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The GAzette


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There has been some interest from Members who want to submit something for GAzette, so here is some things to consider and some steps to follow.


Here is what you can submit:


Book Reviews: The books selected for review don't have to be GLBT related. They can be Best Selling, books from the past and current. Or just a book that you have read that was of interest to you, and you would want to share. If you post a book review, you must have the Author and Title of the book (obvious I know), do keep from plagiarism and copying, as that is not a book review. Do not use Book summaries, websites that offer summaries, or any other outside help just for the sake of posting something. In other words - Please, have read the book you write a review for. Do your own article.


Movie Reviews: Like Book reviews, they don't have to be current. They don't have to be GLBT. Just something of interest, provide the title and the director. Watch the movie and don't rely on outside sources.


News Articles: Keep them current. Summarize the article, you may include your own personal opinion, but remain within the codes of conduct that GA has in place. Be respectful. Again, they can be of interest to you, not necessarily GLBT. Please stay away from Celebrity gossip.


Sneak Peeks: We can offer you a spot to sneak peek something you want, that can reach wide spread to all members receiving the Newsletter. Anthologies are excluded from Sneak Peeks. Story submission rules are in effect, please have it edited in advance.


Keep in mind, that we won't submit everything that is sent to us on the up and coming GAzette. The Newsletter Team will read and discuss which of them to submit and when. If we think the Book Review, Movie Review, News Article, or Sneak Peek isn't within the guidelines or incomplete we will be in contact to resolve the issue.


As of right now, you don't have to worry about a deadline. Deadlines may be in place in the future for submissions desired to be included in the up and coming Newsletter. The only one a deadline is of extreme importance is the sneak peek of a story. We will keep you posted on Deadlines.


Please send articles and questions to BeaStKid or Krista

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