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I see that accident and ask myself whose fault was it. A LOT of times when accidents happen with dump trucks/18 wheelers the fault goes to the 4 wheeler driver. I have a CB in my van and would much rather drive boxed in between 18 wheelers than with other 4 wheelers, I feel safer (and it's soooo much fun messing with them guys!). I do let them know what I'm doing though. People think that they can just cut off an 18 wheeler and then slow down. It takes so much longer for a truck that size with a heavy load to slow down, let alone stop and I've seen TONS of 4 wheelers just cutting them off right in front of them. Those trucks have a long nose and the driver sits way up high and it's almost impossible to see a small car pulling right in front of them. I've even had to let a driver know they have a small 4 wheeler on their nose so they don't run them over. YES, there are a lot of asshole 18 wheeler drivers that try to *push* you out of the lane because they want to go faster and you are making it impossible which in that case, if I see that the driver is being a total jerk and driving reckless I won't hesitate in calling the cops on his ass. People like that don't need to be behind what I call a lethal weapon of that magnitude. But unless you have a CB and let a driver know what you're doing, you need to respect them. I consider them to be like a train, they won't stop on a dime.

The fastest I've driven is 115mph on I-20 heading to Arizona. DON'T DO IT AT NIGHT!!!! I hit a road gator doing 85 and it was NOT fun!!! Scared the SHIT outta us!!!


I totally agree. With a loaded U-haul, our Tahoe takes a lot longer to slow down. I can't even begin to imagine what a fully-loaded 18-wheel would take. When I cut off an 18-wheeler, it's not really considered "cutting off" in the full sense of the phrase. I dart in front of them, but I make sure I can see his face (or 90% of his windshield) before I move in front of him. If I can see him, he can see me. It's no different when you're behind them. If you can't see him [in his extended mirrors], he can't see you.

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Damn Firefox shut down when I was in the middle of a long ass reply!!! GAWD I'm hating life ATM!


Anywho... let's see if I remember what the hell I was saying! UGH!


OK, here goes....


As a courtesy and safety where 18 wheelers are concerned, when you are going to pull in front of one, make sure you can see the whole front of the truck in your rearview mirror, put on your signal to let him know your intentions, wait a few secs and see if he blinks his lights acknowledging your intentions. Pull in front of him and tap your breaks a couple times to thank them (if they blink their lights giving you the OK) (Sperm provider is a driver so I know a few things about safety on the road). I'll have you know that MOST of these drivers are paid by commission, especially the OTR's so they don't want to waste any time on the road. A lot of them drive packed up full of caffeine (or other drugs) that will keep them awake so they can get to their destinations ASAP so they can catch a couple hours sleep then head to their next delivery/pick up rendezvous. ALWAYS LET THEM KNOW YOUR INTENTIONS!!!

When I lived in FL I was following a truck and wanted to take advantage of his 'wind' so I got close enough, about a couple of feet from his bumper and let him know where I was by pulling to his side of the truck and flashing my lights and signaling with my hand what I was doing. He gave me the OK with his own arm, thumbs up. (I hate the draft they produce plus their 'wind' will pull your car forward and that was before I had my first CB.) When he needed to slow down he tapped his break letting me know what he was about to do so I backed up. I don't recommend anyone doing this though, if the driver is unaware of where you're at it could be fatal, luckily it worked for me.


One thing I learned a short few months ago about our boys in blue and their radars.... As most of you know, I work with the local PD and the Sheriff's/court dept as an interpreter so I do know all the locals and most of the sheriffs.


One time when I was driving to NC I was on the fast lane passing just about everyone. As I've said before, I do have a lead foot. I didn't see a state trooper sitting on one of one of those turn arounds and when I went past it (I was only doing like 10 or 15 above) I keept on looking on my rearview and saw him pull out with his lights on. I said "oh shit, he got me!!!" I thought I got nailed right then and there. NOPE!!! He wasn't going after me, but a few cars ahead of me. I pulled to the right lane getting ready to pull to the side of the road and he went flying past me. Obviously, that's when I started breathing again! LOL I told one of my cop friends what happened and he said that nowadays license plates have something within them that when a radar points at it it can detect if you are wanted for fines, or what ever else. So, be careful and pay all your fines and avoid getting arrested in the middle of the highway!!!!!!! (I've never had a ticket and only gotten pulled over a couple times, both times getting away from it scotch free! :P )

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Who said anything about radar guns... I was talking about PA drivers insisting on driving at or below the speed suggestion. 65 really means 80, pick a lane and get with the program! lol

I doubt they stay at 65 mph... And I lived in the state for most of my life. :rolleyes:

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