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  1. Oh oh oh!! New My Only Escape AND GFD chapters coming out!? I'm getting dizzy...
  3. I'm not bugging him, just poking him in the side every once in a while to remind him we're still here, actually that might be bugging...oh well
  4. *cough*3 months*cough* *twitching increases*
  5. Oh wow didn't realize someone bumped it up, I should look at the year from now on, no the month xD
  6. Wait, did you read the whole thing? lol you might be pleasantly surprised if you check here: http://comicality.gayauthors.org/gfd/daylight.html
  7. Great job on 146, I'm glad Billy got to see Branden again...and some nice foreshadowing with him home alone for 2 days.... ;D Thanks!
  8. *cough* 2 months *cough* *starts twitching*
  9. Thanks! Love ya! And yes I'll drop in plenty.
  10. Notice I asked for "favorites" plural. It's alright I got the idea. I just finished Billy Chase, that was long and pretty interesting, had some really good parts and a couple boring parts. And next up, GFD, I hope it's as good as it sounds! (I'm sure it is) :]
  11. I always think you should be true to the story. Whatever you think it should be, it should be. Putting limits on a work of art degrades it and I wouldn't want that, even if the alternative is something nasty. ...or you could put in comic relief or something?
  12. I'm thinking about getting into another story from my favorite author ( ) but don't know which one to pick. So what's your favorites guys? List all the best. And I only put in series because I can't fit them all and I'm looking for something grand; if there's something not up there that's great just say so. Thanks!
  13. Awesome! I don't wanna be picky or anything but do you think you can come up with a date? That way I'll have something to look forward to and you'll have a goal!
  14. hehe, I can't bring myself to read any of the other stories yet though. It feels like I'm cheating on My Only Escape.
  15. So...how's this coming? I emailed you (my email address is websnake with some numbers) but I guess you're busy. I don't want to wait another year for the next chapter!
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