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Eric's Blog

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Yea. Google has disappointed me with the Preview of Chrome OS. I thought it would be a good chance to break away from the system, yet its just another disapointment.


Anyway, I'm on trek to be done with my A+ Certification next week (Security and Professionalism are the last two chapters I have) then it's off to Network+ .


Oh and I also need a vacation really bad. I'm starting to have a constant headache (stress headache) and just feel really beat lately. I thought I was getting sick, but I realized that it's my depression getting the better of me from living such a monotnous life anymore (school work, then work work, with a hint of BF thrown in). I wish i could afford to take some time off and just spend it with Matt, cus that always perks me up, cept I can't. I have to many bills to pay and a car/insurance to get and soon.


If this blog makes no sense, it's cus I'm wayy to tired to be writing, but I had to get it off my chest.





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Congratulations on the progress you are making, Eric. When you finally have school and financial problems behind you - when you are working at a real full time job - a lot of the pressure you feel should go away. Don't ever work for an uncaring slave driver though. There are plenty of good places to work.


As for Chrome, I was surprised to find when I went to download Google Earth to my new PC that you have to download Chrome at the same time. After I got over my agitation, I downloaded them and then uninstalled Chrome. Google Earth works fine without it. I am using the M/S Windows 7 OS. I like it, but it is absolutely the only Microsoft product on my PC. SeaMonkey 2 browser and Open Office are great with Windows 7.



you've really come a long way, even in the time I have known you. Maybe you should try reading over some of your own blogs to see how far forward you have moved.


You have to be careful though... too much stress is not good for anyone. If you are overloaded look for help... as much as it might not seem like it there is always help somewhere from someone.. it's just asking the right people... you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find the prince.


On a practical note... lavender may help with the headaches... if you can afford it get a good quality essence and you can do a lot with it... put some on your pillow to help you sleep, a few drops in your bath to help you relax... if you don't want to smell of it put it in a diffuser instead or a few drops on a handkerchief... it is also the very best thing in the world for burns.


Another thing you could try is chamomile tea.. it tastes vile but if you sweeten it with honey it's not so bad.


If you are able try meditating, even five minutes here and there, concentrating on tensing and relaxing each of the muscle groups in your body starting at you feet and moving up to your head. It helps with the physical symptoms of stress and it also helps clear your mind.

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