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Katrina was such a big storm that its effects were felt from Florida to Texas and far inland.


Here in Mississippi damage was so bad that some small communities on the coast were practically wiped out and the infrastructure destroyed. It took weeks to reopen the roads into parts of Mississippi and months to reestablish the power grid. The scars of that storm are easily recognized all over southern Mississippi in the form of badly scarred trees and abandoned homes and businesses that were too mauled to rebuild.


Everything from the coast to Hattiesburg was badly damaged and without power and water for months. Jackson, 150 miles north of the coast, was without power for week to ten days and we had to boil water for a month. This was hard on the young and the old because in Mississippi, August and September are some of the hottest months of the years. There were many deaths among the elderly from heat related stress.




This house is in a low lying area near Moss Point that can no longer get federal flood insurance. Note the FEMA markings on the house which indicate that it is empty with no bodies found.




Raised houses are required even in residential areas because of new ordinances and insurance requirements.

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Raised houses are required even in residential areas because of new ordinances and insurance requirements.


Same thing with houses in Buras and Empire, La after Betsy, I believe that requirement extended all the way down river to Venice. If memory serves, houses had to be built upon a platform 15 feet high. I can only assume that that is still the case.


Gosh, Its been years since Betsy. I'm surprised that I remembered that. :)


Take care, have fun.


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