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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Covenant of Shadows - 1. Chapter 1: New Horizons

In the coastal Kenyan village of Watamu, the dawn chorus was not just a symphony of sound but a mosaic of life’s ebb and flow. Liam Mwangi stood on the white sands, watching the horizon bleed hues of orange and purple as the sun lifted from the Indian Ocean. He breathed in the salty air—a familiar comfort, a reminder of all he was about to leave behind.

At eighteen, Liam was a tapestry of his homeland—woven from the threads of tribal legends, the resilience of his community, and the wild beauty of the landscapes that had raised him. Today, he would say goodbye to all of it. Today, he was bound for America, for Arkwright University, lured by a scholarship and tales of opportunities that stretched wider than the Watamu sky.

His grandmother, Nia, approached silently, her presence as reassuring as the gentle tide. She carried a small, intricately carved wooden box, a family heirloom.

“For your journey, Liam,” Nia said, pressing the box into his hands. “To remind you of home and to protect you.”

Liam opened the box to find a collection of amulets and a tightly folded piece of parchment—written on it were blessings in the swirling script of his ancestors. He tucked the box safely in his bag, his heart swelling with a mixture of pride and sorrow.

The drive to Nairobi was a quiet one, filled with introspection. Liam’s mother, Miriam, occasionally reached over to squeeze his hand, offering smiles that were both encouraging and wistful. At the airport, the finality of departure hung heavy in the air. His mother’s embrace was a fortress of warmth in the bustling coldness of the terminal.

“You are ready for this, Liam,” Miriam whispered, her voice thick with unshed tears. “Remember, you carry our dreams with you.”

As the plane ascended over the vast African landscape, Liam’s thoughts were a tangle of excitement and apprehension. The further he flew from Watamu, the more he felt the weight of what he was stepping into—a world unknown, a destiny unwritten.

Arkwright University was a name he had heard spoken with reverence and awe. It was one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions in America, known for its rigorous academics and its mysterious, almost mythical student society, The Covenant. Every student who aspired to greatness at Arkwright, it was said, hoped to be tapped by The Covenant. But only the most exceptional were chosen.

Liam’s first sight of Arkwright was through the bleary window of a taxi as it wove its way through the sprawling campus. The gothic architecture loomed large and imposing, a stark contrast to the organic, flowing forms of his homeland. He felt a shiver of both anticipation and fear—this was a place of power, a place of secrets.


Upon arriving at his dorm, Liam was greeted by the last person he expected to meet—a fellow student unpacking his bags in what would be their shared room. The young man turned with a smile, extending a hand.

“I’m Daniel,” he introduced himself, his grip firm and welcoming. Daniel was a sophomore at Arkwright, a swimmer on the university team with a lean, muscular build that spoke of disciplined mornings and competitive afternoons. His hair was perpetually damp, his skin a golden hue, and his presence immediately comforting.

“Liam,” Liam responded, feeling a slight ease at the friendly reception.

Daniel helped Liam settle in, showing him where to store his things and explaining little details about life at Arkwright. As they talked, Liam noticed the ease with which Daniel moved around the space, filling the room with a lively energy that seemed to sweep away some of Liam’s apprehensions.

“Hey, you must be starving after your journey. How about we grab some dinner at the dining hall? It’s not gourmet, but it’ll do,” Daniel suggested, after noticing Liam's unpacked snacks from home.

“That sounds great, actually,” Liam agreed, grateful for the invitation and the chance to delay the loneliness that the night might bring.

The dining hall was a lively hub of activity, filled with the buzz of students reconnecting after the summer break. Daniel led the way, grabbing trays and guiding Liam through the line. They chose a quiet table by the window.

As they ate, Daniel shared stories of his first year at Arkwright, the challenges and the triumphs, and his experiences on the swim team. “What are you most looking forward to here at Arkwright?” he asked, genuinely interested in Liam’s perspective.


Liam thought for a moment before answering, “I think just the opportunity to learn, to see how far I can push myself.”

Daniel nodded, “You’ll fit right in. And hey, if the classes don’t challenge you enough, I’m sure The Covenant will.”

Liam smiled, the term sparking a flicker of intrigue and anticipation. “I hope to at least get a glimpse of what that’s all about.”

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, and by the time they returned to their dorm, the initial awkwardness had melted away into a budding friendship.

“Thanks for tonight, Daniel. I needed that,” Liam said as they settled in for the night.

“Anytime, Liam. Welcome to Arkwright,” Daniel replied, his voice warm in the dim light of their room.

As Liam drifted off to sleep, he felt a sense of belonging begin to root within him, nourished by the friendly bonds forming with his roommate. Arkwright was starting to feel a little less daunting, a little more like a new home.

Copyright © 2024 Alan2; All Rights Reserved.
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Thank you for joining Liam on his journey through the hallowed halls of Arkwright University and the veiled corridors of The Covenant.
Your feedback is invaluable, not only for enhancing this story but also for shaping future ones.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Liam has made a huge jump to another country and challenging educational experience. Daniel seems like a needed and good hearted roommate. I hope he stays that way.

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12 hours ago, akascrubber said:

Liam has made a huge jump to another country and challenging educational experience. Daniel seems like a needed and good hearted roommate. I hope he stays that way.

Daniel does indeed seem like a supportive presence amidst the newness of it all. Let's hope their bond only grows stronger as they navigate this adventure together.

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Posted (edited)

I am curious as to this so-called Covenant as well, are they a force for good, or a self-serving cult??? 

“What are you most looking forward to here at Arkwright?” he asked, genuinely interested in Liam’s perspective.


Liam thought for a moment before answering, “I think just the opportunity to learn, to see how far I can push myself.”

Daniel nodded, “You’ll fit right in. And hey, if the classes don’t challenge you enough, I’m sure The Covenant will.”

Liam smiled, the term sparking a flicker of intrigue and anticipation. “I hope to at least get a glimpse of what that’s all about.”

Edited by drsawzall
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12 hours ago, drsawzall said:

I am curious as to this so-called Covenant as well, are they a force for good, or a self-serving cult??? 

“What are you most looking forward to here at Arkwright?” he asked, genuinely interested in Liam’s perspective.


Liam thought for a moment before answering, “I think just the opportunity to learn, to see how far I can push myself.”

Daniel nodded, “You’ll fit right in. And hey, if the classes don’t challenge you enough, I’m sure The Covenant will.”

Liam smiled, the term sparking a flicker of intrigue and anticipation. “I hope to at least get a glimpse of what that’s all about.”

Thank you for your interest in the Covenant of Shadows! Your question hits right at the heart of their mystery. Are they guardians of balance, or do they serve darker, more selfish ends? This is exactly the kind of dilemma I hope to explore through the narrative. I hope you'll tag along as Liam continues his journey at AU and hopefully unveils the mystery of the Covenant—unless, of course, darker forces are at play... Stay tuned, and I hope the unfolding story will keep you hooked!

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