed to be significant in some way? Is it supposed to have some strange cultural meaning that I have obviously missed? Is this "cute" to someone?


Am I the only one who finds it annoying enough to make a post about it? (Which could be translated into: "Am I the only one who is this deep into the 'has no life' condition that something like this will be in any way interesting?")

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Films and bands with certain letters backwards (Ko'backwards "R"'n, um.. and a few other *grin*) are supposed to look non-mainstream. or some balogne like that. or maybe... some one had already made a film with that title, and they wanted something different.


did you know Toys'R'us (with the backeards R) tried to sue a company called Pets'R'us (also with the backwards R) a few years ago. I couldn't be bothered to follow it. cause frankly at 13 I thought it was stupid. and at 19 I continue to think it is stupid. but any ways. I'm in a rambly mood.


Btw. I really dislike the spelling of balogne (which is even now probably spelt wrong. Why not Balonie? foneticks r fun rnt they)


p.s. *gasp* I maded a post :D

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Btw. I really dislike the spelling of balogne (which is even now probably spelt wrong. Why not Balonie? foneticks r fun rnt they)


p.s. *gasp* I maded a post :D


You should make more. Hmm...have seen it bologna (as in the famous Oscar Mayer commercial) and baloney. Have never seen it balogne, but then, I have not seen everything. And it is one of "those" words.


Like catsup--or ketchup. Really, I don't like "catsup" because it makes me question the connection to cats--which could only be unpleasant considering it is a red, sticky pasty thing...

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are supposed to look non-mainstream. or some balogne like that.


I think you hit the proverbial on the head, Andy. It's all an attempt to be different and/or innovative...like a billion people wearing Nike t-shirts.

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Catsup makes me think of cat soup... also reminds me of that one Simpson's episode where Mr. Burns lost his entire fortune and had to go grocery shopping for himself... he was stuck between Catsup and Ketchup and the store workers hauled him off to the nursing home lol. Same episode where he made a recycling plant that wiped the ocean floor clean to grind up the sea life and make some sludgy crap that everyone wanted...


But I digress.... never heard of the Chiller Channel.

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