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On matters of the sun

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Mimei Ogawa, the Bright Star Who Flickered Out Quickly

In English-speaking countries, children might read Grimm or Andersen, or for modern authors, Roald Dahl, C.S. Lewis, Astrid Lingren, Dr. Seuss, Beatrix Potter or even people like R.L. Stine. What do Japanese children read? What helps inform their world view and shape their moral spirit? Well, some of the same stories do get translated and Japanese children are exposed to them to different extents, but what about Japanese literature written by Japanese people?   If you were to ask this question



What is the Point?

As of the time of this entry, they say that our little rock in the cosmos has somewhere between 192 and 196 countries on it, apparently, depending on how you argue it. It is tricky to know what it's like to be somebody living in any of these countries, especially if you haven't done it yourself.   My country has enjoyed a rather infamous history since it became more widely known to the world. Some people say they love it. Some people express less enthusiastic thoughts. Some people like the way



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