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Greg's Rambling Prompts - 3. Prompt 220 - Why is my underwear hanging off the chandalier?

I had previously posted this but have reposted since one of my prompt response has turned into a multi-chapter story. I apologize for the confusion and to those that previously left reviews.

“Why is my underwear hanging off the chandelier?” I asked almost afraid of the answer I’d get.

“You don’t remember do you?” Alex said with a smirk. That twinkle in his eye told me I really didn’t want to know and if my head hadn’t been throbbing so much I could have strangled him. “You were very…. entertaining Zach!”

I sat down on Alex’s couch rubbing my temples trying to remember the events of the previous evening. Surely I hadn’t put them up there had I? And why the hell was the little man who lived in my skull beating my brains with a sledgehammer? Why didn’t he go visit Alex for a while and leave me alone? The fact that I was naked wasn’t really helping me feel any better either but I figured Alex had seen everything I had many times before that one more time wasn’t going to kill me.

“What did I do?” I asked in a trembling voice. I knew it had been a mistake to let Alex take me out for my birthday. A quiet night at home after a long day at work was all I had been looking forward to but then Alex had showed up announcing we had to celebrate. Protests that I was tired were ignored and before I knew it Alex had shoved me into his car and off we went. It was supposed to have just been dinner. I should have known better.

“You drank a little too much,” Alex replied laughing at me. “You probably should have stopped after the tequila shots.”

“I did shots?” I asked trying to remember. I vaguely remembered Alex suggesting we hit a few bars to continue celebrating after we finished eating. I freely admit I’m a light weight when it comes to holding my alcohol. And Alex knows that. When he ordered wine with our meal it hadn’t seemed out of the ordinary though. But he kept refilling my glass all thru our meal and I wasn’t paying attention. It had been several months since I had seen him last and I was enjoying being in his presence once again.

“Yeah, you did shots,” Alex said bringing me a mug of hot tea. Coffee would have worked faster but Alex remembered I wasn’t much of a coffee drinker. “But don’t blame me,” Alex continued. “You were the one who suggested them. It wouldn’t have been so bad but everybody at the Rainbow wanted to buy you a birthday drink.”

“The Rainbow,” I asked even more confused. “Where the hell is that?” I never really get out much and I honestly don’t know the names of but maybe three bars at most. But with a name like Rainbow I had a feeling Alex had dragged me to a gay bar.

“It’s a bar downtown,” Alex answered smirking once again. “They have music and dancing and the drinks are pretty reasonable.” Alex’s grin became positively evil then. “And last night they had live entertainment. All of the patrons were very enthusiastic about it.”

“What kind of entertainment?” I asked nervously. I noticed my hands were beginning to tremble and I carefully set my tea down before I spilled it. Alex’s grin was just a little too mischievous for my comfort and I knew what that meant.

“They had a male stripper,” Alex answered nonchalantly. “And damn! He was hot too! But you know I have a thing for blonds and hairy chests so I might have been biased.

I know my face had to have gone a little pale as I swallowed hard. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what I might have done with a stripper. Knowing Alex he had probably gotten the poor guy to give me a lap dance or something.

“Uhm, do they, uh, usually have strippers?” I asked, my voice squeaking a little.

“Not normally,” Alex answered taking a sip from his coffee. “We got lucky I guess. Not that the guy took off everything. He kept his underwear on, but it was still sexy as hell.” Alex grinned at me again. “Everybody there was very appreciative of the guy. He was getting offers left and right. All the guys were buying him drinks too. I think they were all thinking they could get him drunk enough to go home with one of them. “

“How, uh, how long did we stay there?” I was dying to ask what I had done to earn all those smirks from Alex. But I knew if I did he’d only drag it out that much longer. All those smirks he was giving me told me I had done something I’d be embarrassed about. I’m usually shy as hell but with the way Alex was leering at me I knew I had to have done something like kiss the guy. Surely I hadn’t groped him or anything. I couldn’t imagine myself doing something so…blatant as that.

“Several hours actually,” Alex answered getting up and walking back to the kitchen. “We stayed till closing anyway,” he threw back over his shoulder. I could hear him rummaging around and figured he was looking for something to eat. “Since it was so late I brought you here instead of taking you home. My place was closer.”

Alex came walking back into the living room munching on a sandwich. Just the thought of food was enough to make my stomach roll. I couldn’t imagine ever wanting to eat again. But Alex had a bottomless pit for a stomach and had ever since I had known him.

“By the way,” Alex said casually as he retook his seat. “I hope those pants you wore last night weren’t favorites or anything.”

“No they weren’t anything special,” I replied. “Why? Did I spill something on them or something?” I asked. That would be just my luck that I’d have soaked or stained pants to wear today. There was no way I’d ever fit into anything of Alex’s.

“Well, yeah, actually you did Zach,” Alex replied trying to keep a straight face. “You bumped into one of the waiters and got a pitcher of beer down your front.”

I looked at Alex wondering what he was hiding. “Beer ain’t too bad,” I mumbled. “At least after I wash them it won’t leave a stain.”

“Well, that’s the problem Zach,” Alex laughed. “I don’t think you are going to have any luck washing them.”

“Why the hell not?” I demanded. I was getting more than a little irritated now. Alex was having way too much fun with all of this. I knew I had made a fool of myself somehow but he didn’t need to keep rubbing it in. And he could have just told me what I had done instead of making a production of the whole thing.

“Well,” Alex drawled. “You’re gonna have a problem washing them cuz you didn’t bring them home with you.” Alex’s grin was downright evil now.

“Wh…what?!” I demanded.

“After you spilt the beer you decided you didn’t want to sit in wet clothes all night,” Alex explained around his laughter. “And before I could stop you, you pulled off your shirt. Some of the other guys noticed and they all started clapping and whistling. Surprised the hell out of me when you kicked off your pants too.” Alex was nearly doubled over he was laughing so hard. “I got to you before you managed to take off your underwear, but I was very unpopular when I did.”

“I..I…I…” I spluttered unable to get anything else out.

“By the way,” Alex continued, “you might be interested to know that your underwear becomes see thru when it’s wet. At least all the guys were interested in that little fact.”

Copyright © 2017 Greg_A; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

On 04/16/2013 01:28 PM, Daithi said:
Well guess we know who the stripper was lol
Yeah - I wonder if he made any tips? LOL


Thanks for reading and commenting. I appreciate it!!!!

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