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Bitter Eden



Through NetGalley I got a copy of Bitter Eden by Tatamkhulu Afrika. I'm still working my way through it, but I would definitely recommend it if you're looking high brow queer fiction.. Yeah, yeah. it's literary fiction, but this is the literary fiction done right. Deep and vivaciously haunting with its imagery, yet without the dreary pretentiousness or unlikable characters associated with literary fiction. No, the book isn't easy to read, but you would want to slow down anyway to enjoy its every word.


The story is simple enough,set in WWII , a first person's account of a South African POW captured by first by the Italians in North Africa and gets transferred to Europe. There's quite a bit of bleakness and frankness about death. There's a cruel betrayal. but also there's a lot of affirming male bonding and queer happenstances in his all-around male milieu.


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