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  1. paren01

    Chapter 9

    Always insightful. Thanks for the comment.
  2. paren01

    Chapter 9

    I suspect there will be some suspenseful moments for Matt and Emma in Minnesota. Thanks for commenting.
  3. paren01

    Chapter 9

    I think it’s interesting to contrast Matt’s upbringing to what it must have been like for Jakob and the other Norwegians. Thanks for the comment.
  4. paren01

    Chapter 9

    It’s my home town too, so it was particularly fun to write about. Thanks for the comment.
  5. ** “I’m not very experienced,” I admitted shyly. “I’ve never had sex.” “Neither have I,” Jakob said, “but I know what to do.” Frank and Carson sometimes leave their bedroom door open when they’re doing it. It’s not that I’m perving on them; they intentionally leave the door open. It’s part of my education.” “We don’t have to leave the door open, do we?” I asked. “Not if you don’t want to. At some point, Frank and Carson will want to check on my progress. They’re really good
  6. paren01

    Chapter 8

    I think you’re right. There are still mysteries to unfold.
  7. paren01

    Chapter 8

    Good insight. Youthful angst and finding their direction is one of the reasons I enjoy writing Young Adult fiction.
  8. paren01

    Chapter 8

    The St. Olaf reference is hilarious. I read about a town in south central Minnesota called New Ulm that has a high percentage of people with German ancestry and was looked upon suspiciously by the government between WWI and WWII. I know it’s nothing like that now, but a fictional place like that might be receptive to Ahnenerbe in the ‘30s.
  9. paren01

    Chapter 8

    Good questions as usual. A ten to fifteen percent bump from generation to generation is probably manageable. We all have friends that are little smarter or less smart than we are. An over than thirty present bump is more obvious and liable to cause friction. Makes me wonder if the scientists that designed the program in the 1930s anticipated Gen 6 and planned for the discord.
  10. paren01

    Chapter 8

    Teenagers can be impulsive, although in this case, I think, Jakob gave it some thought.
  11. paren01

    Chapter 8

    A little home schooling never hurts!
  12. paren01

    Chapter 8

    The first time is always special. Not always in a good way, but Matt and Jakob got lucky.
  13. paren01

    Chapter 8

    It’s particularly nice when feelings are reciprocated. Thanks for commenting.
  14. ** “It’s OK,” I said. “Emma, it won’t work for Oscar and me, and it won’t work for you and Frank. Give it a shot. I want you and Oscar to be happy.” She looked at me with a sober expression and said. “I couldn’t do that.” “I want you to. Please.” ** “I’ll think about it,” said Emma. “But I’m worried about you.” “Don’t worry, I’ll be OK.” I tried to convince myself as much as Emma. “I’ll tell Oscar that he can ask you out.” She took my hand with a sorry look and
  15. paren01

    Chapter 7

    I get it.
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