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    Boring Ol' Midwest
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    I love music, art, fashion. I run my own clothing company where I design/make jeans, and shirts.

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  1. Think it would be funny to have it so others can figure in out, lol. would also be funny if all the clues were about you. also if you have it so you can figure it out, people would be like "why is it upside down?" lol
  2. If you get one on your arm, make sure it would be easy to cover up by wearing a shirt, because a lot of workplaces dont like when people have tattoos, so you dont want to be stuck having to wear long sleeves all the time.
  3. the big 23. I'm starting to feel so old. wait no, I actually started feeling old when my son turned 5 haha. Now that my son is in school, I can now go back to school so i will be posting more since i wont be working 60 hours a week
  4. aww thanks! We will
  5. In England the age of consent is 16, so by law he is not underage. So even if his parents didnt like it, they can really stop him since he is legal. The difference in law hace come into play in movies before. the English move "The Hole" was never released in the US because kiera Knightingly was 16 in that move and there was a scene she was topless. US Censors said no. But yea, in england the age of consent is 16, can buy alcohol at 16, but some movies you have to be 18 to watch, haha. Half my family lives over there (my mom is english). I love it there. the environment is so much nicer and easier going than it is here. Jon
  6. Back of the shoulder isnt bad. My sister got her tattoo there about a month ago and she did fine which i was suprised about cause she was so nervous and scared. She is tiny, just skin and bones. In terms of the back that is one of the better places to get it, spine tends to hurt. a friend has a vine going across the top of her back and she said when they got to the part on the spine her arm went numb but was told by the tattoo artist that that is normal. as for black vs color, now adays they both last about the same as long as you take care of it. and most tattoo shops will do free touch ups. If you are doing a flower, color is the way to go. it wont look as good in black/gray. Main Questions to ask tattoo artists/What to look for in a tatto shop: 1. Do they use sterilized needles or new ones. (new ones are what you want) 2. Look at the artists portfolio to see their style cause like anyother artist i.e. painter, illustrator, each tattooist has a different style. Maye sure it is the style you want. 3. See if the tattoo shop has won trophys/awards The more the better, that way you know they do quality work. 4. Does the shop do more custom art or flash art? you want a shop that does more custom art. meaning they do their own work and have the talent to draw up designs and not just trace from flash. 5. Check with your state health department to see what shops constantly get good check ups and which dont always make the code. After you get the tattoo, use Palmer's Cocoa Butter. It does wonders. Much better than things like Tattoo Goo and others made for tattoos.
  7. that sounds like a really cool back piece. great idea and very original concept. where are your tattoos? the feeling of getting the tattoo wasnt what i expected. it is a very interesting and different feeling. yea you definately want to get something with meaning to you and not get something just to get a tattoo. that way since it will be on you for the rest of your life, it will save you time and mone and the hassle og getting it removed.
  8. I love reactions like this. Tattoos are becoming more and more a common place. I know a friend of my parents who has a tattoo on his back and he is a federal judge. So obviously it is accepted in a polite society. I have a huge respect for my body where others in my position may not. Ask anyone I know. Despite being born with no legs above my knee, I love my body, I take care of it and that is one reason I got tattoos because I am not afraid to show by body and have people look at me and my tattoos. I'm not afraid to show who i am as a person. If that isnt respect for ones body and self image, than what is? JP
  9. Yea thats the benefit of becoming friends with the guy who does my tattoos. I have started to get them for cheap. THe other thing i did so i could afford to get them was to break it up, get outline one week and then color/shading a few weeks later so then i didnt have to have the whole amount at once.
  10. So being pretty new here I dont know if this has been brought up as a topic already but if not here it does. I've gotten into tattoo art and had my first tattoo almost a year ago. I have three now and working on a sleeve. All my tattoos deal with looking at life in a positive aspect. I'm sure others here have tattoos, or thing about getting one, so feel free to share! My Tattoos! "what inspires you should entire you, live how you wannabe loved" - Lyrics by the band Troubled Hubble Memento Vivere - Remember Life/Remember to live. Memorial for my older brother and how I look at life "Why pluck one string when you can strum the guitar" - Lyrics from the band MewithoutYou
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