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Oh baby, baby



I just bought my tickets for The Circus Tour starring Britney Spears and featuring The Pussycat Dolls. Spent a ridiculous amount of money, but feel quite accomplished! I'm not a huge concert goer, and have never spent more than 30 dollars, so I figured... the hell with it. So excited!


I learned last night that I'm not really good at making people feel better. I've always considered myself a really empathetic person, but perhaps that's the problem. Whenever I'm upset, I act really weird to people's attempts to make me feel better. Sometimes I'm annoyed that they won't stop asking me what's wrong, and sometimes I get upset that they don't ask me what's wrong. Sometimes I just want to be by myself, and other times I just really want someone (it's usually a specific someone) to be around me and make me feel better. And more often than not, when they ask flat out I say I don't want what I really do want.


It reminds me of a movie I saw recently. In the movie, Bride Wars, there's a scene where a guy asks the girl how she's feeling. She replies that she's fine. He replies that that's not an emotion. I thought that was brilliant. Whenever something is upsetting me, I always say I'm fine. When I really am fine, I never say I'm fine. Which sounds completely ridiculous because you're complicating things by not being upfront with how you're actually feeling. At the same time, I feel like it's a self-preservation method because sometimes you're overly sensitive when you shouldn't be. The point is, when I say I'm fine, I'm not fine. And when I'm not fine, I want someone to make me feel better without asking them to make me feel better. Except when I want to be alone.


So, that leads me to not knowing what to do when other people aren't fine.


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