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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Thief of Hearts - 2. Chapter 2

Part 2

The boy followed Micah into the house and the sitting room. Micah greeted his parents then introduced Luke to them. His parents welcomed Luke and asked him to take a seat. “It’s okay Mum, we’re going to the kitchen to get a drink and something to eat, we’ll be back shortly.” The two boys disappeared from view.

Inside the kitchen Micah asked, “You hungry?”

“Yeah, I haven’t eaten for ffu umm ages.”

Micah smiled at the younger boys attempt to keep from swearing. “How about a pizza Luke, will that do?”

“Yeah, great.”


Micah took the pizza from the fridge and put it in the microwave. When it was done he placed it on the breakfast table and the two of them sat down to eat.

While they ate Luke said, “Can I stay the night?”

“Umm, I’ll have a word with my parents, I’m not sure how they’ll respond. Especially since this is the first time you’ve been here officially that is.”

“Go on, Micah, just go and ask them or do you want me to?”


He looked at the small boy knowing full well that he would of asked without batting an eyelid. He took another mouthful of pizza and went to confront his parents about Luke staying the night.

His mother at once responded with, “Micah, the spare bedroom hasn’t been used for months nor is the bed made, it must be very musty in there.”

“He can sleep with me, Mum. I’ve got a double bed.”


His mother glanced over to his father who cleared his throat and said, “Micah can you tell us why all of a sudden you want Luke to spend the night?”

“Umm, he just asked me if he could. So before saying yes I thought I’d ask you first.

“And what about his parents, do they know where he is and that he’ll be spending the night away from home?”

“Umm, uh, he doesn’t have any parents’ Dad, he lives in a Children’s Home.”

“How the hell did you get involved with a boy like this Micah? He breaks into our house and the next thing I hear you want him to spend the night. And how are we supposed to inform the home that one of their boys is spending the night here without even first asking them.”


Luke who had heard the raised voice of Micah’s father walked into the room. “It’s alright, Mr Anderson. I’ll go back to the home, nice to have met you all.” Luke made his way towards the front door.

Micah dashed after and stopped him by grabbing his arm as he reached for the front door. “Luke, I’m sorry can we meet up tomorrow?”


“Shit, my parent’s will be at home tomorrow. Do you have any suggestions?”

“Umm, not really. Only at your youth club,”


“Alright you boys, you don’t have to plan anything.”

The boys turned to see Micah’s father standing in the hallway.

“Luke, get on the phone and inform whoever is responsible for you at this time of night where you are.”

“I don’t think that would be a good idea Mr Anderson, the night super will scream his head off at me to get back.”

“That’s okay just go ahead. We’ll all have a listen, I’ll turn on the speakers, come into the sitting room.” Mr Anderson turned and led the way.

Inside, Luke tentatively picked up the phone and dialed while Mr Anderson switched on the speakers.


“Uh, Mr Richards? It’s Luke Harrison, I’m phoning to let you know that I’m staying the night at a friends house.”


The rest of the Anderson household heard Mr Richards reply as his voice came over the speaker.

“Get your shitty little arse back here and I don’t give a fuck how late it is, get your bloody friends parent’s to drop you back, do you hear me?”

Before Luke could answer Mr Anderson took the phone from Luke at the same time turning off the speakers.

“I presume I’m talking to a Mr Richards, is that right?

Well, Mr Richards, you’ll be pleased to hear that your response to Luke’s statement that he’ll be spending the night here is on tape. Yes, I suppose you are sorry, but not in the way that I think, more in keeping that you opened your big mouth without thinking. Anyway, Luke will be staying here and we’ll return him on Bank Holiday Monday.”


“Yes, well just remember if we have any complaints from Luke about you this taped conversation will be given to the Local Authorities. I’m sure they will be only too pleased to take the appropriate action in the light of all the bad publicity they’ve been having about children in care, who have been not only sexually, but verbally and emotionally abused.”


Mr Anderson hung up and turned to the two boys.’

Luke couldn’t contain his emotions and burst out, “Bloody Hell! Mr Anderson, you let him off the hook; you could have squeezed him by the balls till he screamed for, for, uh effing mercy.”


Mr Anderson smiled at the consternation shown in the young boy’s voice. “Umm, yes, I could have Luke, but Better the Devil you know than the Devil you don’t know. If we had him removed then someone else would have taken his place and there is no guarantee that the person replacing him would be any better. At least we know Mr Richards and his big mouth and that we can use it not only for your advantage but for the other children in the home.”

“Yeah good thinking Mr Anderson, now we have that over his head I guess that Mr fuc oops Richards won’t be shouting his head off at the kids so often in future.”

“Yes, Luke,” Mr Richard’s agreed, turning to his son. “Micah if Luke has finished eating you had better attend to his requirements for the night. Seeing that he hasn’t brought anything with him.”

“Yes, Dad.”


Micah indicated with his head for Luke to follow him and the two boys made their way to his room. Micah looked at the smaller boy. “I’ve got some briefs, Luke, that you can use to sleep in. I haven’t used for years; it was during the time I thought that they might do something for my image before reverting to boxers.”

Luke looked at the briefs that seemed to resemble more a woman’s thong rather than a man’s underwear.

“Did you actually wear these, Micah?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Shit! Didn’t they bring tears to your eyes? Nah, you keep them. I’d rather sleep in the nude.”

“Umm, uh, you sure?”

“Oh come off it, Micah, I’m too small to waggle my dick in your face or rape you, unless you want me to?”

“You waggle that in my face and I’ll bite it off.”

“Oooh kinky, aren’t you?”

“Shut it, Luke, and stop sounding like a big girl.”

“Sorry.” Luke hung his head.

“Bloody Hell! Luke, quit it will you with that lost forlorn look of yours, otherwise I’m going to sleep downstairs on the settee.”

“Okay, okay, I’ve quit it, now let’s get to bed.”

“Umm, don’t you wash before you go to bed?”

“What the ffu ur why, I can wash in the morning.”

“Uh, okay, I suppose. I’m going to wash, you carry on and change and get into bed.”


He returned from his ablutions clad in his nightwear which consisted of a pair of night shorts, to see the younger boy lying on his back covers pulled up to his waist with his hands clasped behind his head.


Micah was trying to look calm as he walked towards the bed, but his insides were like jelly, he was so nervous. He had never shared a bed with another person since he stopped crawling into his parent’s bed at night. Now, lying in front of him lay a naked fifteen-year-old who looked more like twelve. From where he was standing he had not a hair on his body. He looked down at Luke smiled lifted the covers and slid into the bed making sure that their bodies didn’t come into contact.


He stretched a hand out to switch the light off, plunging the room into darkness.

“Goodnight Luke.” He turned onto his side away from the younger boy with his back to him.


He heard a “Night Micah,” in response.

The older boy felt the mattress move, a slim arm slid under his then wrapped itself around his waist. He felt Luke’s body spoon into his, and the boy’s erection pressed into his buttocks.


“Luke, get that thing off my arse, will you?”

“Oops, sorry. It has a mind of its own.”

Micah started laughing and turned a hundred eighty degrees to face his companion.

“God, you never give up do you?”

“What the hell do you expect? I told you I fancy you, so of course I’m going to try something.”

“Do you try it on with everyone you fancy?”


“There haven’t been too many, just a couple of boys in the home who aren’t there anymore. They were just to get our rocks off, you’re different, Micah. It’s not really fancying you, it’s a lot more I don’t know why, but I get this knot in my guts whenever I’m near you- just like now. I feel like I want to jump on top of you and, and, oh shit. I don’t know how to explain it.”


Micah smiled. He could just make out the outline of the boys face as his eyes grew accustomed to the dark. He lifted his head off the pillow then leant over and brought their lips together.

Luke found his mouth being invaded by the boy of his dreams. Their arms wrapped around each other they rolled around on the bed with the passion of the kiss, they ground their swollen manhood’s into whichever part of the others body it came in contact with. Luke lowered one of his hands under the waistband of Micah’s shorts to fondle his erection. When he did he broke the kiss.


“Put the light on so I can have a look at it, Micah, it feels so big under the covers in the dark.”


“Why not? You can look at mine.”

“Umm, uh, no.”

“Christ, you’re bloody shy.”

“Piss off, I’m not.”

Then why won’t you let me see it?”

“Umm, I uh, why can’t you just take no for an answer instead of questioning everything?”


Luke realizing that he just embarrassed his older friend got up and laid full length on top of Micah.


“It’s okay, it’s just that, umm, I’ve never exposed myself to anybody before.”

“You mean to say you’ve never done anything with anybody before?”

“No, is that bad?”

Luke leaned forward and pecked his older companion on the lips, “No that’s absolutely fuc, um… it’s bloody brilliant. I only wish that this was my first time. For it to be with you would be, uh be, shit- fucking great.”


Micah laughed at his small friend’s inability to express himself without having to resort to obscenities.



“Do you like me a whole heap?”

“Fucking Hell! Like you, Micah, shit I’m in fucking love with you. How many more times do I have to tell you, oops sorry can’t really find other words to say what I want.”

“That’s okay, Luke, I understand. Can we pretend that it’s the first time for you as well, then? I might feel better.”


Again Luke leaned forward and brought their lips together, but this time just brushing them together. Then resting his forehead on Micah’s, he said, “This is the first time that I’m in bed with a person that I love. If we have sex or not I don’t care, I just want to be near you, Micah.”


“Luke.” Micah whispered.

“Now what?”

“Do you still want to see it?”

“Only if you want to show it.”

Micah stretched his hand upwards, he found the chord and pulled, flooding the bedroom in light. Both boys squinted till their eyes got accustomed to the brightness and then Luke rolled to one side. He lowered the covers as Micah removed his shorts to expose his six and a half inch erection.


Lowering his hand, Luke started to fondle and rub it. Suddenly, without warning Micah’s hips started to jerk and Luke felt the cock in his hand expand even more. The older boy grunted and his hips now jerked uncontrollably as the semen erupted from his loins spraying it over his abdomen. At the same time he moaned at the pleasure his orgasm brought to his being.


Luke looked at the older boy and smiled. “God you must have been waiting for that for a long time that was one of the quickest cums I’ve ever seen.”

“Sorry, Luke. I just couldn’t control it, I…………”

“Will you fucking stop saying sorry? Christ, Micah, you just had a, what the fuck do you call it, besides cumming?”


“Yeah, that’s it. You just had an orgasm. You shouldn’t have to be sorry, if you hadn’t had one then you should be sorry.”

“Well, I was sorry that I went so quick, let me clean it up now.” Micah leaned over and pulled some tissues from a box at the bedside.

“Let me do that.” Luke took the tissues from Micah and proceeded to wipe him clean.


When Luke had finished Micah asked, “Do you want me to feel you now?”

“Only if you want to.”

“No, I think I’ll go to sleep.”

“What the fuck, um, okay goodnight, Micah.”

Micah grabbed hold of Luke and pulled him on top of him. “Did you really think I was going to sleep?”

“Well, yeah, but you really don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.”

Micah lay gazing at the small naked boy in his arms.”


“You mean you wouldn’t mind if I went to sleep without doing anything for you?”

“It would be great if you gave me a wank and stuck your cock up my arse at the same time, but if you don’t want to I can wait till you’re ready. I told you before just being near you makes me feel nice and being in the same bed as you is more than I ever dreamt of.”


Micah rolled the boy off him so that they lay facing each other.

“I’ll give you a wank, Luke, but don’t know about sticking my dick inside you.”

“That’s okay, Micah, we can always do that another time if you want to.”

“It’s not that I wouldn’t want to do it, Luke, it’s umm, uh, I sort of…”

The younger boy placed a finger on the older boy’s lips stopping him. “Shoosh, Micah, you don’t have to say anything more. I can tell you’re nervous because you’ve never done it before.”

“It’s not that, Luke. I thought that I might not do it properly and you might think that I’m useless.”

“Bloody hell, Micah. You’re giving me just as much pleasure just by you holding me in your arms. God, you don’t know how nice it feels for me lying here next to you, the rest would just be adding to the pleasure.”


Micah pulled the younger boy closer to him so that their bodies were in contact from head to toe. His manhood had now recovered from its first explosion now raised its head again. He kissed the younger boy and as their tongues united he lowered his hand to grasp Luke’s erection.

“Uh, uh,” Luke mumbled through the kiss and he started grinding his hips as the hand that grasped his cock started to stroke it.

Micah stopped his administrations on Luke’s cock and looked down at the appendage that he’d been stroking.

“Not very big, is it?” Luke stated.

“Not worried about the size, Luke, just wanted to see what had been poking me in the arse earlier. I see you have a few hairs around it.”

As he flicked it Micah said, “It’s as hard as a bloody poker and it’s more or less impossible to bend it.”



“Can I take over, please? I need for us to make love and not just play around so that you’ll know what I mean when I say I love you.”

“ Um… okay, Luke.”


The younger boy gently pushed the older boy onto his back then leaned over and brought their lips together. Their tongues joined in union as they swirled and caressed each other in a dance of bliss. Their kiss brought added pleasure to the swollen loins of the two lovers, readying them for that one moment of ecstasy that they both desired. Luke moved his body so that he now lay on top of Micah. He adjusted his position so that their swollen members could rub against each other then he started gyrating his hips. They both increased the speed of their movements. Luke had to hang on, trying to time his orgasm so that they would erupt together. When he could feel the beginnings of his orgasm start below his testicles, he buried his head in Micah’s shoulder and started pumping his hips even faster; his desire for them to have an orgasm together was no longer an item. The feeling worked its way up the shaft of his manhood and he froze. Luke threw his head back, arched his back, and uttered a long drawn out moan of pleasure uttering his words of thanks, “Fuck, Micah, I love you.”


As his young friends orgasm took hold, the feeling of the uncontrollable jerking of Luke’s hips brought on Micah’s own orgasm. He grabbed hold of Luke and squeezed him into his body. Like Luke, his hips bucked and jerked as the semen erupted from his cock. “Oooohh, shit, it’s fucking heaven.”


Their hair damp, their bodies covered in semen and sweat, they lay panting as they tried to regain some sort of composure from their exertions. The younger boy lay on top with eyes closed with head on his older friend’s shoulder. After a couple of minutes of lying still, Luke lifted his head and started to nibble Micah’s earlobe.


Luke stopped nibbling. “Yeah?”

“Was that making love?”

“What d’you think?”



“Bloody hell, Micah, what now?”

“Can I ask you about the other boys who put it inside you and what it feels like?”

“No one has put it inside me. I was just trying to impress you. I’ve only ever done wanks and sixty nine’s with boys at the home, never really fancied any of them enough to let them fuck me.”

“Then why did you say you wanted me to put it inside you?”

“Because I uh, I oh, fuck, because I thought that if you liked doing it you’d like me more. I didn’t know about you and how you felt about me till just now.”


“Micah, I’m trying to relax lying here on top of you and you keep disturbing me.”

“We have to clean up, Luke. It feels kind of sticky and smelly in this bed.”

“Do we have to?”


“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. Should I get the tissues?”

“Tissues, Luke? We’re both bloody stinking and I’ve got all this goo from both of us all over me. I don’t think tissues will be much good, I reckon we need to shower.”

“Shiii! Um, okay, but won’t your parents hear us in there?”

“No, they’re at the other end of the house and have their own bathroom.”

“Right then, let’s go.”


Fifteen minutes later both boys reappeared, they looked at the crumpled state of the bed and tidied it up then both climbed in to wrap their arms and legs around each other. They lay together talking for a while till sleep over took them and they lost consciousness.


When Micah awoke his shoulder felt numb. Looking down, he saw the head of a tousled haired boy resting on it. Bringing his hand up to the boy’s head, he started to run his fingers through his hair, which eventually caused him to stir. He quickly stopped his administrations to Luke’s hair. Instead he slipped a hand under his head and gently lifted it off his shoulder to place it on the pillow. He then extracted the leg from off his groin and moved the arm from around his waist then stroking the boy’s head he waited till he seemed to be sleeping again.


Looking down at the boy, Micah couldn’t resist pecking him on the lips before getting up to go and relieve himself. On his return the boy was as he’d left him. Micah slipped into the bed trying not to cause any undue movement that might awake Luke then gently snuggled his body against the sleeping boy. His cock was at full mast and ready for release as he ground it against Luke’s posterior. He wrapped an arm around the boy and drew him as gently as possible into his body. He couldn’t resist the temptation anymore and slowly slid a hand down to fondle the boy’s erection.


“That’s a really nice way to be woken up.”

Startled, Micah pulled his hand and himself away. “Uh Oh, umm, I didn’t mean to Luke. I’m…”

He was cut short by Luke, “Don’t you even think of saying it, or I’m going to stick my cock in your mouth.”


“Sorry. That’s it, isn’t that what you were about to say? I was enjoying your cock rubbing on my arse and your hand on my cock then you spoil it all by shitting yourself just because I said something.”

“I thought you’d be annoyed because you weren’t awake and I was rubbing against you without your permission.”

Luke lifted himself up and lay down on top of Micah, their faces nearly touching. He looked down at the older boy.

“Don’t you know by now you can do whatever you want to me and you don’t have to ask permission?”

Looking up at the boy’s beautiful face and those striking blue eyes Micah felt ashamed at what he’d tried to do while the boy slept.

“That’s not right, Luke; you have to have the right to say what anyone can do to you at anytime, and that includes me as well.”

“Okay, then. Why were you trying to rape me while I was asleep?”

“Uh, I umm, I felt uh horny and, oh shit I was out of order. I’m sorry Luke.” Micah moved the younger boy to one side and rose from the bed.

“Where the hell are you going?”

“To get my robe and go and have a cup of tea.”

“What! You’ve got me all worked up now and you’re just going to piss off and leave me like this?”

“Uh, you want me to come back then?”

“Come back, I want you to carry on where you left off.”

Micah was back in the bed in a flash with his arms encircling the younger boy he brought their lips together.


“Micah, Luke, are you two awake yet? It’s going on eleven.”

The sound of his father’s voice was like a bucket of cold water being poured over him. “Yes, Dad, be down shortly. Shit!” With his ardor Micah deflated and looked at Luke. “Later.”

Luke smiled, “Whenever.”

Copyright © 2011 akisar61; All Rights Reserved.
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