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My very own niche

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I am Back

Hey Yall, Iam back from my sabbatical. I have managed to tame my personal life atleast to a certain extent. The transformation from college life to professional life is now complete for me.   I apologize to the readers of Vampire High Priest for my inability to post for so long. I will work on the story to post the Chapters ASAP.   Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.   Sean



Editor DMOZ

Its official I am the Editor for Society: Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual: Arts and Entertainment: Online Writing at DMOZ open directory project . Oh BTW Myr used to be the Editor before me, so Myr I would appreciate it if you can give me any tips. If any of you have suggestions or recommendations to include new sites to the category please let me know.Sean.




In this section of my blog I will post my poetry. My poems most often reflect my mood. If you have read my poems "Life's Listless Litany" and "I am What I am I Fear No Consequence" you would know they have goth themes, dark feelings and a sense of rebellion. Writing these poems has helped to examine my thoughts, feelings and emotions. Even though they might sound depressing, they are actually a means to liberate pent up negative energy. Anyway, in this section of my blog I hope to discuss and de



I need feedback

Hi, I am glad to inform yall that Vampire-High Priest is now on Nifty. Following is the link:Vampire-High PriestAlso mine and Robbie's website is up and running, please check it out. My WebpageI will keep you guys updated on the progress of my work on Vampire-High Priest here in the blog. Latest being that I am hoping to finish Chapter 6 hopefully by coming monday. Those of you guys who are reading my story please take a moment to let me know of your comments/suggestions.




Many contemplated the meaning of life and the mystery of death, but life is life, living day after day, year after year until one can live no longer. The world is full of opposites, like light and darkness, love and hate & so on associated with each we feel ultimately pain or happiness. Without one the other doesn



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