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MDBCs 21 Oct 202



October 21st 2024 - Holidays and Observances


(click on the day for details)


Observances (click on the day, BD, or week for details)

American Frog Day

Back to the Future Day

Celebration of the Mind Day

Day of the Races

Everyone Writes Day

Global Iodine Deficiency Disorders Prevention Day

Heroes and Forefathers Day

Heroes' Day (In Jamaica)

Loud Shirt Day

Mashujaa Day Kenya

National Apple Day

National Archives Day

National Check Your Meds Day

National Pets for Veterans Day

National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day

National Reptile Day

Reptile Awareness Day

International Day of the Nacho


Matt Carriker’s Birthday

Kim Kardashian’s Birthday

Marzia Kjellberg’s Birthday

Kane Brown’s Birthday

Kaycee Rice’s Birthday

Julia Havens’s Birthday

Kaleb Alva’s Birthday

Hope Hicks’s Birthday

Judge Judy Sheindlin’s Birthday

Devyn Kohl’s Birthday

Doja Cat’s Birthday

Cristy Lee’s Birthday

Celia Cruz’s Birthday

Carrie Fisher’s Birthday

Tessica Brown’s Birthday

Yella Beezy’s Birthday

Aaron Tveit’s Birthday

Amber Rose’s Birthday


Mon Oct 21st, 2024 - Fri Oct 25th, 2024
Mon Oct 21st, 2024 - Sun Oct 27th, 2024

Fun Observances (2)

Count your Buttons Day

October 21 is Count Your Buttons Day. As far as made-up holidays go, this one is a head scratcher.

Rainbow sewing buttons.

It is unclear what the unknown creators of this unofficial holiday aimed to do. Maybe they wanted people to count the buttons in their button stash or count the number of buttons on their shirt? Or perhaps they hoped that people spent the day counting buttons on the electrical appliances they come across on this day?

Decorative and Practical

Buttons have been part of human fashion since antiquity. Until the 13th century, however, buttons were used mostly for decoration and as jewelry and were made out of sea shells, bones and ivory. Buttons as a way to attach two pieces of fabric together came about in Europe in the 1200s - the first button maker's guild was formed in 1250 in France.

In the late 1800s, buttons became a way to proclaim one's political loyalty - a trend that is still going strong in the United States. The first political button was issued at the inauguration of President George Washington in 1789. Today, buttons with candidates faces and logos are worn by supporters during elections.

How to Celebrate?

  • Start a button collection. There are many different types of buttons and some vintage buttons are actually priceless.
  • Count all the buttons in your sewing kit.
  • Why not celebrate the day by making sweet treats that look like buttons?

Did You Know…

…that Charles Dickens wrote an article in 1852 on the art and science of button making, titled What there is in a button.


National Clean Out Your Virtual Desktop Day

Take the third Monday of October to clean the mess on your desktop because it is National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day.

Beautiful young woman smiling and looking at laptop screen.

Created by the Personal Computer Museum in Brantford, Ontario, Canada, the annual holiday was first celebrated in the around the world in 2010. The unofficial holiday encourages people to organize their desktop and the files on their computer.

Find Your Files

Just like in real life, it is very easy to collect useless and unimportant files on our computers and desktops. And just like when we are surrounded by clutter, we tend to get unproductive, a mess on our computer desktops can negatively affect our motivation and ability to work well. In addition, a cluttered desktop can not only slow down our computer, but it can also make finding files more difficult.

This holiday promotes cleaning up and organizing your desktop so that when you work on your computer you are not bogged down by all the unnecessary and unimportant files.

National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day is also sometimes known as Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day.

How to Celebrate?

  • Start off the week right by cleaning out your desktop.
  • Organize all your folders and reclaim that picture of a sunny beach as your screensaver.

Did You Know...

...that the early computers were the size of a room? That's a far cry from the tiny computers we are all familiar with today!






My sister-in-law was teaching Sunday school class. The topic for the day: Easter Sunday and the 
resurrection of Christ. “What did Jesus do on this day?” she asked. There was no response, 
so she gave her students a hint: 
“It starts with the letter R.”

One boy blurted, “Recycle!”


Halloween is the beginning of the holiday shopping season. That's for women. The beginning of the holiday shopping season for men is Christmas Eve.


It’s New Year’s Eve, and the restaurant is hopping—revelers, band, overworked waiters. Wending his way through the crowd is a drunk, staggering back to his seat. Spotting an attractive woman sitting alone, he says, “Pardon me, miss, did I step on your feet a few minutes ago?”

“Yes,” she says testily, “you did.”

“Good! I knew my table was around here somewhere.”


I used to love the candy Nerds, but I stopped eating them when I realized that for me, it was basically cannibalism.


In fourth grade, my son had a huge crush on a classmate. So for Valentine's Day, he bought her a box of chocolates and took it into school. When I returned home from work, I found him on the couch eating the same box of candy.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well, I thought about it for a long time," he said between chews. "And I decided that, for now, I still like candy more than girls."




Test Answers From Smart-Alecky Students

• Q: 
What’s the name of a 
six-sided polygon?  A: Sixagon.
• Q: 
What part of the body is 
affected by glandular fever?   A: The glandular.
• Q: 
In The Tempest, why does 
Ariel sing in Gonzalo’s ear?   A: 
She’s a mermaid and wants to be human.
• Q: 
In comparison with large 
hydrocarbons, how would you describe small hydrocarbons?   A: They’re smaller.
• Q: 
Who were the Bolsheviks? A:   A Russian ballet company.







































































































































sandrewn :cowboy:

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