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MDBCs 23 Dec 2023

December 23rd 2023 - Holidays and Observances


(click on the day for details)


Observances (click on the day, BD, or week for details)

Birthday of Emperor Akihito

National Christmas Movie Marathon Day

National Forest Day

National Laura Day

National Nicole Day

National Pfeffernusse Day

National Roots Day


Madam C.J. Walker’s Birthday

Joseph Smith’s Birthday

Kenny Screven’s Birthday

Jeffy Jey’s Birthday

Johnny Utah’s Birthday

Finn Wolfhard’s Birthday

Holly Madison’s Birthday

Eddie Vedder’s Birthday

Elena CupcakeSurpriseToys’s Birthday

Danielle Busby’s Birthday

Corey Haim’s Birthday

Connor Darlington’s Birthday

Belly Dancing Boy’s Birthday

Amy Rose’s Birthday

Saylor Waldrop’s Birthday


Fun Observances

Festivus Day

Festivus is a made up secular holiday popularized and celebrated by the fans of the TV series, Seinfeld.

The fictional Cafe in Seinfeld.

Celebrated on December 23, the holiday was created by writer DanO’Keefe who introduced it in a Seinfeld episode called The Strike.

Made-up Holiday

In the episode, first aired in December 1997, the holiday is conceived by the father of George Costanza one of the show's central characters. In the episode, Frank Costanza reveals that he came up with Festivus as a response to the commercialization of Christmas.

According to reports, Festivus was initially created in February 1966 by Dan O’Keefe’s father, who made up this holiday to celebrate an anniversary with his wife.

Since the airing of the first Seinfeld episode featuring Festivus, the holiday has become popular among the fans of the show.

Popular TV Show

Seinfeld is a popular American sitcom that follows the lives of four friends who live in New York City. The show ran for 9 seasons between 1989 and 1998.

How to Celebrate?

  • Host a Festivus party in accordance with the traditions set by the episode.
  • According to Festivus tradition, the Festivus meal is accompanied with the airing of grievances, where every guest tells every other guest how they have disappointed them over the year. So tell all your guests how disappointed you are in them.
  • Follow the meal with feats of strength, where the head of the household wrestles with other guests, and the feats end only when the head is pinned to the ground.
  • Greet people by saying “Happy Festivus” or “a Festivus for the rest of us”.

Did You Know…

…that an unadorned aluminum pole is generally considered as the symbol of Festivus?






My boyfriend and I were taking his 19-year-old niece to a weekend festival. When we arrived at her house to pick her up, she appeared in tasteful but very short shorts, and a tank top with spaghetti straps. A debate began immediately about appropriate dress.

I took the girl's side, recalling that when we began dating, I dressed the same way.

"Yes," said my boyfriend sternly, "and I said something about it, didn't I?"

Everyone looked at me. "Yeah," I replied. "You said, 'What's your phone number?'"  




During a conference, I was pleasantly surprised to be seated next to a very handsome man. We flirted casually through dinner, then grew restless as the dignitaries gave speeches. During one particularly long-winded lecture, my new friend drew a # sign on a cocktail napkin.
Elated, I wrote down my phone number.
Looking startled for a moment, he drew another # sign, this time adding an X to the upper-left-hand corner.



Wife: "How would you describe me?"


Wife: "What does that mean?"

Husband: "Adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, elegant, fashionable, gorgeous, and hot."

Wife: "Aw, thank you, but what about IJK?"

Husband: "I'm just kidding!"




When weeding your garden, there’s an easy way to tell the difference between a weed and a vegetable or flower.

Pull on it, and if it doesn’t come up, it’s a weed.

But if it comes out easily, it’s not.

























































































I forgot to turn off automatic shipments on Amazon.




















sandrewn :cowboy:

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