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Wet Linen


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I use what's known as a bath sheet, or an extra large towel. It is necessary when you have hair that goes halfway down your back, And a hairy body that holds water like a sponge.


(...) Such as running from bounty hunters, Or just simply living in Florida or another always humid place.

That is all.

Or run from a mob that wants to lynch a hippie werewolf! (Just kidding, couldn't resist this vicious little attack. I'm hairline challenged myself, and hence need to take a little revenge...)

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Or run from a mob that wants to lynch a hippie werewolf! (Just kidding, couldn't resist this vicious little attack. I'm hairline challenged myself, and hence need to take a little revenge...)


Hairline challenged? You should know by now that it never leaves, It just migrates from your head to other areas where it doesn't have to fight gravity to be seen.


And hippie werewolf? I can't say that describes me, but it is kinda funny. I might have to try hunting them sometime :D




That is all.

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LOL since there's been so much interest in my footwear, I have 24 various pairs which include sneakers, sandels, slippers/indoor shoes, dress shoes, "work" dress shoes, and - what I wear and own the most of - shoes that aren't really sneakers OR dress shoes, but just sort of "fashion" shoes.

LOL, well while we're on the subject of belts, I have 15. :boy:


I don't think my shoes and belts are THAT disproportionate to my wardrobe in general. I mean it would be weird to have the same amount of clothing and only 3 or 4 belts and pairs of shoes. I suppose that may indeed seem excessive, but you must remember that changing my look and style is one of my main "hobbies". I spend virtually no time or money on electronics or automotives and own only the "bare essentials" (far less and simpler stuff than the average American). LOL, I'm sure Robbie's spent as much time and money on his car and electronic hobby as I have on my wardrobe. :P I similarly don't "collect" anything.


I do agree that using more than one towel per shower/bath does seems like a lot! On some days I've been known to take more than one shower/bath in which case I might use multiple towels, but I've rarely used more than one for the same "body cleansing" experience. I do use a new washcloth every time and on some occasions two, but I have so many more washcloths than bathtowels that it's never an issue.


*sums everything up* I have spent roughly $3,000.00 on my car, including audio, lighting, and wheels/tires. I spent nearly $1,000.00 for RJK Mark I (first custom computer) and will have spent $600.00 on RJK Mark II when I get the additional memory it so desperately needs. I have spent nothing on video games because I got all of my consoles for different christmas's and birthday's, as well as games for these consoles...


*clears throat* 15 Belts?? Well, I should probably dig up my belt... it's somewhere in my room, buried under piles of laundry and computer parts. Being that my waist is 35", and no store that I know of carries odd mens sizes, I have to get 36's... so sometimes when I don't eat much for a whole week my pants are hanging by nothing but my ass... and a guy once told me that I have a very nice ass. :blink:

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*sums everything up* I have spent roughly $3,000.00 on my car, including audio, lighting, and wheels/tires. I spent nearly $1,000.00 for RJK Mark I (first custom computer) and will have spent $600.00 on RJK Mark II when I get the additional memory it so desperately needs. I have spent nothing on video games because I got all of my consoles for different christmas's and birthday's, as well as games for these consoles...

...okay so maybe I have spent a bit more than you on my wardrobe :*)

*clears throat* 15 Belts?? Well, I should probably dig up my belt... it's somewhere in my room, buried under piles of laundry and computer parts. Being that my waist is 35", and no store that I know of carries odd mens sizes, I have to get 36's...

Your belts should generally be 2 inches larger than your pants to fit properly. Thus, if you wear 35'' pants your belt size should be 37''. You're quite right; odd sizes are difficult to find, though I do have a couple of pairs of 29'' pants. I generally wear 28'' in pants and 30'' in belts. If you wear the same size belt as pants you generally (but I suppose not always) end up with your pants all cinched/bunched up. Chances are if you find that the 36'' belt is actually too big for you then you probably wear your pants too baggy (and really could be wearing a 33'' or 34'').


Personally speaking I generally wear my clothes a little too small.


so sometimes when I don't eat much for a whole week my pants are hanging by nothing but my ass... and a guy once told me that I have a very nice ass. :blink:

LOL well I suppose wearing pants that barely cover it is one way to show that baby off! :lol: I've been told that's my best asset too, but as I mentioned above I usually like to accenturate it by pouring it into some tight pants :boy:


Hmmm, I think this thread may have gone a bit off topic :music:


**grabs some wet linen in which to wrap up in**


Ahh, just my fit! :P:boy:

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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