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Lightening the Load



Back in 2003, the Air Force said, "Hey, guess what? We're sending you to Los Angeles Air Force Base to be a space-geek and engineer." I said, "Awesome." B)


Now it's time to go home.


In addition to the 10 hours a day I spend at school, I'm trying to get ready for the big move. The tentative date is early July and there's still so much to do!


As of today, I have sorted through my storage unit and gotten rid of quite a few boxes, with some more to go out soon. Today, I sorted through the boxes my sister brought me all the way from Ohio (she had some stuff at her house). Of the 7 boxes (18 cubic inches), I got rid of one entire box as paper trash. Two more, one mostly full of children's books and one with old childhood toys will be donated along with the garbage bag of clothes from my closet.


There's a big community garage sale type of event in April, so that's what the stuff in my storage unit is waiting for. I'm sure by then I'll have more stuff from the house to add.


Now that the sorting is mostly done, at the top of my to-do list is updating my resume and getting new letters of recommendation. I signed up for the job fair already and have my plane tickets. Hard to believe it's only a month away!


This month is going to be so busy! In chemistry, I'm almost a month ahead of where I was this time last year (cuz I re-organized what I taught at the beginning of the year), so now I have to put together a new unit. I taught it from another teacher's materials two years ago when I taught Honors Chemistry, but I know there's a lot of things I want to change for the regular classes this year.


And just when I thought I'd have a little more time! LOL. It never ends. ^_^


4 more months until Alaska! :2thumbs:


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Lots of stuff to think about with a move! I think I was at a different, less grown-up place in my life when I moved cross country. :P I just shoved everything in my ford Focus and headed west.


Of course, I left a ton of stuff at my parent's house. And no matter how many times I tell my mother to just get rid of it, she still calls to complain that I need to go home and sort through it.


Good luck finishing up the school year and preparing for the move!

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Well sounds like you are going to be pretty busy.  HOpe all goes well, and best of luck!

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Lots of stuff to think about with a move! I think I was at a different, less grown-up place in my life when I moved cross country. :P I just shoved everything in my ford Focus and headed west.


Of course, I left a ton of stuff at my parent's house. And no matter how many times I tell my mother to just get rid of it, she still calls to complain that I need to go home and sort through it.


Good luck finishing up the school year and preparing for the move!



I did that, too, Sara.  Unfortunately for me, my parents showed up on my doorstep (of the apartment my sister and I were sharing at the time) and said, "Here, you forgot this."   Consequently, a lot of that stuff went into storage, in a kind of, "We'll deal with this later," attitude. 


Oh, well.  I suppose a lot of the attachment to it has worn off, now allowing me to get rid of the stuff.

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