Authors in the moderation queue: When submitting a new story to the site, do NOT post more than the first chapter, or prologue and the first chapter. Additionally, while you remain in the moderation queue, do not post more than one new chapter or new story until the existing chapter/story is approved. The moderation queue is typically reviewed once per day. Do not use the post-dating system while you remain in the moderation queue.
All other authors: When publishing a new story to the site, do NOT publish more than the first chapter, or prologue and the first chapter. For existing stories, one new chapter can be published per day. No more than two stories can be updated per day with at least 8 hours between updates.
You can save as many chapters to the system as you like per day. The system will enforce publish times for chapters when you set publish times.
Why the limitation you ask?
We want our site's visitors to have a chance to read or sample a variety of works submitted each day by our authors. When authors submit too many stories or chapters at once these other works are sometimes lost in the process. We've found stories posted over longer periods of time attract more attention and therefore readers. Not every reader visits daily, so they are more likely to give your story a chance if each time they visit they see a new chapter in the list of recent story updates. Spacing out submissions is a win/win for both your work and your fellow authors' work.
Edited by Myr
Updated Posting Time Rules to match Software
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