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Chat With LittleBuddhaTW!


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Did you ever wonder just what inspired LittleBuddhaTW to create the character of Connor? Perhaps you've always wanted to know if Austin's adventures are based on any real life events. Maybe you've just contemplated "seeking Nirvana" and you'd like a little advice.


Well fear not dear reader, because these things and more will be open for discussion on Sunday, October 8th when hosted author LittleBuddhaTW is featured for GA

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Just a reminder that the live chat with yours truly :P is tonight, Sunday, October 8th at 9 PM here in the chatroom at Gay Authors.


Everyone is welcome to ask anything they like (whether I answer is another matter entirely ;) ), and I'll also be talking a bit about the new writing projects I have in the works.


I hope to see lots of you there!





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