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updates and observations from Sasha's world.

Entries in this blog

The Long Dark Silence

It is my understanding that my readers generally consider themselves pretty lucky - because they get 'fed' new stories and chapters on a regular and normally rather speedy basis. With yesterday marking the end of Redemption's A Bitch, and tomorrow being the end of the short five chapter Six Billion Credit Rent Boy, a bit of a wait now ensues.   I am writing. The end of Tiger Winter is in sight, and it is massive now, standing around 120K, and into my NaNoWriMo word count I have also managed t

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan


Yes, I understand completely if you all hate me after reading this.   With NaNoWrimo coming up, all of my IRL writing friends are planning their novels and gearing up for, what is to them, a challenge of such enormity that it is all they can think of. Now, don't get me wrong, I spend a disproportionate amount of my time both awake and asleep thinking about my characters (because I am a writer, and that's just what we do), but unlike some of my NaNo friends, I don't try and take my holiday time

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

12 Hours

Open Evening at school. For those without children, this is the time when prospective students and their parents and carers come to the school to look around and hopefully put us down as their first choice. School placements around here are done on a postcode lottery, affected generally only by sibling or family relations at the school.   As the only functional Food Technology teacher in the largest school in the town, it falls to me to get little fingers sticky making meringues and drawing sh

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

Memory Loss

So most of you know I fell off my horse yesterday. These things happen, and everyone who rides will know, it's always a calculated risk. But I'm fine, more or less, and I didn't hit my head (my proof of this is that my head does hurt, no lumps or bumps, and my hat was not misshapen). I hurt generally on the left side, hips, butt, inner thigh and shoulder, and hopefully I'll end up with some pretty spectacular bruising because right now that whole area hurts like a bitch. My neck hurts too, but

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

The Illusion of Choice

School.   For those of you who do not: A) have children or grandchildren teach children C) work in academia ... September is any other time of year. Sad because it is the end of summer, but generally the same as any other month. For those of us in the second category, it marks the start of the new school year (at least, in the Northern Hemisphere) and a rollar coaster of emotions, frustrations, delights and horrors.   We have now lived, survived, a full teaching week. I have met all of

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

Winter Food

It has become winter here. All of a sudden, overnight on Sunday just past, it has become winter. We seem to have run out of seasons and are down to just two: winter (which is wet: containing mists and drips, slithers and chills but isn't particularly cold) and summer (which was short and absolutely sweltering).   Yesterday, there seemed like nothing better to do than make the house smell warm and full of food. I made bread, a big loaf for us and a miniature one for my father, and while is was

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

And When I Die

Writer's die a lot.   Death, that thing that cannot be known beforehand: writers can be said to experience it often. They are often little deaths, small hard moments of pain which pass soon, but in the moment they are with us, they are all to real. We die when he kill off a character, we die softly and quietly inside when they say goodbye to us, we ache with pain when our muses refuse to release them to our waiting fingertips. Depending on how much one writes, and on how long those stories las

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

Limelight and Gin

and thus, the House of Erotica anthology is released.     Flappers, Jazz and Valentino is edited by Jillian Boyd and contains a wealth of stories of all pairings, sexualities and degrees of hotness. House of Erotica are, of course, an erotica publishing specialist so please don't follow the link if such things are age restricted in your country (I'm not going to stop you, but dude, be sensible). If you want to tweet about or follow the author interviews we are using #20sErotica to keep t

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

#amwriting - All About Twitter

As some of you know, I am a fairly recent and fully immersed convert to the power of twitter. I have discovered cool new art through twitter, bought awesome things, been amused by cats and found new horse-based free to boot. And boots, the guy who sells my western boots often posts pictures of new arrivals on twitter – it’s generally delightful.   My twitter feed is made up of three things: general and often strange musings; #cowboyhour, a weekly event I run where each Friday we indulge in som

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

Short Story Anthology Release

Evening y'all, I am delighted to announce that I have/about to have, a second short story published exclusively by House of Erotica. The story is Limelight and Gin: Ruby Rose is the hottest jazz singer in town, and Eugene loves working for her as a backing dancer. He likes the limelight, the bootleg gin, and he's slightly jealous that it's only the girls who get to wear sparkly outfits on stage. The thing Eugene likes most about Ruby, is that she will keep his secret,and doesn't gossip. Unle

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

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