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Chapter comments are a great place to put detailed comments and speculation about the story. If you've read ahead, please don't include spoilers for later chapters, but otherwise be as detailed as you like. Here’s your chance to tell the author your thoughts on this chapter - or just talk about it with other readers!

  • Feedback to authors through comments and reviews are often the only form of repayment an author gets for their hard work in writing.
  • While a "great chapter" is better than nothing, a "great chapter! I loved the characters and the emotion the story creates" would be better.  The more you can articulate the better it is for the author and fellow readers.
  • For chapter reviews, you do not need to worry about spoilers from the current or previous chapters.  Just be sure not to spoil future chapters, if you have read them previously. See Spoiler FAQ if you do not know how to use Spoiler tags.

We authors love your feedback, so don’t be shy!

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