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Do you think it's normal when a customer of mine wants to talk to me a lot. And she doesn't break her eye contact at all. I feel uncomfortable before her eyes. The thinks we talk are general stuff, holidays, hobbies, snowmen, what ever. She's not Finnish and she's from Malaysia. Is it like a common thing to smile and stare people when talking, without blinking? Is she trying to signal me something...? She seems so shy in the other hand, she speaks with a quiet tone and I just find her hard to read. She doesn't end up talking to my co-workers. Hmmm...:unsure: She did ak me to be fer facebook friend too. And I'm like the only Finnish fb contact she has.


I can see us friends, but just in case if the staring thing is a cue of something, I'd like to know about it...


I once tryed the eyecontact test for a friend of mine that I had a crush on, she didn't look away, I had to. Not sure of her yet, she's probably into girls but it's another story.

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