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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Hercules enslaved - 1. The capture

Utterly spent from his harrowing battle with the Kraken, Hercules lay unconscious on the barren shore, his powerful frame unmoving as the waves lapped at his feet. His weapons were lost and his leather loincloth was reduced to tatters. The demigod's battered body bore the scars of his ordeal after the conflict he had barely survived. The narrow victory had certainly taken its toll. As the sun rose higher in the sky, the distant sound of creaking timbers and the splash of oars drew near. A weathered, pirate vessel approached the lonely island, its sails unfurled and its crew on the lookout for any potential salvage or captives.

The pirates, a motley crew of hardened seafarers, spied the unconscious form of Hercules on the beach and quickly dispatched a small group to investigate. Seeing the demigod's impressive physique, the pirates knew they had stumbled upon a valuable prize. Roughly, the pirates dragged the unconscious Hercules aboard their ship, their weathered hands prodding and searching him for any valuables. When they found no gold or jewels, the captain Glaucetas, a grizzled old salt with a twisted scar marring his face, let out a guttural laugh.

"This one's no merchant," the captain growled, his eyes narrowing as he studied Hercules' features. "But with muscles like these, he'll fetch a tidy sum on the slave markets, that's for sure."

The other pirates cheered in agreement, already envisioning the profit they would reap from their unexpected captive.

Hercules, still lost in the throes of exhaustion, was bound in heavy chains and dragged below deck, his fate now in the hands of these unscrupulous seafarers. As the ship set sail, the demigod's dreams were troubled, his subconscious mind grappling with the realization that his perilous journey had taken an unexpected and dire turn. When Hercules finally stirred from his slumber, his eyes flew open, only to be met with the dank, cramped confines of the ship's hold. Panic gripped him as he tugged at the unyielding chains that bound his wrists and ankles. In his weakened state, his legendary strength was no match for the sturdy iron.

The sound of approaching footsteps drew Hercules' attention, and he tensed, his muscles coiling with the instinct to fight, even in his feeble state. A pair of burly pirates emerged from the shadows, their expressions twisted with malice as they eyed their captive.

"Well, well, look who's finally awake," one of the men sneered, his yellowed teeth bared in a menacing grin. "The captain's been waitin' to have a word with you, hero."

Hercules opened his mouth to speak, to demand an explanation for this outrage, but the pirate silenced him with a swift, backhanded blow that sent the demigod reeling.

"You'll speak only when spoken to, understand?" the pirate growled, his fist clenched in warning.

Hercules glared defiantly, his pride wounded but his resolve unbroken. He knew that he would need to bide his time till he regained his strength and wait for an opportunity to escape this wretched predicament. As the pirates dragged him towards the captain's quarters, Hercules steeled himself, his legendary courage and determination the only weapons he had left in this new and perilous chapter of his odyssey.

Hercules was roughly dragged before captain Glaucetas, his wrists and ankles still bound in heavy iron shackles. The demigod's powerful frame was battered and weary, but his eyes burned with a fierce determination that not even his captors could extinguish. The pirate captain eyed Hercules with a mixture of curiosity and greed. He circled the captive hero, his gaze appraising the demigod's muscular physique.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" the captain drawled, his voice dripping with a sardonic amusement. "A mighty warrior, cast adrift and at our mercy. I must say, you've made quite a catch for us, my men."

Hercules remained silent without a word about his identity, his jaw clenched in defiance as he stared down the pirate captain. The demigod knew that any show of weakness or fear would only embolden these unscrupulous men, and he was determined to maintain his dignity and resolve in the face of this adversity.

"Not much for conversation, are you?" the captain chuckled, his small, beady eyes narrowing. "No matter. We'll soon have you singing a different tune, I think."

With a snap of his fingers, the captain summoned a pair of his largest and most brutish crew members. "Take him below and make sure he remembers his place," he ordered, a malicious grin spreading across his face. Hercules tensed as the hulking pirates advanced, their meaty hands gripping his bound arms with crushing force. He knew that resistance would be futile in his weakened state, but the demigod refused to go quietly, his expression still etched with defiance. As the pirates dragged him towards the ship's dark, cramped hold, Hercules' mind raced, searching for any glimmer of hope or opportunity that might present itself.

Once in the hold, the pirates roughly shoved Hercules into a small, cramped cell, the iron bars clanging shut with a resounding finality. The demigod's restraints were rearranged and his wrists were now secured to the wall, his movements became severely restricted, and he could feel the weight of his captivity bearing down upon him. With a deep, steadying breath, the demigod settled himself as best he could, his keen eyes scanning the confines of his cell for any potential weaknesses or means of escape. Hercules strained against the unyielding chains that bound his wrists, the muscles in his powerful arms bulging with the effort. In normal circumstances, these bonds would have been no match for the demigod's legendary strength, but in his current weakened state, the task proved far more daunting.

Gritting his teeth, the hero summoned every ounce of his remaining energy, his brow furrowed in intense concentration as he pushed and pulled against the iron restraints. The links rattled and groaned. Just when the restraints were about to yield, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the dimly lit hold. Hercules tensed, his senses heightening as he prepared for the arrival of his captors. Moments later, the hulking figure of Glaucetas emerged from the shadows, his small, beady eyes narrowing as he surveyed the scene before him. Hercules' heart sank as he realized that his futile escape attempt had been discovered.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" the captain growled, his voice dripping with malice. "Trying to break free, are we?"

Hercules remained silent, his defiant gaze meeting the captain's unflinchingly.

"I should have known better than to trust a famed hero like yourself to stay put," the captain sneered, his lips curling into a twisted smile. "Looks like we'll have to teach you a little lesson in obedience."

With a snap of his fingers, the captain summoned two of his largest and most brutish henchmen, their hulking frames casting ominous shadows as they approached Hercules' cell.

"Give our guest a warm welcome," the captain commanded, his eyes gleaming with sadistic glee.

Before Hercules could react, the two pirates surged forward, their meaty fists pummeling the demigod's exposed abdomen with devastating force. The blows landed with sickening thud, the sound echoing through the hold as Hercules' body recoiled under the relentless assault. The hero grunted in pain, his muscles contracting involuntarily as he struggled against the restraints that held him in place. Each punch landed with bone-jarring intensity, the sheer power behind the blows threatening to overwhelm even Hercules' legendary fortitude.

Gritting his teeth, the demigod fought to remain conscious, his mind racing as he desperately sought a means of escape. But his weakened state left him vulnerable, and with each successive strike, Hercules felt his strength ebbing away. The captain looked on, his twisted smile widening as he watched the mighty hero's defiance slowly crumble beneath the onslaught. "Had enough, have you?" he taunted, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction.

Hercules refused to yield, his eyes burning with a fierce determination that refused to be extinguished. But as the relentless beating continued, Hercules could feel his consciousness slipping, the darkness threatening to claim him once more. With a final, guttural cry, the hero succumbed to the overwhelming agony, his body going limp as he was once again plunged into the void of unconsciousness.

The pirate captain let out a satisfied chuckle, motioning for his henchmen to cease their assault. "That should teach you to keep your hands to yourself, hero," he spat, his contempt for Hercules palpable.


Copyright © 2024 Catgenie; All Rights Reserved.
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Hercules is my favorite theme.  It sprang from my early fascination with sword and sandal movies from the 60s, where the muscle bound hero had to overcome monsters, sorcerers, sadistic kings/queens and the inevitable feat of strength challenges before he triumphed eventually.  I hope you like these stories too.  Comments and feedback welcome.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Patience big fella, conserve your strength and await your chance to wreak havoc on those who would abuse you...

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On 8/26/2024 at 6:38 AM, drsawzall said:

Patience big fella, conserve your strength and await your chance to wreak havoc on those who would abuse you...

That would be a long wait...

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