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Pray for the families and victims


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By now you've probably heard about the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai. :,( This deed is unjustified and unforgivable. It's barbaric beyond barbaric - no harsh, caustic words can be used to describe the catastrophic scale of this incident.


I beseech all of you to pray for the Indians in Mumbai, the national and international victims, and the families who have lost their loved ones. Terrorism has no place on this earth. It makes me sick to even say that word.


Who gave these terrorists the rights to play God? :(

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By now you've probably heard about the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai. :,( This deed is unjustified and unforgivable. It's barbaric beyond barbaric - no harsh, caustic words can be used to describe the catastrophic scale of this incident.


I beseech all of you to pray for the Indians in Mumbai, the national and international victims, and the families who have lost their loved ones. Terrorism has no place on this earth. It makes me sick to even say that word.


Who gave these terrorists the rights to play God? :(


I hate to say it but many times these demons believe that they are working for God by doing what they do. Sometimes I think they are sincere in making that claim (certainly doesn't mean their actions are anywhere close to forgivable) but 9 times out of 10 they are doing it because they believe their government or someone elses government has done them wrong.


John and I watched a Bollywood (Indian version of Hollywood) thriller called "A Wednesday" a little over two weeks ago together and it was very well done and new. As it starts, you assume the "terrorist bomber" is simply holding the city ransom to free known terrorists. At the end, you discover that he actually picked their names out of a hat and made a huge bluff so the government would unknowingly put the terrorists, after stating they are proud of their misdeeds, into a position where he could kill them in the same way they killed his fellow citizens. He called himself a "stupid common man" who was afraid to ride the train and the bus every day and whose wife called him every two hours to be sure he was still alive. The events in the film were his way to show the terrorist organizations that the innocent civilians of the worlds nations would not always cower while the bastards called "freedom fighters" killed them for some cause or for some God. It was VERY well done and gave a VERY powerful message.


Oh, and the city where the film was based? Mumbai.

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Thanks, I'll see if I can get my hands on a dvd of that film. Sounds pretty interesting.


On a more serious note, you're absolutely right. Life is complicated. It's not black and white. I just don't see the point in starting a massacre. These terrorists need serious re-wiring in their heads.

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Yes, absolutely, thoughts and prayers with the victims of these attacks.


While we're doing that, though, let's not forget about the hundreds of other victims of terrorism, in India and around the world, these past couple of years alone. These attacks were designed to grab international headlines because of the coordinated nature of them and because they specifically targeted Western tourists. But a life is a life, regardless of the nationality or skin colour of the victim. The 2006 train bombings in Mumbai killed more people than these attacks, but garnered less worldwide attention because the victims were mostly locals Let's not play the terrorists' grisly game and attribute more value to some lives than others; all losses are equally sad.


As for terrorism itself, it's a tactic, not an end. The only way to eradicate it is to ensure that it always fails, no matter who uses such tactics or for what reasons. Legitimate gripes or not, the minute you resort to terrorists tactics, you illegitimatize your cause. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter? Not quite.

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